Thoughts, we all have them. What is yours? |
What is on your mind? I love all type of topics and will talk about almost anything! So, what is happening with you lately? The Huntington Japanese Gardens, photo by Seabreeze |
Wow, I have an anniversary coming up, September 29. Holy cow, 8 years here at It has been exciting and fun. Once I did step away for several months due to personal problems, but I hope I will not do that again. Lost a little ground while I was gone. I do have concerns today about making it, financially. And, every time I hear the politicians wanting more tax money, I want to run for the hills. I live with my divorced son, who supports an X-wife and two children. My son is trying to pay for a mortgage (I help) and keep his contractors business going. He doesn't mind the child support but the alimony is over the top. The divorce was not his idea and so supporting two households was not his idea either. That is why I suggested we combined our resources and share one household instead of two. So far it has worked out but expenses are hard to meet. So, whenever a politician wants to talk "Green New Deal" - I know that is going to cost the country why over the top! The government has enough trouble spending money wisely let alone wanting more to spend unwisely. I do feel President Trump has done a better job compared to the last two Presidents we had in office. The economy is up and I do appreciate that Trump has finely done something about US trade. Also, he is trying to educate people about "political correctness" and how dangerous it is for our freedom of speech! What say you?? Seabreeze |