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Rated: GC · Book · Comedy · #2288911
Neurodivergent here. All the disgusting things I do or think on display. Wail away.
You don’t like it. I get it. Be truthful. Be honest with yourself.

I had to be.

And this is fair, make more rules to punish/negate rather than acknowledge/celebrate because fences, around obstacles surround trees climbing cliffs to secret clubs amid whispered oaths…with fingerpaint, koolaid and cellophane sammies in dad-built, small houses.

Good with it and a 1,000,000 more reasons to yet whip out that sheathed numbered plastic after x years in negation. Good. I said good.

Like Nostra-dumbass, written by my dim light. Some of you? No?? Nevermind. You have…enlightenment and couldn’t be more wrong to cast shadows.

If you are put out with me, maybe, one day, I can offer a note from my doctor(s). This is semi-(im)pertinence.

I make poor choices. Get regrets. But, as I age, the less I’ll care. Make…these words…you provoked…with a simple bullet…’if you don’t like it…’ The hole that passes through my soul you feel, adjust for, again and again.

That’s why safe is not a good choice (for me), anymore. Risks with words, with a measure of aim, seek reward. Not here. No, never. I’ll apply myself, listen for their confusion…why…again…(not) him? Why do we do this?

Are we good yet?
How ‘bout now?

Now, right?

Yeah, you say we’re good…

People like me can waste a lot of time cutting through the b.s. How can I know what you mean, if you won’t say what you mean?

Observant, not sexist to say, it’s mostly women. Guys just trash talk, smear. Each is passive-aggressive in their own way.


Short termers are feeding into what the long termers structure for short gain, while robbing our own privileges of promised freedoms...
and you just believed them?! *Laugh* let me think about that. *Cry*
modern day counter culture turning back the clock with no hour hands, as society sent to an acidic bath of primordial ooze.

workshopping that.
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April 26, 2023 at 12:48am
April 26, 2023 at 12:48am
Holding It In…for you, who sleeps at night

I don’t read aloud some of my favorite poetry writes —
thick text best left to the fantastical theatre of my mind.
please don’t approach with platitudes for sifting through
that jumble of collected words, strung up, glowing array —
window display but exhumed demons of my mind exercised,
forced to my devices to purge these life lessons.
my ramblings might give the faux angelic appearance
of reformed psychopath who raged, buckled under —
but not a danger in pressurized chamber ceding these diamonds.
lay down pawns for kings positioned to prompt,
hoping I’d sacrifice my queen rather than bleed
an army of in Trojan, troubled soul.

So, don’t expect a shove in the shoulder, smile and shout ‘get outta here’,
humbly acquiesce when you acknowledge. I’m too busy punching myself
in the damned heart with a frown-brain rewired, as I fight internally eternally.
Not your fight. Right. Just thought you’d care to know, since you only notice
the sweetest gifts and concessions of a bleeding heart, holding it in.
Smile. Move on to the next, certain they’ll also appreciate glowing remarks.


No small task for an emotional person to use objectivity, logic and override a torment that ravages my body, holding it all in

What’s unique about poems like this is jotted thoughts written one at a time from the mind’s simmering process that produces each floating revelation. Raw and incomplete and still or forever informing. Now edited and shared, here.

A week from now I’ll forget the impulse that produces this…take more time…depending how deep we go to get that memorable scar. Or, remember those cuts open to receive more happy words in salted wounds.

A book is coming…I keep telling myself…as all kinds of arbitrary deadlines near & pass…like blaring traffic. So, there’s that.
April 16, 2023 at 12:46pm
April 16, 2023 at 12:46pm
My mom was apparently famous for saying, "I'm for everyone."
I'm infamous for inferring I'm not for everyone.
In fact, very few can endure (cliche) insufferable (end cliche) me.

Where's all of this headed?

Mom had a cat named "Nigger Bob" when she was growing up as a kid in South Dakota.
She didn't see anything wrong with that when I called her a racist.
We were both ignorant.
Now, I'm some kind of something.
She was better than me because she knew how to behave, except
not how to raise a 'different' kid she sometimes called a 'dumb bunny'.

I know I'm not dumb. Somethings take more time. Some things
need be handled with 'kid gloves'. Sometimes, parents
don't have the tools to raise a 'special child'.

But there is time, as one ages,
to set things right. If given a chance
to not let truth spoil in their hands
when no one else will realize what they've discovered.

Boxed by people's perceptions, races, genders,
disabilities and sexual proclivities aside, it's hard
why people can act so progressive and still be regressive
when they decide to shun one another.

I heard my mom was for everyone after she was gone.
I would have said, no, she wasn't. She was
and wasn't for me and was ignorant, as was I.
But, I keep searching for truth and answers, rebuffed
when I go poking in 'the wrong places' because
inhumanity, dehumanization, hatred and ignorance
intermingle, coexist more than branded people
who lack distinguishing marks. How will you know
how to compartmentalize a world around you, encroaching
begging your alms of love. Not realizing, you can
sit down, enjoy your tea or coffee in the houses
of communion and step off whatever podium soap box
that collects those stubborn toes toeing.

I am just a boy with a mom who was average
and unique, to me. And I don't have to explain myself,
my disabilities, so I can find elbow space in the houses
where I've sought love. It's over. I can't open
a heart any wider to let others in who only want to savage
from the inside, a circuitry that has been messed
since it was created in her womb of words, her ignorant
acts of love toward others, world, me that I reflect
or reject based on some impulses of my own to act
or now, not react, to the manipulators and ignorance
that surrounds in a sea of soft, soft heads.

We aren't progressing as humanity, but regressing
to our safe spaces with machine calculators figuring us out.

I could go on. No one is listening. This was not planned.
Neither will the next collection of words tapped
from fingers to spacing thumbs. We all have senses and
sensibilities rooted in our past, brought to the present
in some bath still simmering, aging, now regressing.

It's hard to find faith in communion of thought
with so much disparity among the disparaging to those
reserving their thoughts, until the right moment, they think,
to strike and cancel one another until one remains?

I fight for peace of thought while others purchase
poison or guns to demonstrate their right to terminate.


last rambling thought of the hour, day, week, month, year, life?

edit...later? checks, mouth. is it all counterfeit? should I be locked up?
I hear a resounding YES in my head. i might be close, and not.
April 16, 2023 at 12:25pm
April 16, 2023 at 12:25pm
The brain has an off switch

You might only get one chance to use it
If not used correctly
you might try again
to shut it down

I'm neither Otto the book or movie
but I relate

Maybe, you should read something
into this?


A book is coming…I keep telling myself…as all kinds of arbitrary deadlines near & pass…like blaring traffic. So, there’s that.
April 16, 2023 at 12:21pm
April 16, 2023 at 12:21pm
I had a lover's quarrel with the world - Robert Frost

I'm sorry you got caught in the middle.

I had to slap your face
so you would keep slapping back
so I could subtract my ignorance from the inhumanity
and know the difference
how a catalyst sparks
something dead

already dead?

I slap any face
that will slap back defiantly, ignorantly
so I can feel inhumanity from those so evil
its unrealized their affect

what's dying
is not the soul but good people
fed to a machine grinding and burping
disgusted, disguising words in formulas
only a few programmers crudely understand

Hands much bigger, thicker
also love.


tax deadline extensions and other things to dread

I forget I used to title a collection (unwritten) after one poem ignorantly implies a theme

I learned I could be a menace without trying. I'd get sucker punched, called out and humilated for something only based in ignorance. So, I made a game of it. You hit me, I hit back. I hit you, you hit me. When people stopped taking swings at a monster, I felt unloved. That hurt worse. So, I veil my attacks. They don't know they've responded. If I gather nothing but silence, I just adjust my approach.

I assume. This is conjecture, theory, to explain what I want to believe or embellish to make the computations for life have some statistical merit.
April 14, 2023 at 8:56am
April 14, 2023 at 8:56am

Vibrations tremor dirt
shake the boards beneath
my green, putrid cot.
Still smell the flesh rot.

Gun hardens a pillow,
taken apart, reassembled
so many times in sleep
I innocently slaughter your sheep

My ears can’t hear
No faces, so tongues must be cut
from wild, arrogant head
Taste my hot lead?

Ground pounded by your rhinos
gorging a forest poorly made,
bright trees, red hearts
thrash, bleed, each tear apart.

Stomp harder. I can’t hear
actions without words
demonstrative, well demonstrated,
but doesn’t explain why you hate.

Your lonely prisoner/expatriate
lives better in silence…paradise?
Trample all you boast.
You can’t kill, again, a ghost.

He’s dead. Here I lay.
Justice is the bed I made.
Suffrage is yours, perpetual,
in hand made hell.

Careful of the dead
without ears for torture.
Immobilized, they can see.
Unresponsive they’ll be.

Reassembled killing machine
grows taller than the he(a)rd,
a voice now undisturbed,
a cur you couldn’t curb.

What’s the lesson in war?
There’s only casualties,
flesh pile gathering fleas
had no remorse for pleas.

Deaf to notion of treaties,
your sickness, now, your dis-ease.


Blueprint a dystopian book, worshipping devils and their currencies,
we empathize with your disease. You won’t feel shrapnel
from close range. Quick and sweet with ease, he slips through
darkest night, mercenary into your camps. Horns,
the hollow husks in dust that masked their souls.

R.I.P. bkeithc, rest now

April 14, 2023 at 8:54am
April 14, 2023 at 8:54am

…and there’s no story end.
the drama replays
but not in my head —
overplayed, oh, well-worn vinyl.
my axe grinds, speakers beg
please, baby, please, but not
on my knees, in my dark,
daring four walls, the inter-dimension,
to echo back my genius, but…….

none can tell. compare,
as if I should care?

no frequency, can’t dial me in.
what is this, another sin?
play by rules, must conform?
to a cliche playlist
during every set I rip
the ceiling off this shit
for pigs in my mosh pit,
playing cops, rusty handcuffs
that’ll never fit
my slender wrist?

stand back while I pick at you,
amp past 11
hole past hell, oh well,

dark, i navigate, learned
to live within. oh, oh, oh
wel-ellllll. ooh, ooh, ooh,
I should be in hel-elllll.

can’t rip this flesh, ‘cause
I’m only bone, vibratin’
strings like steel cable bendin’
defendin’ sound so, so so
low, so, so, so wrapt, apt.

don’t care how you livin’
or where were you at.
slosh, slide, slum,
my little piggies,
squeal as you can…
i’ll rip, you keep poundin’ that sand

can’t kill what’s dead,
maaa-aannn…oh well,
ooh, ooh, ooooohhhhh,
Hell, Ya!


let’s reset this table,
boil another batch of brew,
see what renews…
another version of you?

April 9, 2023 at 10:48pm
April 9, 2023 at 10:48pm
Totally unrelated to Easter,
unless you want it to be...

It was rumored
Jesus was writing a book
before the crucifixion,
"How To Act Modest
While Calling Yourself
The Son Of God"
Edited from that chapter
before the New Testament
was rolled out

Why indeed
did he forsake you?

Careful not to get snagged
on the exposed nails of the world.


April 9, 2023 at 10:47pm
April 9, 2023 at 10:47pm
Hide in your work, hide in your home?
One easier than the other

Your mother doesn’t veil resentment if
you’re looking for someone to point a finger at

accusations you learned to identify, mischaracterize,
were not identified by me as a man who learned

to self-correct

like toilet lids sent down, or closed mouth chewing,
how to tidy a split-level abode before she arrived home

from what-kind-of-day?

give me that heavy expression after a scan of environs

a chance to brighten?

Remember, I only live on one floor, and someday
my elevator won’t go all the way up

to drink beer with squirrels and pigeons
on our newly tiled roof, traction for tired legs safer,

so I can scan a neighborhood, watch and wonder
about other peoples’ houses, their young adults, and,

where they’ve gone

how mothers treat fathers, and their coping, as men,
as dogs in kenneled houses, if I’ll see any of them

in trees spying on others, spying on me.

What we escape as adults, no longer ruling a roost,
branches too weak, giants need pruning,

and no one builds tree houses anymore,
men don’t tinker in garages with saws and hammers,

but shovel a secreted spot behind the house to sit
on an ice chaise lounge next to the patio table
that has collected the pine’s end of summer offering
and nurse as many beers without getting caught,

avoid accusations an alcoholic, accused of wasting time
under the judgmental eye of a family looking up
after intensely staring at pixelated screens,
imitating what could be our reality, a loving, interconnected,
respectful co-existence that I somehow avoided

with your grandfather.

I view thin layered, pale walls we don’t wash.
paint peels off plaster between studs by the closet door
where I tried to fit my fist once, our first mortgaged winter.

And wonder begins: re-stir the old paint or
pick out new samples of something different?

Why home improvement when all anyone sees is a reality show
of 'how to' for its entertainment value, hyper-fantasize
what we dream as perfection, but cannot do: paint?

Look up from your distraction long enough for this land owner,
detractor, who can’t blend in to the backdrop, a drab scenery,
ironically, and tell me…how I…failed you…again?

She’s not home for another hour. Better hide.
Something is about to fully erupt like a vomit of words,
foaming on my mouth. One more winter storm delayed spring arrival,
collar and chain off, I will unhitch, and reclaim my worth,
right after another six-pack drained out back.

April 9, 2023 at 10:45pm
April 9, 2023 at 10:45pm
I swear
I'd know poetry if it slapped me in the face

I'm not always the beautiful mind
portals pushed wide by wild winds
swirl, spin and slam that door shut
flat face expressionless folds up

Ignorance was a paddle to extremities
exposed to the angry trustee
of my emotional well being
trying to get through a day without breaking your unknowable rules
until red from the other side of lumber
swung stinging not only flesh
but a fresh mind, jumbled, disarrayed
and visions of beauty decayed

Never realized this rot in my bed
could one day inspire nature revitalized.

I tote this bag of manure through a garden of words
sprout sentences cultivated in their rows
the sweet tubers and gourds arrive late
tasty fruit all summer

I swear
I'd know poetry if it slapped me in the face
Parts of me have been numb since I thought I was dumb
before the excuse, that was youth
you're a big man now?
Where is that disconnect, the tiny wires rigged
to set off the little eruptions
the little interruptions that I could spend
several hours in a mind's wasteland
no excuses for the expiring clock
spinning faster on a dull wall

puzzled faces great my flat face
monotone voice wants to project what it feels
doesn't know what you'll make of all this
since I can't set anything right
if conditioned to feel shame, remorse
and resulting regret from manipulation
meant to take control of a wild spirit
who'd...what? What was wrong with a young man
with passion that wanted to explore
things other than the inside of her vagina
with a flesh tool kept in my pants, because
I was too afraid, and so captured, and
couldn't conceive what love was all about
I just needed someone to remind me I was alright
I was right to pursue my dreams even if
I'd fall flat on my face. They said don't
So, I never tried. Lowered expectations
and hung around the sideline watching 'heroes'
who were as close to zeroes like me because
they were scared into trying to be someone
when they didn't have the same passions,
visions for their futures their trustees
need to capture, because why? Why do they fail
to raise us, fail at their own dreams of life?

So, here I am, self-corrected and sorry
if I'm a little gun shy because I've been on the other side.


tune back in from time to time to see me mold my marble block, if it's at all possible
April 9, 2023 at 10:42pm
April 9, 2023 at 10:42pm
it's never you
never been about you
since you haven't been around
as long as me to revisit the wreckage
i leave in my wake, reinventing, recreating
every horror unto myself, non-conformist entering
many realms not that unsimilar to the former reality.
you draw your words on pages blazing like torches,
envision two-sided words, sharp drawn from my chest.
know that i know it's never your intent to wield weapons
hefted from a tomb dictionary just as easily flung at my head.
know i live in dread there is one of you who wants to undo
all the years of climbing through a clutter called society
to apex somewhere, a precipice where shouts are heard
and echo in valleys below my unformed beliefs, hoping
just one will understand, climb my summit, be my dali,
because i search in the oddest place, utmost outposts
seeking what has always laid before me, undiscovered,
unbelievable to consider comprehension of known fact.
testimonials, the true evidence of what i daily seek,
a mirror that reflects the perfect image of myself
will bring a fool to knee sobbing, hoping you lay
a healing hand on my shoulder and bring me up
and out of a waded river, deliver to my flesh
utterly, completely, give back a wealth of me
to one, or a multitude, that would have me --
a shattered soul, recollected and losing
every fragment relocated, but unglued,
boxed and shelved and labeled, hoping
thoughts form crystallized words
to reform me before I wake.
another morning alone.
It's never been you.
It's about me,
death near.

4.9.23 edited for punctuation, clarity and yet...

this is free association with no predilection for outcome and yet revealed without fear someone see the inner workings of someone who knows this is not insanity but humanity in the mirror.

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