Norma's Wanderings around a small section of Montana |
Well, hey there! Welcome to Roundup, Montana! If it's a nice day, we'll sit a spell on my porch and talk awhile. A poem captured my attention the other day. Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget Falls drop by drop upon the heart, Until, in our own despair, Against our will, Comes wisdom Through the awful grace of God. Aeschylus What's on your mind today? |
It's been almost a week since that fall that broke my hand. I went to the orthopedic Dr. I got put in a cast for a week, but since the arm/hand was so swollen, it will have to be changed next week. And another x-ray to see if things are still aligned. I don't want surgery, but it may be in the immediate future. My hand and arm is an impressive shade of purple which coordinates nicely with the neon green cast color. But the swelling has gone down a little. I'm getting used to doing things one-handed. Typing is challenging, also dressing myself, taking a bath, really anything that requires two hands. This is the first time i've had a cast. So I think that is pretty amazing to go all these years and not have a broken bone til now. I'll be lurking about the site, but no real writing currently. Perhaps soon. And we still don't have our car. I could write a thriller novel about that ordeal. |