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Rated: GC · Book · Comedy · #2288911
Neurodivergent here. All the disgusting things I do or think on display. Wail away.
You don’t like it. I get it. Be truthful. Be honest with yourself.

I had to be.

And this is fair, make more rules to punish/negate rather than acknowledge/celebrate because fences, around obstacles surround trees climbing cliffs to secret clubs amid whispered oaths…with fingerpaint, koolaid and cellophane sammies in dad-built, small houses.

Good with it and a 1,000,000 more reasons to yet whip out that sheathed numbered plastic after x years in negation. Good. I said good.

Like Nostra-dumbass, written by my dim light. Some of you? No?? Nevermind. You have…enlightenment and couldn’t be more wrong to cast shadows.

If you are put out with me, maybe, one day, I can offer a note from my doctor(s). This is semi-(im)pertinence.

I make poor choices. Get regrets. But, as I age, the less I’ll care. Make…these words…you provoked…with a simple bullet…’if you don’t like it…’ The hole that passes through my soul you feel, adjust for, again and again.

That’s why safe is not a good choice (for me), anymore. Risks with words, with a measure of aim, seek reward. Not here. No, never. I’ll apply myself, listen for their confusion…why…again…(not) him? Why do we do this?

Are we good yet?
How ‘bout now?

Now, right?

Yeah, you say we’re good…

People like me can waste a lot of time cutting through the b.s. How can I know what you mean, if you won’t say what you mean?

Observant, not sexist to say, it’s mostly women. Guys just trash talk, smear. Each is passive-aggressive in their own way.


Short termers are feeding into what the long termers structure for short gain, while robbing our own privileges of promised freedoms...
and you just believed them?! *Laugh* let me think about that. *Cry*
modern day counter culture turning back the clock with no hour hands, as society sent to an acidic bath of primordial ooze.

workshopping that.
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March 31, 2023 at 3:32pm
March 31, 2023 at 3:32pm

can i remember the impulse?
sometimes i just leave my body
come back
as if nothing ever happened
i might recall
wonder what happened to me
where there is moral ambiguity
and justification
as i'm in bloody clothes
eating at the kitchen sink
my cookie
like reward
as a predator
whose only feast
is himself

not plagued by guilt, shame
or other programmed markers
of a PTSD childhood
but regret?

what is my worth
don't know
what is my place
don't ask anymore
what can i do to make a difference
not allowed
not trusted
but do they know that?
do i even know
what i hunger?

it's the game
the game is the thing
and they have so much stacked
on every wall
like duct tape
an my impulses kick in

it's a game
are there victims
besides me?
no empathy, sympathy or pity
need apply
just explain
me to me?


my head is crowning out of something like knowledge, infantile to you.

i swear i'm not a psychopath, but want to be, if it will explain me. somewhere on the spectrum, a hybrid, no one can finger, i hide...from me as well.

A book is coming…I keep telling myself…as all kinds of arbitrary deadlines near & pass…like blaring traffic. So, there’s that.
March 31, 2023 at 11:58am
March 31, 2023 at 11:58am
Not Your Villain
Know your enemy as well as yourself and what you are capable of...

Not your villain
but a fly
led by instinct, odors
flung into sweet flesh

hums, vibrates
but no meaning, and a bug
to you
that you could
just swat away. Not enough.

More than plastic
melded to coiled wire
at arm's length
dispatched from above...
More than a brick or hammer
if you could
soldier one up, but...

a readied, tactile, laser-guided,
high-powered, semi-automatic
gleam of an eye
no homeowner should ever covet,
send your

hollow-jacket, metal missiles
in directions mislead, misguided
you aimed at the last moment I hovered
as an acrobatic bug with

two days of life
in a crusty container
to eat garbage, your heap of dung,
but not wing singed
from your flammable, sky-sent
vapor trails of gunpowder

buzzy, whizzy target
not sent from anyone,
aimless, savoring the best of whatever

its genius is; or was,
before dehydrated carcass discovered
in the sill of your winter home,
when spring comes.

more insects like your missiles come.
do you savor the small, pungent death?

43 lines of whatever i want to call it poetry, free to flow.

something i made up on the fly. you know, because, i have hours before i die?

excuse me as i shit on every surface touched.

we near the flames of a dystopian revelation this generation could not conceive, having ditched literature, history, and lessons from life for RPG.

You know the social commentary, but ignore it. You tell me to keep it positive. Like some writer in the pre-bard times, i cloak my coded messages to you in an archaic form none will near but lovers of poetry? Depends. Do you prefer encrypted in a form with meter and rhyme that distracts with a bittersweet melody or do we want to marshal our forces, cut through the thick skulls with blow torches and fill them with the gases of knowledge of the ice bergs they are headed for? Agggghhhh, too many metaphors! How can we know what he means if he will not say what he means!! Psst. Um. Hello. Forced into silence by people watching. Nudge, nudge. Oh, nevermind. I’ll just keep coding…I mean writing.

ironically, written when i should be doing something different
no incentive to do anything but what i want
there are forces that want to squash life, annoying thing with utterances, in your home, that must be too agile for its own wit to be killed, replicated
could live a thousand other lives, but chooses this one
a bug equipped with human emotion that can be toyed with, much as a cat with crawling insects on the floor, witnessed
the cat isn't mean either, lives by its own instincts, rules, yet governed
can we think who watches the little battles and incentivizes play and outcomes? a homeowner that doesn't like/want bugs?
thinking out loud, like a buzzy, whizzy thing. clueless.

what am i supposed to be doing? since the sentences above? on the last day of the month? other than let my mind go off a chain? not medicated or anything. plenty of coffee in this gut.

and that's pretty much it. i move on. or back. who knows? who knows.
edited, so there's that.
March 28, 2023 at 5:02pm
March 28, 2023 at 5:02pm
On your dark shelves
canned pears blacken

in your attic spaces
dusty boxes of her favorite Christmas decorations

brown-wet, shriveling in your garden
outer reaches suffocate the heirlooms
rooting ‘neath trees and roots dormant
until fresh invigoration of less acidic soil seeps
a decaying memory of a once prolific plant,
spoiling vision of all others’ daring, like
your toddler darling so promising
before unruly shoved and crawled, sprawled
across your perfect carpet.

Snipped and pruned, treated rude, recoiled
from perceived hate, your retracted love.

What was I? Five when I discovered you doted over that freckled brat more.
The incense consumer who burned through hemp and tobacco
before lost because he sucked at that teat until weaned and succor no more.


still…what was aim?

A book is coming…I keep telling myself…as all kinds of arbitrary deadlines near & pass…like blaring traffic. So, there’s that.

A book is coming…I keep telling myself…as all kinds of arbitrary deadlines near & pass…like blaring traffic. So, there’s that.
March 28, 2023 at 4:46pm
March 28, 2023 at 4:46pm
They point to the things I’ve done that are normal
rather that illuminate and identify my human errors
that I can’t explain, that slip through the cracks.

And then I forget. I’m no longer dogged because I’m left feeling
I’ve been playing a game with my own tail. I have to ‘let it go’.

A tale I can’t concretely tell because I’m so in love with colorful, multi-syllabic
adjective-filled, metaphorical, symbolic, allegorical sub-reality of life
(can’t get in on the ground floor — some worm surfacing and suffocating, or a fish…),
but make it an adverb, lovingly, incorrectingly and I’m realizingly
(why must you auto-correct, but do need you to call me on my shit) stoopid?
pedantic Apple ass.


A few thoughts as my ADHD kicked in while reading a blurb-like-forward for the author of ‘I Overcame My Autism And All I Got Was This Lousy Anxiety Disorder’


A book is coming…I keep telling myself…as all kinds of arbitrary deadlines near & pass…like blaring traffic. So, there’s that.

A book is coming…I keep telling myself…as all kinds of arbitrary deadlines near & pass…like blaring traffic. So, there’s that.
March 28, 2023 at 4:38pm
March 28, 2023 at 4:38pm
Since The Bustier Show (post 90s music icons)
by Anonymous Misogynist

Show your boobs
or let the girl who can actually sing
take the stage
younger, prettier,
we hope
and imagine defile as easily as you

our balls are not on the idiomatic table
but your breasts we need on a platter

if you insist introducing the next song
entice our base desires
with the most revealing gear (or nothing)
or maybe that songbird in wing shadowed
as you jiggle and cavort in theatre of our minds?
take over base imagination
scenarios project sweetly vulgar —
fantasy mix
with rhythm
a composition pairing us with you
or let her sing innuendo
veiled All-American teen, beauty Queen
with you as dominatrix. Maybe,
that was too much.
What video next?
‘hot boobs teen singer’
hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag + + + +

Is this really for free?
Baited, government keeping tabs on me?

3.28.23 edit, add last lines

This poem was not good.
Written alone on a Wednesday at work while stocking door knobs.
It can get more pornographic. Warming up.

A book is coming…I keep telling myself…as all kinds of arbitrary deadlines near & pass…like blaring traffic. So, there’s that.

A book is coming…I keep telling myself…as all kinds of arbitrary deadlines near & pass…like blaring traffic. So, there’s that.
March 28, 2023 at 4:31pm
March 28, 2023 at 4:31pm
Memory like snow
each puff on an angle away
no time to drift or float
like riddles from spring sky
unloaded from deft clouds
         destroyed before I can personify
mourn each death to pavement
to each laced in with collected white
but hope for the few resting
in crooks and branches
of bare crab trees or laying upon
green bows of pine

I hear gales, gust whips
when snow flung near a startled Robin
Good luck with that nest…
Wish I could rest
Monologuing alone about something
I forget


A book is coming…I keep telling myself…as all kinds of arbitrary deadlines near & pass…like blaring traffic. So, there’s that.
March 28, 2023 at 4:21pm
March 28, 2023 at 4:21pm
Thoughts devolve, revolve
in concentric loops that try
to link back
if I can remember
the point of that anecdote.

I might spin on a flat plain, miles and miles of eye-appealing scenery,
remember relevant episodes from life,
rejuvenated but realize
my mind has circumvented a trip,
taking me down old avenues
instead of new thought boulevards
before I’m in the thick of wooded country.
I think it’s a cozy, pleasurable ride
until I realize fear in your eyes —
lost, unsure of this journey.

How can I remap, bring us back
to that unplanned exit and seek true destination,
revelation before we’re back on Main Street,
Where you’re dropped off.

I set to cruising, coasting, seeking new passengers,
or endure a lonely trip. Maybe,
someone else needs to navigate.
Might have to give up the wheel.
I’m steering in the dark.


A book is coming…I keep telling myself…as all kinds of arbitrary deadlines near & pass…like blaring traffic. So, there’s that.
March 28, 2023 at 4:17pm
March 28, 2023 at 4:17pm
What Crawled Up My Butt?

I want to ask for help
don’t know how to ask for help
I don’t know how to answer
be real
when they ask their questions
put me on the hoist
poke at my my framework
and what to adjust chemically for causality
when I can deflect
I can live with pain
the annoyance
the ignorance to consequence of loneliness
because I’d rather be alone in silence
than with them in awkward silence

give me a person who doesn’t judge
with their mouth
their eyes, their indifference
and get me the hell away from the one that says
welcome to the club
Jehovahs, Mormons, AARP
United Way, Red Cross blood drives and
benevolent societies to Fund police

I’ll sit in my box like the cat you don’t feed
or let outside
but eat
your hypothetical nucleic cyanide and live in relativity
I don’t ask for help
I don’t want help
Don’t gaslight, mindspeak or do whatever Fahrenheit 451 to me

yeah, I’ll keep it positive
while I sit in your dark
eating your shit.
Ready to be your higher processing cyborg

Don’t have children.
Starve consumerism.
Jobs should have stayed dead.

A book is coming…I keep telling myself…as all kinds of arbitrary deadlines near & pass…like blaring traffic. So, there’s that.
March 28, 2023 at 4:08pm
March 28, 2023 at 4:08pm
I’m not smart, but there is some thing persistent in my brain that needs to know the truth.
And while I imagine myself as someone who would say, I disembowel myself instead of disavow myself,
when I ignorantly misspeak, I actually only do it ironically (the result of binging too many sitcoms).
But because of my flat affect, cannot deliver feigned ignorance convincingly, my comical expression
revealed as just stupid. An attempt to entertain others, with wit, sends ignorant, pedantic boasts,
ignoring the comic point. But, I told you about that thing in my brain that can’t be rerouted, rewired.
Why buckle under, explain myself, again, bow to the ignorant postulations that I’m dumb, just yield?
So am I smart? To let them? Box me in?


A book is coming…I keep telling myself…as all kinds of arbitrary deadlines near & pass…like blaring traffic. So, there’s that.
March 28, 2023 at 3:59pm
March 28, 2023 at 3:59pm
Having thought
pen lacking
idea growing
first utensil located rubs paper dry
the light etchings on tree fiber
forms barely traceable valleys on the page
and the scribbled storm of anger
that leaked a bit of ink,
ran dry mid word
and the wiry clouds formed whirls
never producing a drop in a tempest tossed
emotions lapping over thoughts
inspiration does not flounder in a corked bottle
bobbing safe. It drowns.

Pens refreshed
stand at the ready
in the midst night
when a dream awoke
the most beautiful feeling
to run through a flowery field of words.

The quill clutched
looks to aim
to aim
to aim
Nothing to scrawl on remains
and the search —
for a bookmark? Envelope? A napkin that will do?
Matchbook covers once sufficed at a bar.

In wild youth
a cut oozed from forefinger
stained a curled sleeve of white bark.
Inspired thoughts
I thought
I cannot recall
because misplaced —
our initials in that tree, gone as well Talk to text
ruins creativity produces and ego’s rushed spontaneity
I cannot trust my hand to a page
It’s too easy to mail it in.


A book is coming…I keep telling myself…as all kinds of arbitrary deadlines near & pass…like blaring traffic. So, there’s that.

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