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Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #2317097
Gervic's GoT challenge responses
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"Game of Thrones notes of GERVicious Ghoul 💀
*Castle* HOUSE TARGARYEN *Castle*

Game of Thrones  [13+]
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
by Gaby ~ Way behind!

*Quill* Writing:

*Quill* Reviewing:

*Quill* Interactive Chapters:

*Quill* B-Day/Anniversary Celebration:

*Quill* Game Points:

*Quill* Gift Points As Cheers:

*Quill* Gray Areas:

*Quill* The Raven:

Dragon Line Divider
A book item image for GoT

         House of Black & White :: Door #1
         House of Black & White :: Door #2
         House of Black & White :: Door #3
         House of Black & White :: Door #4


         What's Her Story - Written from a female perspective
                   Prompt #1. Your character is new to a small town.
                             A Story :: Finding Home in Manila
                             A Poem :: Small Town Bloom

                   Prompt #2. Start your story with a character being led somewhere by a stray cat.
                             A Poem :: Cat's Secret Garden

                   Prompt #3. A job interview with obstacles.
                             A Poem :: Girl Beyond the Resume

                   Prompt #4. Your protagonist walks past an intriguing stranger, then turns around to take another look at them. The stranger turns around, too. Write about what happens next.
                             A Poem :: A Glance that Sparks

                   Prompt #5. "I'll be here forever," they said. But they had a different definition of 'forever' than you.
                             A Poem :: Broken Vows, Unkept Forever

                   Prompt #6. She needed saving from the confines of her own home.
                             A Poem :: The Gilded Cage

                   Prompt #7. Set your story on a warm summer evening with a full moon, when everything feels magnetic and your character’s about to meet someone important.
                             A Poem :: Summer Night's Destiny

                   Prompt #8. Write a story about a character who is trying to become a better person.
                             A Poem :: Shedding Selfishness

                   Prompt #9. She had that tint of craziness in her soul that made her believe she could actually make a difference.
                             A Poem :: Unseen Fire Burns Bright

                   Prompt #10. Set your story at a wedding reception, where a group of high school friends are meeting for the first time in years.
                             A Poem :: Reunion Toasts and Laughter

                   Prompt #11. She's a farmer who lost a flock of geese.
                             A Poem :: Silent Fields

                   Prompt #12. "Ma'am, move aside. We're here to investigate a crime."
                             A Poem :: Home Invaded

                   13. Your rich aunt has just passed away, leaving you with an inheritance of $500,000. What do you do with it?
                             A Story :: Inheritance and Dreams

                   14. Put on that party dress!
                             A Story :: Pool Party Panic

         What's His Story - Written from a male perspective
                   Prompt #23. Start your story with a character looking through an old family photo album.
                             A Story :: Memories in Faded Prints
                             A Poem :: Memories in Faded Print

                   Prompt #2. Write about a relationship, either romantic or platonic, that is being affected by jealousy.
                             A Story :: Jealousy's Poisoned Grip
                             A Poem :: Jealousy's Twisted Grip

                   Prompt #3. While out walking one night, you come across a comic book store that you've never seen before. You enter, and the odd man behind the counter...
                             A Story :: Comic Shop Enigma
                             A Poem :: Comic Shop Mystery

                   Prompt #4. You are a knight on the way to save a princess, which is something you do on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, no princess has been interested in marrying you, even after witnessing your heroic acts.
                             A Story :: A Knight's Errand
                             A Poem :: Knight's Unrequited Love

                   Prompt #5. Write about a cynical character who somehow ends up on a blind date.
                             A Story :: Cynic Finds Coffee & Laughter

                   Prompt #6. He walked into the basement with the horror movie from the night before playing in his head.
                             A Story :: Basement Bumps and Teen Terror

                   Prompt #7. Write about two people striking up an unlikely friendship.
                             A Story :: Island Time Friendship

                   Prompt #8. Write a story about somebody in love with someone from their past.
                             A Story :: Love's Lingering Rain

                   Prompt #9. The sun had set and so had his dreams.
                             A Story :: Dreams in Twilight

                   Prompt #10. Write about two friends getting into a fist fight.
                             A Story :: Friends Don't Fight

                   Prompt #11. Everyone was busy, so I went to the movie alone.

                   Prompt #12. He fumbled in the darkness looking for the light switch, but when he finally found it there was someone already there.

                   Prompt #13. Write about two neighbors who cannot stand each other.

                   Prompt #14. You have taken a pizza delivery job, which is perfect for you considering you can run at superhuman speeds...

                   Prompt #15. He stepped gingerly onto the bridge knowing that enchantment awaited on the other side.

                   Prompt #16. One day, you wake up... and your pet has started talking to you! What do they say?

                   Prompt #17. My uncle's favorite pastime was building cars out of noodles.

                   Prompt #18. Write a story where a local takes a newcomer under their wing.

                   Prompt #19. He ended up burning his fingers poking someone else's fire.

                   Prompt #20. Set your story in a casino.

         Fantasy & Fairy Tale World - Could fall under more than a few genres
                   Prompt #1. You have a magic wand. What do you do with it?
                             A Story :: More than Meets the Eye
                             A Poem :: More than Meets the Eye


*Castleright* WESTEROS

         Tedious Citadel Task
                   A Story :: Taken in the Night
                   A Poem :: Crimson Boat, Seeking Peace
                   Unbound By Time's Flow
                   Citadel Task #15 :: Bending the GoT Rules
                   A Poem :: Sunrise and Sunset
                   A Story :: Discovery of Gervaise
                   Meet My Fellow Dragons

         Delicious Delights
                   A Poem :: Food's Symphony
                   A Poem :: Adobo's Song

                   A Story :: Bloodmoon Elixir
                   A Story :: Sunset Ember Tincture
                   A Story :: Brisk Breezing Brew

         A Story :: Dragonrider vs Giant

"Note: *Dragon* *Bullet* *Dragon* I accepte..."

*Pencil* "The Iron Bank of Braavos Reviews
         "Citadel Task #32"  

GoT House Targaryen :: Gervic

© Copyright 2024 GERVicious Ghoul 💀 (UN: gervic at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
GERVicious Ghoul 💀 has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2317097-Dragonstone-Tablet/day/4-27-2024