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Musings, ideas, challenges, and victories on my writing journey. |
When life gives you lemons, gather them up and build fruit stand. How many years have I been trying to write a novel? I have had so many ideas, so many stories which have played themselves out in my head, a place filled with filters of experience and dreams. The memories of which, like many of life's history, become faded and distorted over time. The limited number of meanderings that have been rescued and restored leave me feeling like my hopes of completing a "New York Time's Best Seller" are just out of my reach. However, I wake up each day and a new dream, a new idea, a new story blooms in my mind, and I begin again. Is there some special formal, some secret that I have not yet gleaned that would help me produce the novel of my life? Probably not. It was told to me once by a well know author that "if you want to be a writer, then write." So I begin again. One idea so radiant in its simplicity, so bright in its complexity, so deep in the realm of human emotion has woven into my mind that I cannot ignore the call. Therefore, I begin again. And I begin, I begin, I begin. The story, the novel, with no clear goal, only the beginning, the middle, and the end. The characters, protagonist and foe, antagonist and hero, play interchangeably. Who will win out? Here, I begin again. |
I am working on building my story and felt so satisfied when I decided on a guiding theme. The theme helped me to identify a conflict, but it is all subtext, subplot. Then, what happens once the 'shine is off the stone', I drop into the depression of reality. The story is turning out to be complex, maybe to complex, and now I question my abilities and sanity. |