Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2313608-STILL-NEW-YORK-HUNGRY
Rated: 13+ · Book · Food/Cooking · #2313608
Old Place, New – carb-loaded! – Soul Food
Isn't it a shrieking irony?

Just as I'd never thought that I'd also dedicate a collection of Yums to "treating / curing" chronic underweight I'd reached because I'd taken Low Carb, Intermittent Fasting & Weight Training too seriously, => "MEHR HUNGER!

I'd NEVER in my life have thought that I'd EVER be

UNDERnourished – or better UNDER-carbedbecause of the three... and that this made me actually sick, too.*Shock2*

My metabolism's in sleep mode:

– my digestion inert,
– my muscles weak (and deteriorating*Shock2*) & my body too fat (despite sports & "healthy" diet!),
– my nails and hair brittle,
– my skin fatty, dry & pimply (at the same time!*Shock2*)
– I'm sleepy a great portion of the day
– I'm anxious


Once more it was a book that awakened me: Abnehmen mit Kohlenhydraten (Losing Weight with Carbs) (only in German till now.*Yawn*)

Nutritionist Daniela Kielkowski who's not solely treated thousands of people, monitoring / adjusting them by measuring metabolic performance by

spirometry (met performance at rest) and
– using a finely tuned body analysis scale

has helped these people losing their overweight and associated illnesses by feeding them carbs.*Shock2*

I'm only doing it since April 11 , reading the book along, and I'm already:

more awake during the day
more active during the day
more motivated (decluttering again)
not hangry anymore
not snacking anymore.
– having daily digestion (when it was only every 2-3 days!)
better skin, hair & nails, plus
– smaller injuries (cut myself while cooking) healing quicker.

Oh, and the anxiety is GONE!

All that with only 2 - 3 x Carbs / day!


I'll share my new nutrition – NOT diet, which is the root of all that Sick Evil!*Angry* – and knowledge along the way and add according recipes below.

And, yes, I'm also aware I (not only) culinarily traveled to NYC last year in "NEW YORK – HUNGRY already, inspired greatly by my Novel Series and other stories set there (and in Munich).

But honestly?

I wanna stay a little longer in NYC*StarStruck* – especially Staten Island, my favorite borough.*Heart* The stock cover, by the way, shows the Verrazano Narrows Bridge on the Staten Island end, coming from Brooklyn. Beyond it (leftwards)? The open Atlantic.*Wave2*

It's no coincidence that my novels' MMC, Vince, was born and raised, and still lives, there... as I felt at home there like nowhere else before, not even in Nova Scotia!*Shock2**Thinker*

Also this year will be the MOST demanding, arduous, stressful & tiring till now, as I want to have dig myself out of my traumatizing past and lost dreams and move beyond them – I think everyone who ever decluttered a house worth of stuff knows what especially emotional work it is to let go of even one piece sometimes. *Cry*

And for that endeavor, I need Soul Food – burger, pizza, risotto, fries, cake, cookies, ice cream*Hungry* – but the most healthy I can manage. I don't want to heal my mind to wake up in a sick body one day because of too much sh– I ate.*Shock**Idea*

Also, since the whole world lives in New York City, it's not gonna get culinarily boring in the least.*Idea*

Maybe even native New Yorkers on this site stumble upon this (and "NEW YORK – HUNGRY) and think, "Dang! Why didn't I have that idea!" or "A *peeping* pity we don't have have here." The latter would be the biggest compliment to the cook / baker, indeed!*Delight*

I already found some recipes which are

a) NY-classics – I'll start this collection with one!*Delight* – and
b) unusual variations of the familiar.*ThumbsUpGreen*

There'll be:

more vegs – and also some which I haven't tried before,

experiments like... handmade müsli bars & ice cream

"meal prep". My MCs, half-Italian police detective Vince and Italian food lover Laura are all into it, especially he with his erratic shift work.*Sick* Also Laurie will do some familiar Italian dishes differently, and have to convince Vince to overcome his traditional food biases.

Also their friends'/family's various cuisines will have their place again as well to complete the overall experience. *Heart*

In this sense:

Guten Hunger!
Buon Appetito!
Buen provecho!
Afiyet olsun!
Gudden Appetit!
20. Scottish Skunk, er, Cullen SKINK (fishy carbs)
June 23, 2024 at 6:59am
When I browsed my cooking+ library (a 6 ft. 7 bookshelf ; yeah, I know I've got a problem! ), I stopped at this one, out of Scottish Chef's Gary MacLean: Scottish Kitchen . And as the name may indicate to you, it originated from a small fishing town called Cullen in the Northeast of Scotland. Like the Scottish Cuisine , it's simple – they're using what's growing and swimming around them up there – but leaves you with a warm, filled stoma... [Read more]
19. Flamm-Brezn (yummy, super-quick carbs)
June 16, 2024 at 11:57am
New York City is not only a melting pot of cultures but also of food : Cronut, Cragel, Brookie, Italian Risotto and Chinese mushrooms, to name just a few I tried over there. This dish, which I found in German-Italian cook Stefano Zarrella's "Unbelievably Quick" (ly made; only in German), fits just perfectly as it unites a German Pastry Staple, (Lye) Pretzel (= Brezn), and a French / Alsace Staple, Tarte flambée (= Flamm kuchen). Most people... [Read more]
18. Laura's Pumpkin-Parmesan Dumplings (Yummy Carb-Bombs)
June 9, 2024 at 1:26pm
Guess what? Nonna Stella immediately stopped nagging that "traditional" South Tirolean dumplings aren't made like this upon tasting these... and she got that dreamy expression of sheer culinary bliss on her face, too. Not to mention her favorite nipotino , Vince when Laura surprises them both with these somewhere down my novel series or a short. And when it's Nonna -approved, you can trust me blindly on these. Real life's not ... [Read more]
17. Cinnamon Rolls
June 7, 2024 at 2:09pm
Honestly, Dudes: everyone loves these... and me, too. No further explanation needed, right? The first time, I really (= out of movies/TV) came into contact with these, was in a café on a cliff overlooking the ocean in Cape Breton National Park near Chéticamp, Nova Scotia. The display was empty except for two reasonably -sized – means a European can eat them without exploding from their sheer size – cinnamon rolls. Fearing diabetic shock – you North American... [Read more]
16. Lasagna Brokkoli e Salsiccia e Zuppa Spazzare.
May 29, 2024 at 9:26am
Oh, her again with her bloody Italian! I hear you groan and see you roll your eyes. But... Hell Yes! And it's all really simple . 1.. Zuppa = Soup But the former sounds yummier . 3. Spazzare = swept up The latter because that's literally what I did: snatched + prepped everything in the fridge / storage that needed to get used up . Guess what? Except for the brokkoli, I had everything at home! I've found this recipe earl... [Read more]
15. The "Great Gretzky" a.k.a. Nürnberger Poutine
May 20, 2024 at 1:48pm
Okay, I admit this one wasn't planned. I actually ate it this Tuesday evening (5/14) after arriving in Nürnberg for business, at a local burger restaurant called BurgerHeart. It's from a selection of Canadian Fries, 5 variations of loaded fries in the tradition of the beloved Canadian "junk" food, . The options were Fryan => Adams, Reynolds, Gosling, Gretzky and – very funny! – Scherbatsky (HIMYM, anyone?). Okay, "Wayn... [Read more]
14. Hatice's Lahmaçun (well-carbed + fibered)
May 17, 2024 at 6:17am
Guys, let's return to my heroine of many of my shorts / novel series Laura Zimmermann , or better, her Turkish bestie, Hatice Güngörmüs , short, Hattie , or even shorter, Hats , because she has a penchant for hats. She already contributed – & – to my international cookery. The Döner, by the way, is even one of Germans' fave "junk" food (that word doesn't do it justice, though ), a culinary staple German cuisine can'... [Read more]
13. Nonno Aurelio's Ricotta-Cinnamon Mac (Yup, Hi-Carb)
April 30, 2024 at 3:13pm
Dudes, ever wanted a true soul stroker on a s– day that doesn't cause you any more fuss? Or ever were a nonno left alone with a bunch of four nipotini when your figlio and his wife – and worse, your own wife! – were on a well-deserved night out ? How to fill the hungry little stomachs? Well, by remembering an old dish your big sister Antonella – your substitute mother after Papà doesn't care much about and blames you (sometimes violently) fo... [Read more]
12. Runaway Carbs! (potato, pea, banana, dark choc!)
April 29, 2024 at 7:22am
+ Okay, admittedly we have no artisan Italian cucina here , or all these crazy dishes that line through the previous recipes and cookbooks – although one is looming ahead where you'll think I've gone completely bonkers. (Thank God I have my next shrink rendezvous on the 8th. ) Actually, it was a bit funny with these, ye know? I was watching the potatoes and bananas and some other fresh produce deteriorate in real time , – therefore this ent... [Read more]
11. Piselli alla Romana (Hi-Carb)
April 22, 2024 at 5:53am
Guys, do you know these dishes where you think, Bloody hell, that's SO simple ! Readers will feel cheated if I include it in the cook book! THIS one is one of them, but heck!, this collection would be poorer without it! Actually, it's "just" a side dish in the Roman Kitchen, but then again... it's also a feel-good recipe, one that makes you feel better when you're sad / ill (like my Mom's mashed potatoes => ). It'... [Read more]
10. Nonno Aurelio's Gnocchi (Hi-Carb)
April 19, 2024 at 6:40am
This recipe I found in Gennaro Contaldo's cook book Cucina Povera , in which Jamie Oliver's Mentor cooks recipes people in Italy cook since eons . Ingredients are cheap to get and recipes simple, nutritious & versatile . Now! As you know, my novel series' MMC Vince Romano 's Nonna Stella has already left her culinary footprint in my hungry endeavors across the years. We've had . As Vince's name hints at, (par... [Read more]
9. Lemony Salmon-Pumpkin Balls (Hi-Carb/–Protein/-Fat!)
May 4, 2024 at 4:41am
You must know that I write a shopping list for weekly grocery shopping day for a reason, but every time I'm inexplicably hungry when I go. Maybe because I plan cooking yummy things that week. Thank God, I've trained the muscle to go for healthy extras – nuts, mushrooms, more vegs – for when that eye hunger strikes. That doesn't keep me from reaching for the new recipe collection by the German Food mag "Meine Familie & Ich" (My family & I), e... [Read more]
8. Nonna Stella's Spinatknödel (Hi-Carb)
May 4, 2024 at 4:37am
These are the hefty vegetarian siblings of Semmelknödel (bread dumplings) and . I found the recipe in Everyday Cooking , the second cookbook by the creators of the worldwide popular German cooking app KitchenStories . (Sorry, it's only available in German. But if you're up to a challenge... ) Like Semmel- / Pilzknödel , you often get them served in the neighboring states of the Alps: Southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland and, yes, South Tirol (Alto Adi... [Read more]
7. Savory Pumpkin Waffle Premiere (Hi-Carb)
May 4, 2024 at 4:34am
So I had this waffle iron, hidden in a drawer of my TARDIS, er, kitchen ... until I started decluttering at the beginning of the year. I think everyone who declutters knows how emotionally draining, upsetting and downright frustrating it is, when you dig through clutter nest after clutter nest, and stuff becomes more instead of less. Often, like in my case, it comes in union with mourning the person(s) (/ event(s)) that only caused building the clutter-stuff protection wal... [Read more]
6. Umami Chocolate Chip Cookies
March 7, 2024 at 7:27am
=> => => => Ha! You already thought I've gone completely bonkers after "pimping" the Classic to , don't you, right? Hm, weeeeell... Nope! You can always do something whackier . So it happened that due to a lot of emotional work – mourning and decluttering – I wanted cookies, Chocolate Chip, to be exact. So far, so normal . So I downsized the recipe from the Chocolate-Chip-Cookie recipe included in – using the am... [Read more]
5. Italian Chocolate Bread (Hi-Carb)
May 4, 2024 at 4:33am
Now imagine this : your bread and your sweets run out at the same time – what are you to do!? Like the Good German that I am, I honor Bread Culture – our bread is UNESCO World Cultural Heritage for a reason. Okay, granted, I didn't do one classic German Bread ever (didn't want to dis honor it, I suppose ), but, Dudes, it counts anyway, no matter where it comes from. Bread is bread. So, the above MCA, er, case happened: I wanted sweets and I w... [Read more]
4. Pumpkin Burger 2 in 1 (Hi-Carb)
May 4, 2024 at 4:32am
Okay, I admit it's not as novel as (because easier to get) , but something that was "missing" in my recipe collection for pumpkin yet. There's an impressive amount I did with pumpkin over the last 3+ years: – Soup ; ; – Bread – Cakes ; ; ; (even as oil ! ) – Lasagna – Gnocchi – Pasta – Muffins A burger was only consequent ... and overdue , eh? Why are you "burge... [Read more]
3. A VERY Special Cauliflower Burger & EXTRA (Hi-Carb)
May 4, 2024 at 4:44am
Actually, I wanted to do a pumpkin dish I haven't done before – yeah, there's one more , and such an obvious one, too – but Cauliflower stopped me. So blame IT! What? I hear you ask. Didn't you say you hated cauliflower because of traumatic memories, and only did one recipe featuring it, , so far? Yeah, and honestly it should stay like that. The "Großmama forced me to eat it in gallons"-demon seemed to have been exorcised. Hm, ... [Read more]
2. Banana Walnut PAN-cake (Hi-Carb)
May 4, 2024 at 4:31am
No, this is not a recipe for banana pancakes , this is a recipe for banana cake that is baked in a pan . It came about by two things coming together: – the title-giving bananas were so ripe they were short of running away on their own, and begged to be processed – I didn't know if I should give away the baking book I found the recipe in, or not. (Now I know: NO! ) I was tending toward "giving away" because I was especially doubtful about ... [Read more]
1. Reuben Sandwich
February 8, 2024 at 10:24am
As threatened in the header, I'll start this new collection with a NY-classic . I wanted to do it on Christmas – an unexpected invitation to dinner with friends cut it –, on New Year's Eve – here celebrations with other friends got in the way. So I'm doing it now. Like its little (or was it BIG? ) Bro from Katz's Delicatessen in the Lower East Side , the , this one is said to have origined from Reuben's Deli on the Upper East Side (58th S... [Read more]

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2313608-STILL-NEW-YORK-HUNGRY