Random Writing, Blogs and Adventures |
A mix of Random writing in an attempt to organize my thoughts, storyboard ideas and conserve portfolio space in the process. |
A number riddle, not too hard. I am not even so I'm odd. I'm less then twenty more then ten. Think I'm composite? Guess again! No snake eyes roll applies to me. For second digit don't count threes. Perhaps my value's now foreseen I am the number ????????? Prompt: "WRITE A POEM ABOUT NUMBERS or A NUMBER" for "EIGHT, the Weekend - 07.28.24" Word Count: 47 words Line Count: 8 Lines |
Never leave start but still win a race. Travel to Mars without entering space. Spell lemonade but don't use an L. Reveal a secret but also don't tell. Eat chocolate cake but don't use your mouth. Try to head north by just running south. Win a chess match by losing your king. You're gambling with preposterous things! Prompt: "WRITE A PREPOSTEROUS POEM." for "EIGHT, the Weekend - 07.21.24" Word Count: 52 words Line Count: 8 Lines |
As Jenna watched her boyfriend's car burn in front of her, you would think that it was enough to even the tables in her mind. However her dark expression revealed this was far from over. Her revenge was just getting started. Photo Prompt: https://www.writing.com/main/images/action/display/ver/1719944271/item_id/229335... for Round 14 of "Hook of the Book" Word Count: 41 words |
You may think that I'm small That I'd avoid a fight, But do not be fooled Cause I've got a sharp bite! I'd avoid throwing hands But don't say that I can't. You'll find my spirit animal Is the Great Fire Ant! Prompt: "BUMPER STICKER SLOGANS: MY SPIRIT ANIMAL IS A FIRE ANT" for "EIGHT, the Weekend - 07.07.24" Word Count: 42 words Line Count: 8 Lines |