Most entries are going to be E rated but some may go beyond that. |
You just want to read? These entries will be freshly written for a contest. Since I plan on joining many then I'm putting them all in a book. Sit back and enjoy it. I'll try to do a (poem) line count, (story) word count, prompt, and which contest I entered in. Though I won't be mentioning it in the piece, but "The Contest Challenge" will be a part of a contest I enter since it's about entering into a contest following its rules. Wish me luck! |
In the middle of the sea A lighthouse stands What could be there A sailboat man wonders Rumors of a lightkeeper And his wife is said to be there He came all the way over To see if the rumors are true On he sailed closer There appeared to be a man But when he blinked his eyes The man disappeared Then he heard a lady scream The closer he got Looking around He saw only the lighthouse Making it to the entry He saw the gate unlocked Curiousity got the better of him So he climbed the stairs Prompt: A picture of a sailboat near the lighthouse in the middle of the sea Line count: 20 Contest: "Spirits at Lighthouses Challenge" |