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The simplicity of my day to day. |
This is where I write my thoughts, feelings and my daily trials, tribulations and happy things
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheBadGuyWins As a writer I found the article intriguing and it made me look at how I write my stories.. Do I always need to tie up my stories neatly, almost tied with a bow? The answer is decidedly, yes. It made me think about all the shows and films I’ve watched throughout my life and I can think of only a few that ended badly for the heroes. And yet even in those it was the heroes choice. They themselves decided enough was enough. The ones that spring to mind are Bonny and Clyde, Thelma and Louise and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Why were there always two of them? Perhaps that tempers the awfulness of their deaths. they made the decision to die, on their own terms but at least they went holding another person’s hand on their way to death. Is that what we all fear? That final journey alone would be so much easier if we could just go together? I’ve just thought of another couple, Romeo and Juliet. I don’t think I’ve ever written a story with a really sad ending. If someone dies in mine, it’s always because that’s their wish. Usually the protagonist always succeeds. I’m wondering what that says about me? I refer to the previous post and my being a wearer of rose tinted glasses. Is it possible I’m living a life in denial? Maybe it’s simply true, but I still don’t want to peer through that Jade coloured pair. Thanks but no thanks. |
First prompt for
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JadeColoredGlasses As a self confessed Pollyanna, I feel for those people forced by life, circumstances, or choice to wear Jade coloured glasses. I’ve never heard of this phrase before, but the thought of seeing the world tinged with green make me feel nauseous. I do admit to wearing the better known rose tinted spectacles. When I read the introduction to the meme it made me sad that the child, soon to become adult, once saw things through a rosy hue and yet was forced by fate to exchange those glasses for ones which lent a distorted, less positive view of the world. I have been accused of always seeing the best in people, as if I’m stupid or naïve, and yet that’s still my choice. I’ve had many reasons not to take this view. I’ve been hurt, disappointed and let down many times during my life and yet I still choose to believe people strike out because of pain or hurt they have had or are currently experiencing. Human beings are no different to any other animals. The other species I know well are dogs. The way they are treated makes them the way they are. The reason they bark, bite or snarl is purely down to their owners. There’s no such thing as a bad dog just bad owners. The same with human beings, parents are responsible for raising children who respect others, to explain to their child why people sometimes do bad things. So, I’ll continue to pop on my rose tinted specs and view the world in a way that still makes me say: “it’s okay to give someone the benefit of the doubt.” |