Most entries are going to be E rated but some may go beyond that. |
You just want to read? These entries will be freshly written for a contest. Since I plan on joining many then I'm putting them all in a book. Sit back and enjoy it. I'll try to do a (poem) line count, (story) word count, prompt, and which contest I entered in. Though I won't be mentioning it in the piece, but "The Contest Challenge" will be a part of a contest I enter since it's about entering into a contest following its rules. Wish me luck! |
At this age I graduated an Associate Wrote 50k in Nanowrimo 22 times I have written 22 times I have edited 22 manuscripts collecting dust 22 pearl dragons having quests 22 beings walk the red brick road 22 goblins search for treasure Mystery books I started out with Fantasy books were successfully written 22 times I wrote both 22 fruits I eat in a day 22 pasta I eat in a meal 22 nuts I snack on freely 22 elves begin a city 22 orcs guard an island 22 schools exist on magic As this poem draws near To the number 22 There are 22 sites I want to go see Prompt: Write something with the number 22 as a dominant theme, topic, or idea in honor of WdC's 22nd birthday celebration. Written for "The Whatever Contest." "The Whatever Contest -- Closed for Now" Word/Line Count: 22 lines |