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by Sumojo
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #2186156
The simplicity of my day to day.
This is where I write my thoughts, feelings and my daily trials, tribulations and happy things
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September 19, 2024 at 7:23am
September 19, 2024 at 7:23am
Blogging Circle of Friends   (E)
A group for WDC bloggers.
#1901868 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Use these words in your entry today: know, employee, violation, dozen, piano, strain, ordinary, bracket, and concert use these words in your entry today: know, employee, violation, dozen, piano, strain, ordinary, bracket, and concert.

I’ve just got off the phone from talking to my sixteen year old great granddaughter. She’s so excited and was in the car on the way to the airport. She’s going on a school trip to Italy.
She’s earned most of the money herself by being a casual employee in a shop after school . I know she’s going to have an amazing experience. There are about a dozen or so out of her year going. I couldn’t have imagined having that opportunity at her age.
When she returns she’s got tickets to go to a concert to see some pop singer who she’s enamoured with. This is in another state. Oh to be young. (Sigh) I feel as if I live such an ordinary existence, but I’m no longer in that bracket.
My daughter has recently moved into her dream home where she now has room for a piano. She’s been wanting to get a piano for years but had got the space. This year has been a bit of a strain for all of us as she and her husband have been living with us for the last four months whilst their new home became available. Her travel time to work doubled while they were with us and as I’m still receiving their mail I saw today there was a traffic violationorder. She’s not going to be too happy about that when she gets the letter.
September 19, 2024 at 7:22am
September 19, 2024 at 7:22am
Use these words in your entry today: know, employee, violation, dozen, piano, strain, ordinary, bracket, and concert use these words in your entry today: know, employee, violation, dozen, piano, strain, ordinary, bracket, and concert.

I’ve just got off the phone from talking to my sixteen year old great granddaughter. She’s so excited and was in the car on the way to the airport. She’s going on a school trip to Italy.
She’s earned most of the money herself by being a casual employee in a shop after school . I know she’s going to have an amazing experience. There are about a dozen or so out of her year going. I couldn’t have imagined having that opportunity at her age.
When she returns she’s got tickets to go to a concert to see some pop singer who she’s enamoured with. This is in another state. Oh to be young. (Sigh) I feel as if I live such an ordinary existence, but I’m no longer in that bracket.
My daughter has recently moved into her dream home where she now has room for a piano. She’s been wanting to get a piano for years but had got the space. This year has been a bit of a strain for all of us as she and her husband have been living with us for the last four months whilst their new home became available. Her travel time to work doubled while they were with us and as I’m still receiving their mail I saw today there was a traffic violationorder. She’s not going to be too happy about that when she gets the letter.
September 16, 2024 at 10:20am
September 16, 2024 at 10:20am
Blogging Circle of Friends   (E)
A group for WDC bloggers.
#1901868 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Prompt: My favourite toy when I was a child.

Well we’re talking about 1944 onwards. A time of war. In the UK rationing was in full swing. Everything was in short supply including toys unless they were hand made.
I can’t remember having many toys but when I was about six I had a doll and pram. The pram was a replica of a SilverCross, preferred by royalty for their babies.

I have no idea how my parents ever afforded to buy the pram or the doll even. The doll was about eighteen inches tall and when you laid her down she would make a sound as if she was saying Mamma. Of course this was not electronic but just a squeaker in her back. I wish I knew what happened to my doll, although she was certainly still around in my parents’ house long after I left home.
Mostly any other toy would have been a cricket bat and ball which were my big brothers’ pride and joy. My time would be spent playing cricket or football with them.

Frog in a Hanging Basket

September 13, 2024 at 4:37am
September 13, 2024 at 4:37am
Something wicked this way comes." — William Shakespeare, Macbeth

Let this quote inspire your writing today.
Blogging Circle of Friends   (E)
A group for WDC bloggers.
#1901868 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

This quote from our friend William Shakespeare is one we might used today. However the language would be different. We might say something like, “I’ve a bad feeling. This isn’t going to end well.” Or, “he’s trouble, mark my words!”

I wonder why? Is it a sixth sense, this feeling of foreboding I am experiencing?

First impressions take all of a couple of seconds before we make a judgment about someone. Is it the way they look? Or perhaps the way they speak which causes concern. A seventh sense perhaps, lost in the midst of time. Dogs still have that sense though and it’s one I’d really take notice of.

Currently we all must have a sense of foreboding with the world as it is. So much trouble is brewing. It feels to me as if the world is holding its collective breath as Russia flexes its muscles and the Middle East conflict continues with no solution in sight. There are millions of displaced people looking for refuge whilst borders are being closed to them. So how else can we continue to imagine all is well?

I know WdC is a non political zone but if ever a quote held some truth it is now. Trump is the wicked something coming our way.
September 12, 2024 at 9:30am
September 12, 2024 at 9:30am
Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise  (E)
Blog City - Every Blogger's Paradise.
#1972895 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Prompt: Right as rain. Write about this term in your Blog entry today.

This saying was commonly used in my family as I was growing up. I actually have no idea of its origin or meaning. All I knew was it meant everything was alright. I’m trying to think of in what context it was said. Maybe it was in reply to the question “how are you today?” My dad would reply “right as rain, thank you.”

I just looked up the meaning but it seems there is none! Originated in the UK that would explain it being very normal to me as I was born in 1944 in England and it would have been in common usage then.

Anyway, I actually like the saying and may well start using it.
September 10, 2024 at 10:01am
September 10, 2024 at 10:01am
Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise  (E)
Blog City - Every Blogger's Paradise.
#1972895 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Prompt: "Fine Mess"
Oliver Hardy often said to Stan Laurel in several Laurel and Hardy films, "This is another fine mess you've gotten us into." What is your definition of a fine mess and what kind of images does the word mess bring into your mind?

I remember Laurel and Hardy from when I was very young. Their films would often play at our local cinema.
I’ve seen little pieces of their classic scenes pop up on Facebook occasionally, and as they say, you’d have to be dead not to raise a laugh, or at least a smile.

I believe I’ve been known to use the term,’fine mess,’ on a few occasions in my life, and have been in a fine mess myself on more than one. It’s usually been when someone starts out with good intentions and things go awry.

We have a family member who currently has got herself into a fine mess and it’s hard at the moment to see how she’s going to get out of it.

All sorts of people, even those who should no better, such as politicians find themselves there too. It’s usually drugs, greed, or an old fashioned sex scandal one those occasions. They often lose everything they worked for because of one stupid mistake and find themselves in hot water. Or in those cases a ‘fine old mess.’

September 7, 2024 at 5:28am
September 7, 2024 at 5:28am
Words 343
Blog Week Birthday Bastion 2024  (13+)
Blogging event from September 1-7, 2024. Closed.
#2277665 by WakeUpAndLive️~Happiness

Prompt 7.
The world is not an ideal place for lots of people. What can YOU do to make it better?

To even look beyond your own family, friends, town, suburb, or even State, is to be overwhelmed.
The problems of the world are too much to bear. Sometimes one can become defeated and give up.
You may think there’s nothing you could possibly do to improve our messed up world. The problems such as climate change, world starvation and disease are surely too complex for one person’s actions make a difference.
But what if we start by looking closer to home, perhaps starting with our own family structures?

Just imagine for one minute if we all stopped messing up our own little corner of this precious world. If we managed our own mess.
We could start by not polluting our local environment. Dispose of our own waste and help prevent the oceans from being choked by ever more plastic by simply taking it home, disposing of it thoughtfully or sending it to a recycling plant.

We could save energy by using power and water efficiently, maybe wearing a few extra layers when it’s cold before turning on heaters. Shorter showers, saving water, and power.

Food waste is another concern in a world where so many of the population are starving for lack of food. There is no shortage of food in the world but there is bad distribution. Let’s only buy what we really need and share what we don’t use. Help, volunteer at food banks, soup kitchens and care for the homeless and hungry in our own districts. We can ensure our elderly are safe by visiting regularly to check on their welfare. Say hello to a neighbour, you might be the only person they speak to that day. Try to keep regular contact to help where you can.

So there are numerous simple ways we can get involved in saving our planet. If we all did these simple, easy ways, the earth would thank you.

September 6, 2024 at 9:36am
September 6, 2024 at 9:36am
Blog Week Birthday Bastion 2024  (13+)
Blogging event from September 1-7, 2024. Closed.
#2277665 by WakeUpAndLive️~Happiness
305 words
Prompt 6. Sept 6.
Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets. Paul Tournier
Can you share a secret? Small or big, tell us. No? Tell us why not.

Oh my goodness, these prompts of yours jump around all over the place. I’ve gone from writing about fire breathing dragons to being asked to divulge my deepest, darkest secrets.

My children were all very open with me, even as teenagers. They would tell me things all the time, always with the proviso, ‘don’t tell dad,’ at the end.
I often wished they were not so willing to tell me about the things they’d done. It was to absolve them of their guilt I suppose, but then they passed the worry on to me.

There were lots of times I did keep things to myself as I knew the disapproval from their father wasn’t going to be conducive to a happy household and I saved them from time in their rooms or a week’s grounding.

My theory is never tell a secret to anyone if you really don’t want it sharing, because inevitably the cat will be let out of the bag.

I hate secrets, even at Christmas and birthdays. If someone tells me about a present they’ve bought but then says ‘I can’t tell you what it is because it’s a secret,” then that is simply irritating.

Do I have a secret? I suppose we all must surely have something we’ll take to the grave. It could be something we’re not actually proud of or even something we really did, faithfully swearing to never reveal to a living soul.

I wish I did have some secret desire, or even had a secret hoard of cash I’ve not told anyone about! The trouble with me though is that I’m an open book, the least secretive person alive.

September 5, 2024 at 7:33am
September 5, 2024 at 7:33am
Prompt 5. Sept 5.
Blog Week Birthday Bastion 2024  (13+)
Blogging event from September 1-7, 2024. Closed.
#2277665 by WakeUpAndLive️~Happiness


The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. Dr. Seuss
Tell us more about the writer in you. Plans/Aspirations/Fears/Status etc?

I am not an aspirational writer by any means. I began my writing journey when I was seventy. It seemed like a milestone when I thought I should write down my life story for my family. I had no idea about computers at all and went to a local computer classes for seniors.
I am known by my family as a bit of a Pollyanna. My saying has always been, Always look on the Bright Side of Life. I even have a gold bracelet inscribed with that saying on it. There’s even talk of the song from The Life of Brian of the same name being my funeral song!

Anyway, after blood sweat and tears I produced my life story called, Always Look on the. Right Side of Life. My granddaughter made the cover and each of the family received a copy. That was ten years ago and the writing bug had bitten me. That was when I joined a local writing group. On the first day I was so nervous. Who was I who thought she might be able to write? I began to get more confidence as the weeks and months went by. After several years my sights went to a Writing Centre where people came to stay from all over the country. Again I was nervous and felt like an imposter when I joined a ladies only group. I’ve been there for five years now and feel as if I am an integral member.
About the same time I discovered WdC and that was the beginning of feeling as if I could call myself a writer.
In the years since I found WdC I know I’ve improved my skills, mostly with the help of other members as they’ve reviewed, suggested and praised.

I’ve no aspirations other than to keep coming up with new stories to write.
As for fears I’m too old to be scared anymore. If people don’t want to read anything I’ve written, then that’s ok.
Status? The only status I seek is to be okay with how my life is going.

Frog in a Hanging Basket

September 5, 2024 at 1:56am
September 5, 2024 at 1:56am
Prompt: Since this week is Birthday week at WDC, write something about Birthdays for your Blog entry today.

Birthdays. They are the most important days of a child’s life. A year when you’re small is forever. You count your age in Quarters! ‘I’m eight and three quarter, you know.’ A child will brag about getting older.
Going through teenage hood, age is all encompassing because at sixteen you can begin driving lesson. 17 you can get your licence and eighteen? Well that’s when life truly begins, isn’t it?
21 still is important because? I’m actually not sure these days. It used to be the day you became an adult but now scientists say the human brain isn’t fully developed until 25.

Then we have the birthday which ends in a zero. 30, 40, when life begins properly,
50, getting old. 60, you’re getting older. 70, one foot in the grave. 80, that’s me.😂

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/sumojo