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Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #2264475
Random Writing, Blogs and Adventures
A mix of Random writing in an attempt to organize my thoughts, storyboard ideas and conserve portfolio space in the process.
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March 7, 2022 at 11:45pm
March 7, 2022 at 11:45pm
Author's Note: This was written March Musical Monkey Madness see: "Note: March Musical Monkey Madness Blogging Prompt..."

Prompt: With what great musician did Andre study?


Andre actual had several great music teachers with which he was able to learn how to play the trumpet from. As hinted at in an earlier entry though his most famous teacher and Mentor was Louis Prima. Louis took Andre on as student when Andre was just a young monkey and Andre learned all his best Jazz techniques as an apprentice in Prima's band. Andre has a lot of fond memories of that time period. Not only was he able to get he get a lot of experience playing to the night club audiences but whenever he performed he was able to get free drinks for the night. It helped him acquire the skills and tastes he would later use as owner of the Banana bar. Prima infused Andre's trumpeting with his signature rhythm, syncopation timing and style improving Andre's musical skills by leaps and bounds.

In fact, though it is not widely known... Prima considered Andre to be his Monkey Protegee. This made Andre one of 4 famous Monkey protegees who apprenticed to a famous musician out there. The other 3 are Scatter (a Chimpanzee apprenticed to Elvis Presley), Bubbles (a Chimpanzee apprenticed to Michael Jackson) and OG Mally (a Capuchin Monkey apprenticed to Justin Bieber).

If you are wondering... yes the 4 Protegees did perform together. They did a fundraiser called Monkey Palooza where the three alternated between all their genres. Scatters lead the group in a Rock and Roll rendition of "Jail House Rock", Bubbles had the group perform the "Thriller Dance", OG Mally gave an excellent rendition of "Never Give Up" and Andre teamed up rest to perform "Fly Me to the Moon". It was the ultimate Monkey Musician Team up.

Word Count: 303

March 6, 2022 at 7:04pm
March 6, 2022 at 7:04pm
Author's Note: This was written March Musical Monkey Madness see: "Note: March Musical Monkey Madness Blogging Prompt..."

Prompt: Your Muse and Andre have decided to collaborate. They want to write a song together. Write Their Song – This prompt may be a poetic form.


Sung to the Tune of "Can't Take My Eyes Off You"

Mara has a playful and sultry way of singing this especially the opening segment where she pets Andre as he plays his trumpet.

You like to climb lots of trees.
You like to swing in the breeze.
When Bananas are found.
You leave their peels on the ground.

You have good friends in the zoo.
They all go OO OO OO OO
Ape or Chimpanzee
They are like your family.

Andre's Trumpet solo:
Bada Bada Bada Bum Bum
Ba Dada Dada Dada Bum Bum
Ba Bada Bada Bada Bum Bum
Ba Dada dada Da!!

Cause you're a monkey
and that is really true
Yes you're a monkey
You're not a Kangaroo
Yes you're a monkey
And I'm quite happy to say

That you're a monkey
Of course that's nothing new
Yes you're a monkey
You're not a cockatoo
Yes you're a monkey
And you really brighten my day

You like to climb lots of trees.
You like to swing in the breeze.
When Bananas are found.
You leave their peels on the ground.

You have good friends in the zoo.
They all go OO OO OO OO
Ape or Chimpanzee
They are like your family.

Andre's Trumpet solo but this time he crescendos louder at the end for a powerful effect:
Bada Bada Bada Bum Bum
Ba Dada Dada Dada Bum Bum
Ba Bada Bada Bada Bum Bum
Ba Dada dada Dah!!

Mara really shows off her pipes with this:
You're one cool Monkey.
Oh yes you're really great.
You're one sweet Monkey
You are a swell primate.

You are a Monkey... yes your a Mu uh uh uh unnn key!!


The crowd is always on their feet applauding every time Andre and Mara perform this particular number.

Word Count: 317
March 6, 2022 at 1:06am
March 6, 2022 at 1:06am
Author's Note: This was written March Musical Monkey Madness see: "Note: March Musical Monkey Madness Blogging Prompt..."

Prompt: Your Muse and Andre have decided to collaborate. They want to write a song together. Tell us why they decided to collaborate.


Like an actress, my personal muse tends to take a lot of different forms. She chooses whatever helps to inspire me. For the purpose of this particular blogging challenge, she has opted for the role of a chanteuse similar to Ella Fitzgerald or Jessica Rabbit. The role is actually perfect for her because it shows off her singing talents.

In Nightclub Announcer fashion

"Ladies and Gentleman... Please welcome to the stage... Miss Maraschino Yamanaka!!"

Character Profile
Name Maraschino Yamanaka
Nickname: Mara (which almost everyone prefers to call her.)
Ethnicity: Asian American (Her father is Japanese and her mother is Irish American).
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Light Blue
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 108 lbs
Occupation: Night Club Jazz Singer
Style: When she performs Mara tends to wear Elegant 1950's dresses.
Personality: Playful but a little bit fiery.

Andre and Mara met performing in the same Jazz Club... Jungle Supernova. The Florida Keys had performed at a concert earlier and were hanging out at the Club afterwards that night. They were enjoying Banana shakes at the bar when the club's owner asked Andre if he could fill in for the Club's usual trumpeter who called in sick that day. Being the kind and helpful monkey that he was Andre graciously agreed to help. Mara was headlining at the club that night so Andre joined Mara's performance and his expressive trumpeting complemented Mara's sultry voice nicely. The two of them brought the house down.

They were so successful that they wound partnering up often and they performed a lot of duets together as well as quite a couple of Hit singles.

302 Words
March 5, 2022 at 12:20am
March 5, 2022 at 12:20am
Author's Note: This was written March Musical Monkey Madness see: "Note: March Musical Monkey Madness Blogging Prompt..."

Prompt: What instrument does Andre play, why, and with who has he performed?


Andre has an amazing set of lungs and Nimble fingers. His parents recognized at an early age that he would be adept at playing the trumpet and enrolled him in lessons. Andre showed a proficiency with the Trumpet that made his parents proud.

He was the Bugle Monkey for his Monkey scouts troop and was also a member of the his Highschool Music band which wound up taking second place in the National Music Championships. He went on to form his own Jazz band with some classmates... all who became famous in their own right. They took the name "The Florida Keys" after the state they were founded in.

The Band Members:
Caesar aka "Key West"

Caesar is the band's Guitarist. He is a bit of an anarchist and despises authority but he rocks hard. His nickname "Key West" comes from his growing up and studying in San Francisco. He originally worked in the Pharmacy industry before joining the band. He has more ambitious goals for the rest of his life however.

Johnny aka "Key Lime"

If he looks familiar... It is because Johnny would go on to have a starring role in the animated movie "Sing". He is a keyboard player and crooner for this band. His band nickname comes from his love of the color green and smoothness of his voice.

D.K. the Third aka "Key Largo"

Donkey Kong is more well known from the series Donkey Kong country but he actually got his start as the drummer. He comes a famous family of Video Game monkeys. He is the grandson of the original Donkey Kong and the son of Donkey Kong Junior. His band nickname "Key Largo" comes from his huge size.

and of course... Andre. His bright spirit and jazzy blues renditions earned him the nickname "Sunset Key" in his band. His trumpet abilities provides the band with a beautiful soulful edge to their music.

Word Count: 342 Words
March 3, 2022 at 10:31pm
March 3, 2022 at 10:31pm
Author's Note: This was written March Musical Monkey Madness see: "Note: March Musical Monkey Madness Blogging Prompt..."

Prompt: Andre throws a mean party, we all know that, so here's what we need to know;

What happened at 's Adherennium Dr of Phoolishness Birthday Party in the Banana Bar?

What did Andre give Adherennium Dr of Phoolishness for his Birthday?

If you chose to do this prompt it is extra, but Andre will send you something!


March Madness hit some new heights at the Banana Bar as one of its Patron's Adherennium Dr of Phoolishness was celebrating his birthday. Of course there were a lot of Banana Themed dishes beinntg served the highlight of which was was scrumptious Banana Cake.

Andre and the band were in full form welcoming in the new month with a variety of Marches. Their playlist included "When the Saints go Marching in", "The Ants go Marching One by One" and "The Imperial March". They took requests from the Birthday guest playing his favorite songs as well

The night couldn't be complete without a few presents. Adherennium Dr of Phoolishness received his own set of Sci-Fi novel as well as honorary membership in Andre's band. It came complete with Musical instrument gift. A Saxophone signed by Andre himself. *Monkey*

Happy BirthdayAdherennium Dr of Phoolishness !!!
March 2, 2022 at 12:37am
March 2, 2022 at 12:37am
Author's Note: This was written March Musical Monkey Madness see: "Note: March Musical Monkey Madness Blogging Prompt..."

Prompt: What is Andre’s favorite genre? Does he have a favorite artist, Who and why?

Andre once played with (your choice of the artist, this can be a fictional or actual artist).


Monkeys love to Swing and Andre is no different. He dabbles in other genres but his favorite Genre is Jazz. Andre loves all the Jazz greats (Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington and Miles Davis). His Idol though is Louis Prima. Prima voiced King Louie in the Jungle Book and Andre actually knew him pretty well as will be mentioned in a future prompt.

It is a little known fact but Prima actually got Andre a cameo appearance in the Jungle Book. It is hard to see and Andre is in costume but you can catch him briefly at 3:29

In terms of Trumpeting skill Andre is particular good a playing expressively. By holding the right notes controlling his volume and using vibrato effectively. Also being a spontaneous Monkey, Andre has a gift for He really puts a lot of soul into his music and Jazz plays to his strengths.

Andre's love of Jazz is present with most of the music he performs as well as his choice of instrument.

As a Sidenote: Andre's favorite Jazz tunes are the following:

1) Sing Sing Sing (More on this in a later entry)
2) What a Wonderful World
3) Fly Me to the Moon
4) Take 5
5) Rhapsody in Blue
6) Take the A Train
7) Fever (A song Andre frequently sings as part of a duet with a partner of his)
8) Mack the Knife
9) My Favorite Things
10) Just the Two of Us.

Andre know how to play all these tunes adding his own distinctive style to the mix creating some amazing renditions of these!!

Word Count: 308
March 1, 2022 at 4:06pm
March 1, 2022 at 4:06pm
Author's Note: This was written March Musical Monkey Madness see: "Note: March Musical Monkey Madness Blogging Prompt..."

Prompt: Andre Got Fired - Why?


You know the phrase "a Typewriting Monkey could do better"?... Andre's last employer Drivel books put that to the test.

Apparently one of the higher ups at the publishing company believed in the "Infinite Monkey Theorem" and reasoned that the possibility of a monkey randomly churning out a bestseller had better odds than achieving success with the hacks that they were hiring lately. Sadly it did not work out very well.

To Andre's credit... he had a typing speed of 250 words per minute and a ton of ideas. Unfortunately it was hard to follow his train of thought.

During his tenure as lead monkey author for Drivel, he wrote amazing gems such as "sadfahasha knphnaorhnaslh asdgainawer gweigas sdjlka", "ADGAGAHRbhf kagarerih aha fhraoiha" and "AGDASHrahinearjhdoficrnglfhnarhihn fcergnalhrafnicadnh era b ir nfahlr" (The latter of which is a summary of his ground breaking 1573 page novel). None of them sold very well but he was recognized for his distinctive style which was present throughout almost all his work. A New York Times columnist summed up Andre's gift with words best in one of her reviews stating "I have no idea what I just read".

Andre did produce one book which didn't follow his usual pattern... a thriller which readers agreed had a Stephen King feel to it. Even the harshest of reviewers found themselves likening it to the "The Shining". As it turned out, Andre's book was a little too similar. He wound up getting fired for plagiarism!

Word Count: 312
February 25, 2022 at 9:23pm
February 25, 2022 at 9:23pm
Ben huddled tightly as he walked through the doorway. The monsters had defeated him before but this time he was ready.

He felt his body tighten as the darkness surrounded him. The ancient one had provided him with the a secret to prevent him from harm.

When things got too intense all he needed to do was close his eyes and say the magic words. The monsters were relentless attacking him with all they had but he wrapped himself in his cloak of protection keeping them at bay. Shutting his eyes tightly... he mustered his courage. "I'm not scared! Begone Nightmares!" He shouted. Suddenly he was safe. He could now rest easily... the night terrors had been banished.


Ben's parents were impressed.

"How did you get him to fall asleep by himself?" his mom asked. "He has been so scared of the dark lately."

Ben's grandmother smiled. "When you are as old as I am you know a thing or two." She said. "I told him the same thing I told his dad when he was Ben's age. All he needed to do was wrap himself in his blanket and remind himself to be brave and the bad dreams would vanish!"

Word count: 202 Words

Author's Notes:

This was written for
Daily Flash Fiction Challenge  (13+)
Enter your story of 300 words or less.
#896794 by Arakun is Vastra in 2324582

as part of one of the activity challenges I was completing for
Special Round of I Challenge... Jeopardy  (13+)
Special Board and Rules For Special Rounds.
#2267055 by Showering Dutchessbarbie.

The daily prompt for this story was: "I'm Not Scared!"
February 1, 2022 at 12:45am
February 1, 2022 at 12:45am
I'm reaching the age where I am starting to reminisce about the past a lot and beginning to lament about the things I miss from my childhood.

From time to time my brother and I get into an animated discussion about favorite restaurants that we used to visit that no longer exist. There is one restaurant that always winds up coming to the top of my list. On the Upper West side of Manhattan, there was a small Pizza restaurant appropriately called "Pizza Town" that had the best Pizza I have ever tasted. My Father worked nearby this restaurant and on the occasions My brother and I would meet with him after school we would eat there while waiting for him to finish work.

For a long time, New York has been known to have a ton great Pizza places in the City and this small restaurant almost certainly would been overlooked by bloggers and review critics constructing their top ten lists today. Pizza Town's pizza was always excellent but it could very easily get lost among the many other restaurants with similar tasting pizza that was arguably equally as good.

Where Pizza Town shined though was one of their specialty items "The Lasagna Slice". In addition to the standard Pizza ingredients Marinara sauce and Mozerella cheese... a Lasagna slice is topped with Ricotta cheese for a Richer and Creamier taste and Meat resulting in cheesy awesomeness that is out of this world.

A Lasagna slice could be found in a lot of Pizza places and it is still very tasty but none of the ones I have tasted so far have been able to match Pizza Town's quality. They tend to go lighter on the ricotta and aren't as generous with the meat. Pizza Town went out of its way to provide large chunks of ground beef, sausage and meatball in their pizza making each slice so much more tasty. Each slice of pizza from the restaurant was perfectly baked and the dough was a ultimate blend of crispiness and chewiness that made even the crust enjoyable to eat.

My father stopped working in that Upper West side neighborhood a long time ago removing my reason for coming to that area. When I did get a chance to revisit the location I discovered that Pizza Town had closed down several years back.

I don't know whether it is nostalgia or the fact that I genuinely haven't come across a slice of Pizza quite as good in over 20 years but over time Pizza Town's Lasagna slice has developed an Epic reputation in my mind. My family knows it as the "Lasagna Slice of Legends"... the perfect Slice of Pizza that (as far as I know) only exists in memory today. If I had the ability to travel through time... I would love to be able to stop at Pizza Town, order a can of root beer and a slice of Lasagna Pizza and relive the taste one more time.
January 19, 2022 at 12:28am
January 19, 2022 at 12:28am
It begins...
The Obsidian sky lightens turning from Dark to Lavender.
From Lavender to Red
and Red to Orange
From Orange to Yellow
and Yellow to White.
A Golden Sphere shines against a Sky of Blue.
The piercing light attacks the eyes
shattering the Dreams of the Night before.
From Drowsy slumber the fallen rise.
Jolted and shaken...
Unsure of what's ahead...
but with renewed energy to face what comes.
It is time to start the Day!

Authors Notes: This was created for "Rising to the Challenge! - CLOSED.
Line Count: 14
Prompt- Start your poem with this phrase: "It begins..."
Style- Freeverse
Your poem should be at least 12 lines long.

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