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The simplicity of my day to day. |
This is where I write my thoughts, feelings and my daily trials, tribulations and happy things
Bastion Photo 1. War in Ukraine ** Image ID #2278962 Unavailable ** Photo 1 prompt blog week [#2278962] Sept 1-7, 2022Sept 1-7, 2022 Photo 2. Climate Change ** Image ID #2278961 Unavailable ** Photo 2 prompt blog week [#2278961] Sept 1-7, 2022Sept 1-7, 2022 Photo 3. Covid-19 ** Image ID #2278960 Unavailable ** Photo 3 prompt blog week [#2278960] Sept 1-7, 2022Sept 1-7, 2022 Photo 4. Birthday Party ** Image ID #2278963 Unavailable ** Photo 4 prompt blog week [#2278963] Sept 1-7, 2022Sept 1-7, 2022 The prompt is to view images of war, climate change, and pandemic and to comment. These images are ones we have become accustomed to seeing over the last few years. They are pictures with which we are familiar and yet gradually they are losing their initial impact. The Ukrainian war was almost unimaginable at first, as it was too near to home. These are people like us, cities like ours. How could it be that one man has the audacity to send in his forces to takeover and destroy the lives and property of innocent people, simply for his own greed and desires? Now, although only six months since it all began, I feel the shock and horror is fading. Because it is impacting the rest of the world through higher prices, the feelings of horror are tempered with annoyance at being inconvenienced financially as people pay more at the petrol bowser. It’s pretty much the same with Covid. Short memories. Have people forgotten the terrible impact it had on the world before the vaccines? Millions died, no one really knows the true figure, and yet people complain about restrictions, mask wearing and civil liberties. As for climate change, what a subject. There are still sceptics and they are of course entitled to not believe the science. All the countries of the world are being asked to mitigate any further impact on our fragile world. This cannot help but be a good thing, even if the claims are overstated. Yet anything that personally impacts us makes us feel as if we’re being punished for something that’s not of our making. Good can come from adversity. Although we’ve seen the selfishness of the human race, so also we’ve seen the humanity and willingness to help our fellow man. Let’s us hope we can continue to find the cures for all that ails this wonderful place we call Earth. Now for a joyous occasion. A party to celebrate the 22nd birthday of WdC. May it continue for a least another 22 years. Congratulations to all involved. |