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Rated: E · Book · Biographical · #2177669
A metaphor for my take on life and how it affects me.

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March 19, 2019 at 6:38pm
March 19, 2019 at 6:38pm
Every time I think I'm getting ahead or bouncing back, Wham, you take a nose dive!

Here I was moving along (at what I thought was) a good pace of recovery, when next thing I know my stomach is cramping and I can no longer go to the bathroom. This went on for 5 days until I finally went to Urgent Care on Saturday. I had continued to hope, the over the counter medication I was taking would kick in, instead it just kicked my butt. It had gotten to the point I didn't want to go on. My wife and I talked about it, and we weren't sure what a doctor would suggest or do. She thought they might give me an X-ray and see what was the problem.

I was fortunate to have only two people in front of me at Urgent Care, so my wait wasn't very long. After completing all the necessary paper work I was taken into a room to wait for the doctor. The Doctor came in, she was a nice Oriental woman, and asked what's up? So I explained my situation and how bad my discomfort was, and she asked some more questions. Then she told me, "you need to take Prune Juice and take two Colace a day for 3 days." I was stunned, I had been expecting more. She also told me to "eat steamed cabbage and fish, sushi preferable if I liked it." She continued to tell me that westerners don't think much about what they're eating, because things like meat, milk and cheese bind you up. She suggested I discontinue using milk and cheese for 6 weeks.

I knew Prune Juice was a laxative but I had never drank it before. I can't say I was looking forward to it, but I stopped at the store and bought a bottle along with a bottle of Colace. She didn't tell me how much Prune Juice I should drink so that was up to me. I added ice to a glass and poured, I was surprised and happy that I didn't find the taste to be offensive. I drank 4 glass of the juice and took 2 pills as instructed. I continued the next day with only three glasses of the juice and low and behold on the following day things began to move. Hallelujah! My stomach has continued to be a pain but now with things flowing it's improving. I figure it will take to the end of the week before I'm back to normal.

During this ordeal I continued to eat small amounts, like 2 eggs and 1 piece of toast, a PBJ sandwich, or sometimes I wouldn't eat at all. So I lost several pounds, not the way I intended but I'll take it. I've been sleeping in my Lazy-boy recliner ever since my pace maker was put in. So my nights haven't seen much sleep, but I've high hopes this will improve in the coming days.

Life goes on, this was a bump in the road, and my recovery will continue. Looking forward getting back on the road in my daily walks with my dog Gracie. The bike sits in the bedroom waiting for me to climb aboard and take it for a spin to nowhere!

Life Is Good

March 13, 2019 at 11:59am
March 13, 2019 at 11:59am
Several post back I said "I would try to be more involved with WDC". The last two days I have reviewed several writings and have enjoyed giving feedback. I do my best to keep it positive and informative about my take on what was written. I forgot how good it feels to express my thoughts about someone else's work.

The weather person got it correct concerning our forecast. The sun is out and (at the moment) the wind is not very strong though it has been projected to be gusting pretty good. I checked the Thermometer when I came in to write and it was reading 38. I hope to see it reach 42 or 3 before I take Gracie out for our walk.

I dusted off the bike yesterday and rode for 45 min. It felt good and hope to make it a daily habit also. If I don't watch out I might get healthy or make that healthier! My wife tells me we're going on the strait and narrow (whatever that means) for the next month or two. Salads, Lean Cuisine, and all the other healthy foods that fit into the category.

I've done pretty good with the sweet stuff, since I'm type 2 diabetic. We have been eating sugar free cookies for quite awhile and they don't taste bad. I have stayed away from the chocolates but my daughter brought over some candy she was given from her employer. I've dabbled some and my wife brought home some soft chocolate chip cookies and I fell over the cliff. I par took more than I should have and my morning finger stick showed that I've been bad. What can I say I'm human and easily fall off the cliff.

Life Is Good
March 12, 2019 at 10:17am
March 12, 2019 at 10:17am
This is Tuesday and actually I came home on Saturday. I'm a little behind but what the hay! Things went well and all systems are go, at least that's what I've been told.

My hospital stay was good, the nurses in pre-op, operating room, recovery, and in room were fantastic. Polite, friendly, and always trying to find out if I needed any assistance. Can't ask for much more, if I did I'd be a winer!

I came home with a splint on my left arm, more as a reminder not to lift it up or make any movements that would pull the wires out. That would require the procedure to be repeated, and I don't want that. I was told it would take two weeks for the wires to cement in place but they would prefer if I extended that to a month. Be careful and use common since when using your left arm. No Golf for sure, but I can drive at the end of this week.

It rained last night and I believe it may bring the season to a close, at least according to weather.com. They don't show the chance of rain for the rest of the month. I was ok'd to walk and ride my bike, so it looks like after today I will hit the streets and take a ride to nowhere on my bike. Actually I'm looking forward to it and I'm sure Gracie is also.

I feel good with a minor pain now and then in my left shoulder, but Extra Strength Tylenol has taken care of it with no problems. In fact since the surgery I've only taken the Tylenol, the heavier pain killers knock me for a loop. I do my best to stay away from them. It was the same with my bypass surgery, once the first week was over.

Life Is Good

March 8, 2019 at 7:01am
March 8, 2019 at 7:01am
This is the day my pacemaker will be installed, implanted, or placed in my body to help regulate my heart.

I've been wearing a heart monitor and was able to take it off this morning when I got up. It was uncomfortable and I'm glad it is no longer on my body. The device has changed since the last time I wore one. This model did not have any wires associated with it, but the location and the sticky backing made it feel out of place, but it did work since I was notified when a anomaly happened and now I'm getting a pacemaker.

When I left the doctors office I was under the impression I would spend the night, but after speaking with a nurse at the Hospital about my impending arrival she told me the doctor was showing it as an out patient procedure. So I will be coming home this evening provided no issues arise.

My problem this morning is I can't have any food or drink prior to my arrival (I'm scheduled for 11:30 am) and that's a long time away. I guess I'm fasting today till after the procedure. I probably should do it more often and maybe I'll see some of this weight disappear.

I haven't done anything to speak of since last Monday, and hopefully that will end today. Sitting around the house when the sun is shinning leaves a lot to be desired.

Life is Good
March 7, 2019 at 4:26pm
March 7, 2019 at 4:26pm
I've been thinking about WDC and wondering why I quit writing for awhile, and the reasons behind my decision.

I was somewhat involved on a minor scale with WDC in 2017. I was blogging at least every other day and submitting blogs to Blog City Prompt and Blogging Circle of Friends. I would review different writings and wrote a story or two myself.

In April of 2018 I had a heart attack and then had triple bypass surgery. After my initial rebound from surgery I found myself not wanting to write or participate on WDC any longer. I deleted all of my files where my writing was stored, and discontinued writing my blog. I let my membership expire and stayed away from this site. Not sure where this came from, but I couldn't make myself sit down at the computer or participate in this forum.

The strange thing is I had lots of things to write about, like my stay at the hospital, my recovery and physical therapy. I had the time but no desire!

I believe most of my problem comes from not wanting to be tied down spending a lot of time in front of the computer. I remember writing in my blog, "there's more to life than spending hours upon hours sitting in front of a computer."

To be involved requires time and participation and that allows you to meet new people and gives you the feeling of belonging. We all write for different reasons and to be able to bare your soul (maybe if you have the guts) for someone else to look and respond takes some fortitude. It's fun or can be fun if you learn to participate. Take the TIME to get involved!

I'm hoping, I can come out of my self imposed shell and begin to live and write again.

Life Is Good
March 5, 2019 at 11:48am
March 5, 2019 at 11:48am
I've been wearing a heart monitor for the last 8 days. This is to see if I'm still dealing with Atrial Fibrillation after having the Ablation surgery which was suppose to (no guarantees) correct the problem. Sunday at 3:30 AM I was awoken by my phone ringing and it was the people at the other end of my monitor. She said an abnormality had occurred and they were wondering how I felt and what was I doing. Though I was not called I had another episode at 6:30 AM.

On Monday while I was out walking my dog, I received a call from my Cardiologist office and was told the doctor wanted to see me and If I could come in at 10 am. Of course all kinds of thoughts go through your mind, but I told my wife on Sunday I thought I would be getting a pacemaker. The Doctor told us that my heart was stopping and restarting several times, one was for 3 and half seconds, along with AFib and this concerned him. He confirmed that I needed a pacemaker. I'm now scheduled to enter the Hospital on Friday at 11:30 and will stay overnight to make sure all works well.

It's been an eventful couple of years, in 2016 I had prostrate cancer and was given the radioactive pellets placed in my prostrate and it worked. I've had no more indications of cancer so far. Then in 2018 I had a heart attack and triple bypass surgery which went well, but I continued to have Atrial Fibrillation. So I had that surgery in November of 2018 to hopefully correct it.

My father had heart trouble and went through three bypass surgeries. It started in 1976 and he passed in 1996. In 1976 they were not doing stints (as far as I know) or my dads arteries were not candidates. Things have changed and 2001 I had 2 stints put in and when they did my 3 way bypass the corrected both stints. My father had 3 brothers who died from Cancer various forms, my dad had prostrate cancer, my mother had colon cancer and brother has had rectal cancer. As you can see I've followed in the family footsteps having both cancer and heart problems.

I told my wife she missed her chance at trading me in for a newer model.

I must admit I'm thinking more about meeting my maker and being called home. A week ago I told my minister that I was not afraid of dying, my only concern was for my wife and making sure she won't have any money issues. I use the computer for most of our bills, and my wife is not computer savvy. So I must leave written instructions for my oldest daughter to guide her through my affairs. I have yet to completed this task!

I'm 71 turning 72 this year, I retired at 56 so I've had a considerable time away from the rat race. I've enjoyed every minute of it and I don't think I would change a thing. Life's been good to me, I've had a few ups and downs and delt with one major problem. I'm still living and will continue to look to the future and not dwell on what it may hold.

Live one day at a time and be thankful for each day!

Life Is Good
March 2, 2019 at 12:25pm
March 2, 2019 at 12:25pm
We closed out February and according to the record keepers Southern California never made it into the 70's during the entire month. I believe that was the first time since records were being kept.

March showed up in the same manner as February closed, with temps in the 50 & 60's and rain. More rain to come in the days ahead. Will this never end? Spring is just around the corner with Summer to follow, and we'll be asking if the oppressive heat will end. Sounds like a country western song.

We've had intermittent rain so far this morning and I'm wondering if I should get out and walk, but here I sit writing in this blog and only my fingers are getting a workout. My Apple Watch has no accounting for finger exercise, so my day is being wasted away. I've become more consistent riding the bike, and I've been out walking more frequently since we had a few days of clear weather.

I broke out my golf clubs and push cart and walked nine holes. It didn't go quite as planned, because I tried to hurry up when I saw others coming up on another fairway. I pushed myself trying to stay ahead and that was a big mistake. It's been along time since I had a golf club in my hand, and trying to hurry did not help. It wasn't until I decided to slow down and let the others go bye, that I found my swing/game and my heart rate slowed down. I didn't have that many holes left to play once they went bye, but I was pleasantly surprised how my shots were going.

I'm still waiting on my golf buddy to get better, he's been having problems with medicare and a supplemental insurance. He has an appointment this month and hopefully he'll find some relief with his hip. It's always more fun to play with someone you know!

Life Is Good
February 25, 2019 at 12:08pm
February 25, 2019 at 12:08pm
I've been reading back over some of my previous post and thought I would catch up a few items. My daughter did get the new job close to her home and is very happy not to be driving up and down the Cajon Pass. Working four, ten hour days with no overtime and 3 days off is like a dream come true. It brings a smile to her face when she talks about it!

Our weather has improved some, this morning the low was 37 instead of being in the 20's. Our daily highs have been going up also, we're now in the 50's instead of the 40's and today we may reach 63 degrees. With the better weather my dog and I have been walking again. Since it's been awhile I'm only taking the dog for one mile instead of two; I on the other hand walk the additional mile after I drop her off. I've also been on the bike 3 days in a row and will hit it again a little later. We are expecting more rain on the weekend, but I'm hoping it won't be bad or last too long.

My waistline has taken a hit with my in-activity, but I'm hoping getting back out on the road I'll see improvement with my weight and overall health. It does take a concerted effort to exercise, and my body doesn't always want to comply.

Politics, what can you say about it. We have an aunt and uncle who are conservative and my wife and I are liberal. When they visit we don't talk politics and everything is great. On facebook that is totally different. I'm debating whether to discontinue to follow them because of all of their right wing posts. I'm really tired of all the rhetoric and don't want to have to deal with it anymore. Of course that won't be the case with Democrats being in the majority in the house, and they will do what the Republicans did as far as the committees go. Will it never end? We're already beginning to get the 2020 campaign for President under way and we're still two years away from that happening. The Great Divide will grow larger! Where will it end?

Life Is Good

February 12, 2019 at 11:42am
February 12, 2019 at 11:42am
I would like to say that time flies when you're having fun, but it seems to fly no matter what the circumstances are. It moves faster with each passing year. There are times when I would like to slow it down but I can't do that. I don't have a magic wand or crystal ball that I can wave to stop time from passing.

We've now had a little over two inches of rain so far and we have a chance of more tomorrow and again on Sunday. The cold temps continue in the 20 at night except when we have cloud cover then we're in the high 30's. We're lucky (as I've said before) we're not seeing snow and temps that are way below freezing. I hope to get out and walk a little later and I'll be taking my walking companion Gracy with me. She has missed our walks and I can't blame her so have I.

Yesterday I had our taxes done along with my moms. I drove down to Yucaipa to get her signature so they can be electronically sent in. We are both happy with how it came out, and I'm hoping getting them in early we can beat the next shut down (fi it happens).

The new rain gutters have been working wonderfully and we have extended the down spouts out so they won't flood the flower beds.

We had our 31st Anniversary a couple of days ago, we went to AppleBees to celebrate, and then we went to Sizzler yesterday to celebrate our tax return windfall. We can use any excuse to go out and have a good meal. We do the salad bar at Sizzler and that works well for us. I love their clam chowder, and I haven't had a bad cup so far!

Life Is Good
February 4, 2019 at 8:35am
February 4, 2019 at 8:35am
Our Rams lost but we enjoyed one wonderful meal. My wife fixed a Thanksgiving type dinner, turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, asparagus, biscuits, peach and cherry pie. The food was wonderful and desert was made better with a scoop of ice cream. My daughter and son came over, enjoyed the meal and took leftovers home.

We didn't get rain yesterday, but the temp stayed in the low 50's and the wind blew. Since I'm a fair weather walker, I once again failed to get out in the cold to walk. The bike did not get used either and I have no excuse for that one.

I've some running around this morning, making trips to WalMart and Target, if WalMart doesn't have what I need. Picking up some items my mother requested and looking for a Valentines Card. I'm the kind of person who puts blinders on when I go into a store, I know what I need and once found I head for the cashier and leave. I'm not a shopper, walking around looking for something I don't need or want.

Life Is Good

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