A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included! |
The One-Line Lyric Challenge has been updated -- please read below! Welcome to the One-Line Lyric Challenge! Every month, I will post two songs: One with a lyric prompt (start of the month) and one as a song prompt (middle of the month). Entries will be due at the end of the month for either prompt. Lyric Prompt: Write a poem or story and include the prompted lyric line somewhere in your work, word for word. It's up to you how you want to incorporate the line. Please bold the line to make it easier for me to find. It's OK if your work is loosely inspired by the song, but try not to make it too similar or copy the song. If you don't like the provided lyric prompt, you can pick a different line from the lyrics to incorporate (only one line). Song Prompt: Write a poem or story inspired by the song. You do not need to include any lyrics directly, and in some cases there may not be any lyrics. Just write whatever the music or lyrics inspires. Please link back to the challenge somewhere in your entry using {item:lyric} and post your entry as a link in the comments here. The Prizes: 5K GPs, a merit badge of my choosing, plus a guaranteed review of your entry. If you enter both prompts that month, you will get double the prizes! Feel free to listen and comment on the music or other people's entries, even if you don't plan to enter the challenge! There may be gift points in store for people who are active in the comments or share / promote the challenge. |
Hark! A new challenge for March! Introducing Jet, an Australian rock band formed in 2001. Clearly some heavy Beatles influence, some Pink Floyd, maybe even a little of the Stones. Most of their songs are high energy and very electric guitar forward, but they also have some slower ones. You might have heard their song "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" on the radio before. But you probably haven't heard this one on the radio. "Radio Song" by Jet Lyrics: ▼ Prompt: "The same dream" Challenge Prompt: "The Emperor's clothes" Note that there are TWO prompts now to choose from. The challenge prompt is meant to be a bit harder, so if you pick the challenge prompt you'll get 10k GPs instead of 5k for the standard prompt (plus a merit badge). |