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Rated: E · Book · Biographical · #2177669
A metaphor for my take on life and how it affects me.

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February 21, 2025 at 8:45pm
February 21, 2025 at 8:45pm
The trouble with trying to reconnect is; it's not as simple as it sounds. I've moved my writing, to my computer room, actually a bedroom where I have my computer. I'm trying to isolate myself from the TV going in the next room. Actually I have three computers and I'm not using any of them to their fullest potential. Actually two of the computers have been deemed out of date and I can't get them updated, because they're old. I think that's a direct reflection on me. Like my computers I've aged and can no longer keep up with the changes.

I realize this sounds like a personal problem, and it is! I'm doing my best to stay abreast of these changes. A lot of what I do is repetitive, and I work within these perimeters.

I do enjoy writing but I also feel there's more to life than sitting here. It's easy to lose yourself in what you're doing. If you're having difficulties with an app or some other problem time flies, and before you know it several hours have passed by.

I want to create new peaces along with continuing this blog. Only time will tell if I'm able to follow through. I'm willing to give it a try and see where it goes.

That's all for now
Life is Good and God is Great
February 19, 2025 at 10:39pm
February 19, 2025 at 10:39pm
I've had a review of one of my stories, specifically the one about Memories. It was a nice review and gave constructive points on improper spelling in my peace along with the correct spelling. He also suggested that I lengthen the essay by adding additional memories and expanding on them.

I have given this some thought and I believe I will follow up on his Idea. It was nice to have someone tell you that your essay had merit and it could be improved on.

This person has given me some inspiration and incentive to continue writing and working on new projects. Hopefully I can come through with a plan to put this into motion.

Now that I know what I need to do I better get Started!

That's all for now
Life is Good and God is Great

February 18, 2025 at 10:32pm
February 18, 2025 at 10:32pm
It appears that I dropped off the map, I seem to have lost my way.

I'm trying to write and I have an intruder in my presence, Greta my sphinx cat is sitting on my arm while I'm doing my best to put words down in my blog. She is not cooperating and refuses to get off my arm. Now my dog has jumped onto my chair and is between my legs. This is becoming more difficult and I don't really want to shoo them off. I feel my creative juices going elsewhere.

Life is certainly a challenge with them on my body, I'm finding it hard to concentrate. I don't know whether to laugh or cry,

As in any scenario life goes on, and I must persevere. So I will try to keep going and see if I can put down anything worth reading.

Our weather has been pretty good here in the High Desert, our temperatures have been in the 60's for the last few weeks. We did receive one inch of rain last Friday, and that was the third storm to come through. The two previous storms only gave us a 1/2 inch of rain per storm.

I have continued to walk my dog in the mornings when the temperature reaches 40° or above. It's a little chilly but we seem to manage. I wear a hoody, wind breaker jacket, and gloves. I usually have on sweat paints and a long sleeve shirt. We've been covering 2 miles daily.

I've now completed 3 different doctor visits with my Oncologist, Cardiologist and Urologist, I still have to see my diabetic doctor next Monday. So far all have given me a clear bill of health and told me my blood work looks good. Keep up the good work!

I've turned in our paper work for Taxes, to my CPA and I expect to hear back from him shortly. I think I'm good for surviving February and I might start looking forward to March.

So much for now - Remember
Life is Good and God is Great
January 4, 2025 at 11:00pm
January 4, 2025 at 11:00pm
When I awoke this morning it was 41° outside and though brisk it wasn't bad., Once the sun came up I was able to take my dog Gracie out for our morning walk. We had been doing 1 and 1/2 miles and this morning I bumped it up to 2 miles.It felt good and I enjoyed the walk. I'm sure my companion enjoyed it also. She's always ready to head out anytime I ask her to go!.

The high temp today was 63° and it was comfortable. It looks like the next five days will be in the mid 50's to mid 60's, not bad for winter. Of course we're talking about California and the High Desert in Apple Valley. The home of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. For those who are not familiar with these two people they were, (both have passed) western movie stars in the 50's and through the 70's. I never met either one but I've seen the homes they lived in.

Our temps make me feel happy I'm not living on the east coast with the storms that are coming there way. At one time I did live in the San Bernardino Mountains, in a city called Crestline. That's where I found out a snow shovel doesn't fit my hands. One winter, when I was first married, we lived in an A frame cabin, and I was working in Los Angeles. I would get up at 3am and shovel my car and my wife's car out and put chains on both cars. Then drive down the hill and take the chains off and then drive to Los Angeles about 60 miles away to work. Once the day was over I drove home and put chains back on and then had to shovel my way back into our parking space because the snow plow had come by. The lessons you learn as you get older!

I think that is enough reminiscing
Life is Good and God is Great
January 2, 2025 at 11:01pm
January 2, 2025 at 11:01pm
Day 2 of Year 2025, nothing new locally, the news is about the truck plowing into the people in New Orleans and the Tesla Truck that blew up in front of Donald Trumps Hotel in Las Vegas.

One wonders what the world is coming to! Coexistence is no longer in our vocabulary, you're either on one side or the other. There is no common ground, no meeting in the middle. I wonder how we'll ever get any laws passed when people can't work together. This year will probably be one we never imagined. Of course this is pure speculation on my part, and if I was a betting man I would put some money down.

Can we come together with the new President and the people he is selecting to help run the country? Are there Congressmen/women and Senators who will put there ideology to the side and work together pass laws that are needed in so many areas.

I don't know that I'm an optimist but I'm ever hopeful that life will get better for the general public. We need someone with direction and not a dictator. Let us build something we'll be proud of!

This was somewhat DEEP - so I'll call it quits for the night
Life is Good and God is Great
January 1, 2025 at 4:07pm
January 1, 2025 at 4:07pm
Happy New Year - What will 2025 bring, fun, excitement, adventure, or disappointment, shame, and fear of failure?

I don't care, I'll take what comes my way, both my wife and I will face each incident, when they occur together. We've been a team for 37 years. We worked through the good times and bad and kept on going. We've had our share of heart ache and glorious times and we look forward to what comes our way!

No Crystal Ball to see into the future, we make the best of any situation when it happens.

I believe that God is with us, and he shares our triumphs and disappointments and shows us the best way to tackle a problem or celebration.

I'm Ready 2025, Bring It On. Lets have some fun!

Life is Good and God is Great
December 31, 2024 at 2:09pm
December 31, 2024 at 2:09pm
When the day comes to an end Tonight, we will ring in 2025, and we're looking forward to the New Year.

Looking back on the past year, I would rate it as Good, there weren't to many problems that caused us Grief! We were able to have some work done around our place, like having the inside of our house painted, along with three sheds. We turned one of our sheds into a she-shed now renamed A Cabana it has been tricked out with air and heat with lighting and plugs and will have a floor put down in the January,

We had a week's Vacation in Carlsbad California with our family, minus one son who was unavailable. We had a wonderful time and the temperature was 70° most of the time. Since all of us are living in the Desert it was a welcomed change. Heat can be oppressive and we look forward to any chance to get away.

We have a lot to be thankful for and I think God for all that he has given us.

Life is Good and God is Great
December 30, 2024 at 12:26am
December 30, 2024 at 12:26am
Have you ever had one of those nights where you didn't feel tired? I tried to call it a night about 45 minutes ago, but it didn't work, and here I sit, trying to think of things to write in this blog.

We've already started dismantling Christmas in the house, the tree has been taken down, along with all the other items that are placed about the house to make it look like Christmas. We still need to take down the holly berry reefs. We have about 6 of them, Once all of the items have been placed in their respective holders they will be placed into the shed till next year.

I have several items that have come to my attention from several companies who haven't been paid by my insurance company's. If I don't resolve these issues I will be paying for the bills out of my pocket, and I'm not looking forward to that. At this time I'm sure I will have to deal with it after the New Year, but I can't wait too long.

I'm scheduled to go in for Lab work on the 31st, a blood draw requested by two of my Doctors. One is my Oncologist and the other is for my Urologist. I have scheduled appointments during the second week of January. I'll have to get lab work again at the end of January for my Cardiologist. It never ends, that's what you get, when you keep climbing the age ladder.

Enough for now - Remember
Life is Good and Good is Great
December 27, 2024 at 9:29am
December 27, 2024 at 9:29am
My wife and I get up early between 2 and 3 am; it's the way it is, we've become accustomed to it. My sleep app shows I get between 7 and 8 hours a night give or take. I can live with that, but it means you have to wait for the sun to show up. Some mornings are more spectacular than others, but we enjoy them all.

During the winter it's usually cold outside in the 30's most mornings, so I have to wait for the Sun to warm things up, cause I take my dog out for our morning walk. I try to hold off till the temperature reaches 40 or above. I used to say I was a fair weather walker, but I don't think that's quite right, because I seem to be out there every day. I used to travel 2 miles daily, some days more, but I've cut back and we only go 1.5 miles. I'm getting old! That's an excuse I seem to be using more frequently.

We've been taking family vacations over the years and we usually pick up the tab, Last year our oldest daughter and our niece paid for the rental of the house in Carlsbad, California. It was a beautiful place and we enjoyed the stay. 1 week is never long enough, but it's a chance to get together and be with family.

Now we're moving into 2025 and we're wondering what it will hold. Will it be a good year or a bummer. Only time will tell, and that's ok because I don't have a crystal ball, so we'll take whatever comes our way and we'll make the most of it!

Life is Good and God is Great

December 26, 2024 at 10:10pm
December 26, 2024 at 10:10pm
We had our kids over and everything went well. All the prep work my wife did, helped make the actual work of putting the meal together easier. We had Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans, Brussel Sprouts, Corn Soufflé, and Biscuits, enough for an army, but there was only 6 of us. Lots of left overs for the kids to take home.

The kids arrived between 9:30 and 10:30am and they departed by 4 pm. It was a fun day and it's always a joy to get to see our kids and granddaughter. I think it went well at least I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. My wife and I did and were happy.

The next day we did some clean up worked at getting things back to normal. Actually that won't happen until we take down Christmas after New Year, Then we'll put all the decorations up and put it all away till next year. We've been her before! That's life and we're making the best of it.

Life is Good and God is Great

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