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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/tapiot/month/12-1-2023
by Tim
Rated: E · Book · Activity · #2299896
An attempt at creating a daily blog.
I'm hoping I can turn this into a daily repository of random and not so random musings of my daily activities. Perhaps it will gel into a common thread that I may be able to work towards creating something interesting.
December 12, 2023 at 6:01am
December 12, 2023 at 6:01am
I had my alarm set for 3:30 yesterday afternoon but I wasn't home. Apparently that time isn't going to work. I got home just shy of 4, took Kara out for the 2.5 mile jaunt and finally got home a bit after 5. It was 49 degrees when we started and 40 when we got home. By then I was pooped, had a can of chili for supper and headed to bed. I've had a blister on the front side of the ball of my left foot and had moleskin to protect it (which works surprisingly well) but where they removed the toe is a wrinkly spot and I got a blister there. How that happened I have no idea. It is definitely tender though. I hope it doesn't keep me from my mile with Kassi today.

With Jeannette gone to Cleveland, I slept downstairs because the dogs need to get up in middle of the night to go out. I had the thermostat set at 68 and woke up shivering. I had to get an additional blanket. Tonight I might sleep upstairs but I can't feed Kami after 8 due to her surgery tomorrow. I don't want to listen to her all night wanting something to eat so it may be another night downstairs. I did go up and give her some treats at 2:30 this morning and I'll try to spend the bulk of the day with her.

I'm missing a shelf pin for the bookshelf. I picked up a package at Lowes on the way home yesterday after I returned the other shelf. Of course, they're a bigger diameter. I either need to enlarge the holes or find pins elsewhere. Lowes didn't appear to have any smaller ones. Of course, I had knocked my glasses off when I loaded the shelf into the back of the truck and hadn't noticed so I couldn't see when I was at Lowes. I could go back this morning and look but it might be easier to just enlarge the holes, it will definitely be faster. I think that will be the plan for today.

I got my new BassPro card yesterday. I'll pay for Kami's procedure with that tomorrow instead of using the wife's card. I'd prefer to not use the new one as I'm struggling to pay off what I already have. I want to save it for my fishing trips. I hope this will be a one shot deal. I did use it to order some elk hair for flies. I had a discount offer and wanted to make sure the card worked so it was $20. Plus the $63 I paid at Basspro it still totals under a hundred bucks. I'll pay that off at the first of the month. The SS check next week is gonna catch up what wasn't paid for on the first (which I'm not sure why not). Next checks will be bigger due to the cola raise, not enough but better than a stick in the eye.

Kami is saying she's hungry (again) so I better go feed her and give her some time. There, Kam is fed as well as the dogs. Kara got her glucosamine as well. And I drilled out the two holes a bit so now they have pins in them and the shelf is in place. Today the loading begins. There is a pile by the bed where the shelf collapsed yesterday so that can ger cleared up today. It is only supposed to reach the low 50's today so I think I'll have some coffee upstairs when I go up.

I had bad dreams twice when taking percocet late at night and I think I was irritable the other day so I think I will wean off of it and stop. It doesn't seem all that effective. My shoulder is becoming less troublesome; I;m still aware of it but it isn't as bad. I think using the walking stick with the left hand and exercising the left arm/shoulder is helping as well. I did do a dead lift of 20 pounds the other day, that bothered my back more than my shoulder. I think I will clutch a 10 pound weight to my chest and just do bend-overs and see what happens. If I can get those muscles flexing and strengthening then perhaps they will be less of an issue if I want to carry a backpack. I'm hoping I can stay with this 2.5 mile walking every other day. It's an effort currently but as long as I can keep the motivation going, just like with the mile I can hope to be in some semblance of decent shape to go to the BlueRidge. That is the goal at this point. And it is good for the dogs to get out and get some exercise. Kara enjoyed the cooler walk yesterday compared to the 70+ degrees on Saturday. I did as well but I was dripping when I got home. I laid my jacket in fron of the fire so the inside would dry. Aapparently it doesn't breathe so I guess I need to be looking at alternatives. I think it is somewhat waterproof but I need something like gortex. For now I guess i will stick to hooded sweatshirts.

Well, this is for yesterday, I'll try to hit it again this evening...

That's a wrap!

December 10, 2023 at 4:04pm
December 10, 2023 at 4:04pm
Well, that sucks...I had written a substantial amount, then the keyboard froze, I reloaded and lost it all...that wasn't a good thing. And since I'd been typing for 20 minutes, I was just about ready to wrap it up. I have other things to do so I'm not going to spend another 20 minutes now...so,

That's a wrap!
December 10, 2023 at 2:23am
December 10, 2023 at 2:23am
Oh no! I forgot! I'm going to have to set an alarm to remind me to write! Meanwhile, I copied an email I just sent to a good friend I've knows since first grade...

"put out some food...probably a stray with no home to go to....out in the weather (and you've been having glorious weather as of late).My oldest cat is the daughter of a cat that had showed up in my garage...I had started feeding her and she was friendly, not running off like most do. Then one day she brought out her kittens to show me...
With the passing of Chatterbox, I figured he would want me to find another abandoned kitty and give it a new home. I went to the shelter and wanted to see the cat that had been there the longest. It was not really interested in attention but really wanted to get out of the cage...then below her was a nice male, a satin gray and had Chatterbox's eyes...plus it came in on my birthday. I wasn't quite ready to adopt but figured that was the cat I would take.
I went in a few days later, no more gray cat...somebody had come in right after I was there and adopted him. So, I went back to the kitty that had been incarcerated the longest. She'd been turned in as a stray. Brought her home and she growled and hissed when I tried to pet her, even fake attempts to bite me. She was a climber though, wanted to get high. I cleared a spot on top of the bookcase behind the tv at the foot of the bed and she'd sit up there, sleep and be able to watch the world go 'round. After a couple days, the came down in middle of the night and laid by me...now she's borderline being a pest. She gets into everything.
She refuses to use the community litter box. It's the one that Missy and Chatterbox shared. She decided to use the bathtub...I don't use it since it's difficult for me to lift my feet high enough to get in over the side, preferring to use the shower downstairs. Once I found that out (she s*** in middle of the night and it smelled to high heaven) I got her a small litter box and put it in there. She's good at using it. And, like Chatterbox, she really likes tummy rubs.
And yes, she is psychic."

So there is a typical email I write to him. And since I just spent the last 20 minutes typing it up, I'm posting it here since it was a writing effort.

Meanwhile, it is oh-dark-thirty and I need to get back to sleep. This is gonna have to be it for yesterday, I'll have to do better today...and I can brief you on what I did yesterday...it was a busy day.

That's a wrap!
December 8, 2023 at 5:21pm
December 8, 2023 at 5:21pm
The urge has finally struck....I've been neglecting the blog pursuing too many other interests. Today, I decided I am going to sit down and finally take writing somewhat serious. My fly fishing group has a monthly newsletter and it could be an ideal location to write short articles about our various fishing trips...possibly even add a touch of humor here and there. I'm already doing most of the photos used on the facebook page. This could be a normal progression.

Anyway, I've done a ton of reading, have plenty of reference material and I know how to do research. Now the mind is settled...

I managed to get a couple bookshelves, not quite the ones I wanted but I wasn't going to pay big $$ for furniture quality shelves, I just need something to put books on. Right now I have stacks on every flat surface to include the floor. It makes it hard to find what I'm looking for. I ran across a photography book yesterday that I'd been looking for for a couple weeks...I figured I would find it once I started putting books on shelves. Then I stood up at my table/makeshift desk and there it was, right in front of me.

One shelf is almost put together so I'm going to go finish it, start loading it and once I get a space cleared, I can set up my color laser printer (finally). Then I can get that box out of here, load a few other pieces of junk into it and tomorrow I can make a garbage run. It is also supposed to be nice weather tomorrow which means I can give the truck a good cleaning inside.

I'll be back to this in a bit....

Crap...I'm missing 4 pieces for my shelf. I saw them yesterday so I know they were in the box...when things like that happen, it means I'm missing a step or doing something wrong and need to step back and look at what I'm doing. I guess I'll have to pause and do something different for a bit...

Even worse, I got my hearing aid back from repair today...and they found a replacement for the one I lost, different color but it's above my hear and not visible. The one they found needed to be charged so I got the little charging container, opened it up...lo and behold, there was the missing hearing aid...oops! Darn...oh well...life goes on...

I did manage to find the 128gb micro-sd card I wanted to my gopro. I'm hoping to do video of fishing but I have to learn how to operate the gopro...I haven't played with one for a very long time...something else to relearn. It had a 64gb in it, I can put that in the Raspberry Pi 5 that I'm waiting for a power supply for...that will be the end of next week until it comes in...meanwhile, time to go looking for my cam locks...

Found the camlocks. The package had fallen into a box. Whether I knocked it down or Kami, doesn't matter, I found them. All I have left is tack on the back. I want to make sure it is square and I'm not finding my square clamps. I checked Lowes online and they were $20 each. I need at least 2, 4 even better. Harbor Freight has them for $3.99 each so I'll head there in the morning. It means I won't get the shelf done which means I can't get the books moved so the color laser won't be set up today. Another day isn't a big deal.

Now I'm trying to find somewhere that shows the stages of the various flies for fly fishing...whether there are multiple physical forms or simply nymph or adult which it appears the stone fly fits. I'd like to find actual photographs...but, never know, if I find some, I may have to get my macro lens and take my own photos. That could be pretty cool.

They gave me a new hearing aid for my left ear since I thought I had lost it, turns out it was in the case that they charge in. Oops. This one does not seem to want to connect to my phone. Since I found the original, I'll give it a try but it needs to be charged first. Well, if I connect it, then the right won't show up...so, back to the new one. It is working, I just can't control it...it's not overbearing so I'll leave it alone. And on the 26th I should be getting a new set...I've gone over a month without so less than 3 more weeks, not a big deal.

Ah ha, persistence. It finally connected. Life is good. I was hoping to crank out a thousand words but I'm just short of 800. It will have to do for today...

That's a wrap!

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/tapiot/month/12-1-2023