Thoughts, we all have them. What is yours? |
What is on your mind? I love all type of topics and will talk about almost anything! So, what is happening with you lately? The Huntington Japanese Gardens, photo by Seabreeze |
July 24, 2019 Here I go again, trying to stay up on my blogging, but I find it difficult to get to the computer to write each day. I paint and enjoy watercolors, acrylics and lately oils. Below is my sweet peas in acrylics. What is your favorite thing to do outside of your writing? Stop by and let me know. Seabreeze |
July 12, 2019 OMG, where have I been? I must say that I am embarrassed that I have not blogged since June 12...making it a MONTH! How do others do it? Summer, grandchildren, got in my way. Weeding and house chores got in my way. Life got in my way. Stress got in my way. I got in my way! Okay, I don't have a writing schedule. Maybe it is because if I put it to a schedule, it will be too much like work. That may be an excuse, but that is how I originally looked at it. But, now I am upset with myself and I need to focus and do so into my writing. So, calling all friends, help! What do you guys do? Fifteen minutes a day? Only in the morning? Only at night? Do you have a check off list? Do you jot down ideas during the day? I don't always know what to write about and sometimes get distracted because of that (tell myself, later). So, to get me back into the swing of things, I will take any suggestions you folks are willing to give. Thanks, Seabreeze ** Image ID #1837584 Unavailable ** |