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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #2161749
Just shooting the poop with Lori
He travels the world on the backs of others
Insignificant in his stature and size
His journey carries no mission
Randomly roaming at the will of his host
Sated enough to never question his trek
Life is an open adventure without worry
If the excitement of his dusty trail dulls
Another bus awaits to grant passage
With a furry friend to carry him home
Ah the wonderful life of a flea
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August 25, 2021 at 8:33am
August 25, 2021 at 8:33am
Blogging, ah blogging, I blog and I blog and I wonder if there are readers for my random thoughts. And they are random and sometimes bizarre and fun! Such as have you ever seen a person across the room and just knew that you knew them but can't place them? Part of you hopes they don't see you, because you might have to admit that you don't remember them. And then it becomes an itch in your brain trying to figure out the connection with the memory. I have learned to just go up to the person and say, "Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?" It has led to some interesting conversations.Once it turned out to be the adult child of an old friend which they resembled. So seize those foggy memory moments, if nothing else it leads to great conversations and you might meet someone new.

Then of course I spend time trying to understand why my cat randomly attacks my feet as I walk. What is it that attracts the feline on some mornings versus others?

Then I wonder what it would be like to do my job while I was invisible or had super-human speed. Nursing done in the blink of an eye. Might be awesome! Which then leads me to remember the many times I wished I were Bewitched like Samantha and I twinkled my nose hoping to clean a room without effort. Sad, but it doesn't work.
Then I wonder why the stars seem to wink at me when I am staring at the sky. I like to tell myself that loved ones are sending hugs from above.

Then I wonder if people think my kids look as much like me as I think they do? Then I wonder if my kids think they had a good childhood? Which leads me to recall all the cuteness of them as kids. I wonder if they will tell their childhood stories to their kids one day.

OKAY, I think I figured out why I don't sleep well.... I am too busy w(a)ondering around. Have a great day.
August 21, 2021 at 8:40am
August 21, 2021 at 8:40am
Games of the 60’s and 70’s

The Chinese Jump Rope was once a child’s game that I played daily. The real kits that were sold in the stores were striped rounded pieces of elastic tied together at the ends by knots. There was a colorful board with the rules written in bold print. I couldn’t afford the beast so mine were made by my mom from flat white elastic sewn together on the ends by a zigzag stitch. If it were to break she just pieced it together again. It was a game that could be played with friends or as a solo endeavor by strategically placing two chairs far enough apart to stretch the elastic. The rules have long escaped my memory, but there were levels with special movements between the elastic for the player to accomplish. Each level was a bit harder than the previous one and if you were unable to accomplish the task your turn was ended. There were also verses that we sang as each level was completed. For a long time now, I have been in search of a set of instructions for this game, but I will tell you in no uncertain terms, DO NOT GOOGLE, as apparently this game has new and despicable options that I was unaware of as a kid. When my kids were little and I was in my 30’s, I searched the internet to find this game (the kid friendly version) online and my computer went ballistic. Pornographic images cascaded on the screen and then a threatening banner warning of illegal content splashed across the monitor. I was never so scared in my life. I turned off the computer and don’t think I returned to using it for a week. I have never entered a search for the rules of that game since then and I was never able to teach my kids the joy of the simple game that I played as a kid.

Click-Clacks were a big thing in the early 70’s. It was a girly game that chased away many recess hours for us Catholic girls. It consisted of 2 sparkle-filled balls on a string. The balls were brightly colored and made sparks when they banged together at high speeds. It took a certain amount of finesse to get the balls flying hard and clacking in a pattern of high energy. The talent stemmed from the ability to maintain enough momentum to keep the action going for long periods of time. The winner was declared by the timer and the person with the greatest endurance. Click-clacks built arm strength and were great for building hand and eye coordination. However, sadly they also tended to put an occasional eye out, which is why they were pulled from the market. Who’d have thunk it? Glass balls burst from repeated battering! So for the sake of nostalgia, they made them small and put them on rubber bands for us to put in our hair.

Jarts were a much loved family game. But we were smart enough to not throw them at people’s heads. Here was another game pulled off the market for safety reasons. I did get hit in the foot once and boy did it smart. But it never stopped us from playing a daily game of barefooted stretch. This was the game played with a kitchen knife, a pocket knife, or any sharp shiny metal capable of sticking in the dirt. Opponents faced each other in the upright position as the game started. Turns were taken by tossing the knife into the dirt and attempting to get it to stick. If it stuck, the opponent would have to stretch their leg to where the knife stood without falling. On your turn you could either cause the other person to stretch or use the opportunity to stick the knife in front of you to get unstretched. Needless to say, there were injuries along the way, but it never stopped us from playing.

There was nothing better than a neighborhood game of marbles. There were some 20 odd kids clustered around a chalked circle hoping to win their friend’s cats-eye shooter. I kept my prizes in a homemade cloth bag. My Saturday mornings were spent stooped over the nearest outdoor marble shoot.

My family spent many hours playing the great game of Monopoly. It also often ended with fights and tears. It was a long and mentally taxing game capable of sending a mere child to the poor house. That mere child was usually me, the doggie of the game. I always wanted to be the dog token, for which my brother gave me the endless “Dog” nickname. It made my mother so mad. As I grew up I got better about loosing at games but Monopoly still takes me back to those childhood days and I tend to get a bit competitive.

August 18, 2021 at 6:14pm
August 18, 2021 at 6:14pm
With all love and affection, I am about to SCREAM my head off. The hospital system that i work for has rolled out a new call system offering bonuses for people that want to pick up shifts on various floors. Being that, we and all hospitals, are all short handed, not a bad idea on the surface. I personally did not enroll.. well because I'm old, appreciate my off time, and figured I could pick a random shift up if the urge attacked me. I work night shift 7 P.M. to 7 A.M. My sleep is very precious. Since I did not enroll, the powers that be decided to take my phone # from file. After having worked two nights in a row, I received first 3 Robo Calls back to back at noon. Now remember, I did not get to sleep until 9 A.M. It is the equivalent of calling day-shifters at midnight to see if they want to work somewhere in the hospital. And honestly, part of me wants to stay up until 1 a.m. to call the CEO's and let them know I got their message and maybe next week I will pick up a shift, but I just wanted to let them know. Oh, yeah you can go back to sleep now!
So it gets better,. I have now received 4 more calls at 3 p.m. with the same information. I had to turn off my phone which is our house phone and usually used for emergency calls from the kids. I was told that we can go into the system and refuse enrollment, however there is currently no outside access to this system. I would have to physically go into work to accomplish this feat. I understand the need, but this is now harassment.Emails are an option. Texts are an option or a posted site where people that are interested can search the available shifts and voluntarily choose to work. I am off for the next 3 days and will no doubt be inundated with calls if I turn on my phone.
Opinions, am I just cranky due to lack of sleep or would this bother anyone else?.
August 14, 2021 at 10:16am
August 14, 2021 at 10:16am
So the state of Illinois is threatening schools that refuse to mandate mask wearing with multiple fines and loss of accreditation. They will not be allowed to participate in sports and their students will not be allowed to apply for state sponsored scholarships.State funding can be withheld for the districts. I don't care where you fall on this issue, but this is government overreach at its finest.From the very beginning of this pandemic they have politicized this historical event. If from the very beginning of this mess the CDC would have come out and said, "Listen up, we have some very serious stuff happening in the world right now. We beg you to work with us by doing your part. Wear your masks, get your shot, stay home when possible, and be considerate of others. We don't know all the answers but we will keep you informed as best we can." When you start ordering people to comply, the battle lines are drawn. Americans have a long history of government distrust and this only serves to fuel the fire.

I have my shot and I wear my mask, so please know that I am not advocating disorder. I just see this as a reason for many very tired people to continue arguing with the rationale of it all and to continue to distrust our officials. Would it not have been better to approach people on a more humanity based level. Such as, " We have heard you, you want your kids back in school and we do too. We want to make it the safest learning experience possible. Let's get them back where they belong, first with their masks in place. And we will continue to evaluate the necessity throughout the year. Let's work together on this. Our kids need an education, first and foremost.We may need masks the entire year, but we will decide together."

I am so worried about what this new mandate will bring for our state. There are hard heads on each side of the debate, but truly walking the middle line and helping one another will be better for society in the long run. What is happening in your part of the country?
August 12, 2021 at 7:45am
August 12, 2021 at 7:45am
They say it's your Birthday, bobobba. So weird, woke with that song in my head. And guess what, it is my birthday. My present is a new dryer. The other one died this week. So yeah, for not having dripping wet clothes. My oven just died as well so that is the next big ticket item on the agenda. Not as worried about that because it's too darn hot to bake anything anyway. I'll get a new one before fall for sure. It always seems like August is one of the most expensive months next to December. It used to be getting the kids registered for school was expensive, now my appliances just keel over and die.

So, 1 poem for 100 days was the task I set for myself today. If any of them turn out well, I will be sure to share them with my blogging friends.
August 11, 2021 at 6:10pm
August 11, 2021 at 6:10pm
You know, it is a wise choice to shake off the crapola that falls on you.When the whole world seems to be caving in, just breath. Things will work out as they work out and nothing will change that. Stressing about it all doesn't help with the big picture. And it is hard to see through the stressful clouds life throws at you. Relaxing first, and taking one step at a time presents a clearer picture. This is all good advice, I just need to heed it for myself in the next few months. Both of my older kids have lived on their own in the same apartment building (different apartments) for many months. The apartment building was purchased by a new person. Now because they are going to rehab the building both kids need to be out by the end of September. Finding affordable housing is a joke. Wish us luck!
August 9, 2021 at 4:45pm
August 9, 2021 at 4:45pm
Not my words but very truthful

Dad Talk Today

I've put $10 worth of gas in my tank before and I've put $80 in my tank. I've asked for rides and given rides. I've had a house full of food and I've been without food. I've given people clothes. I've been given clothes. I've been in stores cashing out with no worries and I've also had to add it up and put it back. I've had my rent paid in full and I've had to pay it late too. I've given money and I too have had to ask for it.
We all have highs and lows in life, some certainly more than others, but we're all just trying to make it.
No one is better than anyone else, and I pity those who think that they are. No matter how big your house is, how new your car is, how fast your horse is, or how much money sits in your bank account - our graves will be the same size.
Stay humble.
August 9, 2021 at 8:35am
August 9, 2021 at 8:35am
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August 6, 2021 at 1:58pm
August 6, 2021 at 1:58pm
The undeniable truth is that we all sit on different perches or ledges. Our view is clouded or cleared by the view of our existence. The bridges we climb, the people we meet, the opportunities provided, the destiny we fall upon, and the very window that limits our vision shape our outlook. Even members of the same family will see haze or hatred where the other does not. Perspective is as individual as the solitary history encountered.With these thoughts in mind, how do we get people to come together for the betterment of man? We have far to go and many miles to cross to reach the perch of understanding for one another. It shall take an open heart and a willingness to walk with one another toward the bridge.
August 4, 2021 at 2:27pm
August 4, 2021 at 2:27pm
In a weird mood this morning so....

What do dentists call their xrays?
Tooth pics.

Did you here about the first restaurant to open on the moon?
It had great food but no atmosphere

What did one ocean say to the other ocean?
Nothing, it just waved

Did you hear about the fire at the circus?
It was in tents!

What does a nosey pepper do?
It gets jalapeno business

Why is Peter Pan always flying?
Because he Neverlands

How does NASA organize a party?
They planet.

Hope you have a funny Wednesday!

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2161749-The-Bologna-Blog/month/8-1-2021