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Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2330737
Five alien children inadvertently thrust humanity into the galactic spotlight.
Shared Fates

Light years from Earth, a large sleek vessel glided through the darkness of space towards a massive gas cloud that had been called the Canterbury Nebula. It was inside this nebula the first of many jump gates were carefully constructed and hidden. It was a necessary step to keep the telescopes and probes built by pre-faster than light travel civilizations from discovering them before they were ready. A powerful alliance of dozens of worlds known as the Galactic Council, had unanimously decided long ago to advise against any direct or indirect contact with pre-FTL sentient worlds. It was seen far safer to observe their advancements and make first contact when deemed ‘necessary’ by the Galactic Council. Inside the vessel, five delegates each representing their own world within the council nervously sat. They each traveled with one child, equally nervous and excited at the same time, waiting to eventually arrive at the United Nations on Earth. With the diplomats was a young marble skinned reporter, Pebble Stone from the desert world of Myraj (Mirage). She was ordered to document the entire affair, both a blessing and a curse. She was selected to be the unbiased eyes and ears of the council worlds.

Gnosarac, (No-saw-rack) the Chameleon like reptilian biped from the jungle world of Dylax (Die-lax) sighed as he turned to his son, Vada. He had found himself on Earth due to his adolescent curiosity of the nebula getting the best of him. Fortunately, he had the sense to radio in his investigative plans. Still, he was pulled in by an unstable wormhole to parts unknown. A communique probe from a Teranor vessel reported he was on Earth and a ship was dispatched to rescue him. Only he had returned before launch with a reconstructed shuttle that had an FTL drive far better than our most advanced star ships.

Vada, meeting Gnosarc’s gaze, offered a small smile. “It was not my intention to visit the humans of Earth, father. Still, they proved to be surprisingly adaptive.”

Gnosarac returned the smile. “Your investigation uncovered an anomaly in the engines keeping the jump gates in place. We now know that the energies they give off open random wormholes; one which led you to Earth.”

Gadanor (Gad-a-nor) the grey skinned shapeshifter from the many floating islands of Teranor (Tear-a-nor) nodded in agreement. He then turned to his son, Diron (Dee-iron) with a bemused smile on his face. “It was an otherwise harmless game of hide and seek that led my son to arriving on Earth.”

Diron blushed. “I did not know it was an escape pod until I was actually in it. They are normally all closed and sealed.”

Gadanor smiled. “No one blames you, youngling. The escape pod was faulty and no one knew of it until the computer alerted the bridge of its launch. Only, thanks to your little visit, we know that the humans are more talented than we gave them credit for.”

Queen Norida (Nor-eye-da) the tiger like biped noble from the misty world of Purrearth (Purr-earth) smiled in response. “All of our children did well on Earth.”

Norida’s daughter, princess Kyteen (Kitten) blushed. “I found myself on Earth after a botched kidnapping attempt.”

Norida giggled. “You fought your kidnappers and forced the ship to crash on Earth. You made a discovery that is making many of our historians and archaeologists eager to learn more. You also learned what it truly takes to be a leader. You made your father and I very proud.”

Kyteen blushed but managed a shy smile. “As a royal, I am not permitted to boast about my achievements.”

This brought on a round of laughter as Norida gave her daughter a warm hug. “I believe we can make this one exception.”

Maxceo (Max-c-e-o)the sentient machine robot biped entity from the ancient mechanical world of Digitex (di-gee-Tex) also nodded in agreement. “Your daughter had demonstrated the true strength and character that is expected of a future leader. Much like my own daughter.”

Maxceo’s daughter, Era glowed a gentle rose color indicating a blush. “I found myself on Earth after finding an unknown relic on an archeological educational outing.”

Maxceo let out a mechanical laugh. “You single handedly proved that mankind is far older than anyone, including the humans themselves had realized. You made history.”

Era shined a brighter rose color. “The humans I had befriended told me this as well.”

Cahzea (Caw-z-ah)the parrot like avian from the gas giant world of Croctna (Croc-tea-nah) chirped in agreement. “I believe all of our children have made history in their own unique way.”

Cahzea’s frail daughter, Atrace (A-trace) sighed, looking sad. “I found myself on Earth due to a simple navigational error that sent me through an uncharted jump gate.”

Cahzea placed a light comforting wing over her daughter. “It was an ancient jump gate. One very few before had seen, opening to a previously unknown FTL lane. That lane branched off to dozens of other jump gates. All of them opening into nebulas near non-FTL worlds including Earth. You proved that these worlds were much closer to discovering the council worlds than anyone would have dared to imagine.”

Atrace blushed, a smile forming on her face. “I didn’t think of it that way.”

Word of the children’s adventures spread like an exploding star. The truth speakers, our version of the press, on all worlds were scrambling to hear and record the story that had shaken all that was once known about humanity. Fortunately, the children were kept away from the public eye. Only each parent knew that would not last long. Each accidental encounter had helped humanity to discover a piece of their forgotten past. In turn, it had helped each child discover something within themselves. In the light of the children’s misadventures, the Galactic Council had called an emergency meeting. The children and their dominant parent were summoned to stand before representatives of the Council worlds. The head of the council, Racnorac (Rack- nor- rack) a very wise, centuries old rock skinned being from the desert world of Myraj (Mirage) addressed them. He spoke firmly but not unkind.

“The incidents which lead your children to visit Earth were both fortunate and unfortunate. They uncovered many things previously unknown to the council but also awakened a potentially hostile, previously unaware pre-FTL civilization to the fact they are not alone in the cosmos.”

Racnorac only eyed the parents full knowing the children were on the verge of an emotional outburst. The situation was serious but not so serious to demand any harsh punishments. By Galactic law, no one was to make eye contact with children in the council chambers unless they were subject to punishment, questioning or praising. After all, one only gets to be a child once.

Gnosarac respectfully nodded. “We take full responsibility for our children. We will gladly accept any punishments the council sees fit to hand down for these escalating incidents regarding Earth and its people.”

Racnorac gave a patient smile. “The incidents in question were unintentional and technically did not break any galactic laws. It has been determined by this council that the five incidents were the result of unfortunate, unforeseen events. As the humans put it, ‘Shit happens’. As to your question, there shall be no punishments handed down by this council. We have only praise for your children, in fact. Their misadventures had opened many eyes and many doors among the council worlds.”

The other council members nodded their approval as Racnorac continued to speak. “This is not the first time the humans of Earth had encountered beings from outside their solar system so it is not unprecedented. Only this time, these humans have been given functional technology on a proverbial silver platter that would have taken them decades to develop on their own.”

Gnosarac again gave a respectful nod. “The humans are divided at the moment; will this technology intensify their conflicts?”

Racnorac shook his head. “Due to surprising developments during the children’s visits, the nations of Earth are moving to unite under one flag. Our experts suggest that the humans, known for their explosive adaptability, will be capable of faster than light travel within the next decade. Some fear the humans may surpass the council worlds within a few generations.”

The parents and their children stood uncomfortably before the stoic members of the council. Only they were surprised as they then all gave knowing smiles. Racnorac was about to pass his judgement upon the parents of the children.

“It was due to the strange misadventures of your children that the council unanimously selected you all to serve as diplomats to the Council worlds. You shall all take part in the official first contact protocols with the human race. This is considered a high honor. Your children, though innocent of any wrong doing, were the ones to technically make first contact. They will be a part of the diplomatic team.”

The humans themselves were an enigma. It was thought that no sentient species could evolve on what was classified as a high level death world. Everything on that planet had evolved to literally kill in order to survive. Against all from the tiniest microscopic viruses to the largest land predators, the humans had evolved. Against the violent weather and volatile tectonic plates, humans had not only lived but thrived. They were capable of incredible cruelty and destruction yet, at the same time, capable of great compassion and kindness. The diplomats all knew that working with these unpredictable humans would not be easy. The council made it clear in the data pad handed to each parent. They wanted the humans to fall in line with strict regulations and restrictions to ensure the council’s authority and control. However, from what they had learned from their children, the humans were not new to the diplomatic game. The council’s gambit may well spectacularly backfire on them.

Inside the vessel, bound for Earth, Gnosarac turned to the other delegates and the children. “The council is not allowing us to use the main jump gates. they fear of the humans may discover the ancient jump gate. Atrace and Vada had inadvertently found and activated them. It is going to be a twenty four hour flight; roughly one Earth rotation.”

The children collectively moaned, bringing a grin to Gnosarac’s face. “We will be flying through the old, less used FTL lanes so not to take chances. Now then, who would like to tell their story first?”

Pebble Stone, the marble skinned woman from the desert planet of Myraj (Mirage) sighed, raising her hand. “I suppose I should go first then record the stories of the others.”

Gnosarac nodded. “Very well, Miss Pebble Stone; Proceed.”

Pebble Stone nodded. “As you all know, word of the children’s misadventures traveled fast. Every last world media outlet, we call the truth seekers, were fighting to get that one exclusive. Such a story would bring in council world credits like none had ever seen…”

I sighed as the shuttles carrying the five young individuals had docked with Council Headquarters. These children had catapulted humanity into the galactic political spotlight. What made it so ironic was that they did it without even trying. I was selected to interview them as I was the youngest reporter in the council. All the truth seeker outlets agreed that I would relate to them better than anyone else. I quickly checked my appearance in a pocket mirror. I was attractive for a Myragian; ocean blue eyes, smooth marble skin and an attractive figure most females on my world would die for.

The crowd was immense, each shouting questions and concerns over each other but remaining organized. Still, the council security forces kept them at a distance just in case. Seeing this made me more nervous than I already was. If it were not for the promise of a large bonus and a promotion, I would have had someone else do the job. Fortunately, due to a deal with the council, I was allowed a brief interview with the children before they entered the council chambers.

I cued the AI camera drones and carefully approached the famous five children. “Greetings, I am Pebble-Stone; representing the council world’s truth seeker outlets. I have been assigned to interview you as a group when you are ready.”

The five children turned to each other, then to their dominant parent before turning to me. They all gave a curt nod. I sighed, relieved that they were all just as anxious to get the interview over with as I was. We all ventured to a private room where we all took a seat and got ourselves comfortable.

My equipment was already set up so I began the interview. “One at a time, how is life for you now? Also, how is it compared to your life prior to these events?”

Again, the five kids turned to each other then back to me before Vada spoke up. “I must admit, I was on a misguided quest to prove that anyone could be of any class. That they could perform any job with proper training. That quest placed me in danger. Now, I am a diplomat to Earth, representing the council worlds. Ironically, all of my training will serve me well. Any question the humans ask, I can answer. So long as it is not classified.”

He turned to Diron who nodded. “As you know, I come from a race of telepaths. I was scared of my lack of connection to The Fold due to my ‘overabundance of personality’. Now, I am a diplomat to Earth. I am capable of connecting to Fold and the people of Earth as a whole and individuals. Both my race and theirs have evolved; we are more than we once were.”

He then turned to Princess Kyteen who also nodded. “I thought I was being held back from helping my people. I felt as if I could make a difference if I had a chance. Now, I am a Royal diplomat to Earth; I am making a difference. Earth and the council worlds have so much to offer each other. I will be a part of the effort to unite our worlds.”

She nodded to Era who nodded back. “I thought my ability to talk to and understand non-sentient machines was a curse. Only, to my surprise, I learned that it was in fact a blessing. Now, I am a diplomat to Earth. Our people have a shared history and I have been chosen to explore it with them.

She turned to Atrace who also nodded. “I thought that I could find the cure to any illness that existed but that road caused me nothing but pain. Now, I am a diplomat to Earth; sharing all that we know about medicine and fighting diseases. The humans are a surprisingly resilient species.”

I nodded, adding some notes to my data pad. “Again, one at a time, how do you feel your adventure had changed you?”

The five smiled; a good sign. Again, Vada was the first to speak. “My adventure changed me in more ways that I can count. Who I thought were my enemies are now my allies, my allies and I are closer than ever and the Governing class is considering rewriting the entire system to allow anyone to train for their desired class.”

He turned to Diron who nodded. “My adventure forever changed me for the better. I am no longer afraid. I am one with my people and humanity. The humans taught me how to filter out background thoughts and work as an individual and as one of my community.”

He nodded at Princess Kyteen who nodded back. “My adventure too changed me for the better. I now know that my people do not need my help. What they need is my voice to echo their needs; to give a voice to the children. So all of the Pride kingdom are heard by the royal court. Respect and trust are earned, not entitled by circumstance birth.”

She turned to Era who nodded. “My adventure changed me in ways I am still finding hard to describe. The human race is far more than they seem. They are older than anyone in the council worlds could have guessed. I had seen a part of what they had forgotten so long ago. I honestly do not think I will ever, as the humans say, top that.”

She turned to Atrace who also nodded. “My adventure changed me dramatically. The human’s approach to medicine is nothing like anyone among the council world healers had ever even dreamed of. Their methods, although unorthodox, will save millions of lives. It is my hope our knowledge of medicine will do the same for the human race.”

I smiled at that then asked some more basic questions before transmitting the interview to my employers…

Inside the vessel, bound for Earth, Gnosarac smiled. Your story is just beginning, Miss Pebble Stone. I look forward to hearing your insights when we return to the council worlds.” He turned to the others. “Who would like to tell their story next…?”

#5. The Powerful Psychic Race.
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#4. The Great Creators
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#3. Unknowingingly Advanced
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#2. Legends Made Real
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#1. Learning to Fly
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