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by Joy
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #757065
A poetry journal of everyday clippings
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"The astonished muse finds thousands at her side." *Laugh**Laugh*
R. W. Emerson

I made this poetry journal because I like to play with words and lines and I wanted to put somewhere some of my practice work (or first draft) in verse, written--within a very short time, probably daily on the spur of the moment, with the idea to work on the entries later--with or without the help of the astonished (should I say shocked?) muse. *Laugh**Laugh*

Some of the haiku I have mixed with senryu, not only because I am not a purist, but also because I like to do what I like to do given what I feel at the moment.

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June 5, 2006 at 8:05am
June 5, 2006 at 8:05am
Easter Egg

Shoved aside by the taller ones,
the tiny girl with the bruised shins
crouches under the stairwell
to hide herself like a secret message;
her eyes wish to simply see
the beauty of one second
resurrected inside
her cold Easter egg,
the only one she could find in the hunt.

The egg's colors throb into patterns,
a twirling medley of purples and blues,
that whisper promises;
stunned, her fingers tighten
and crack the soft shell,
making her wonder if
she could be anything
but human.

Salted with tears, she resolves
she won’t go about blaming herself
for the other eggs she missed
and the shell she shattered
while the world rose and fell,
moments jumping on
a green trampoline,
back and forth,
back and forth,
crushing years into one egg.

April 24, 2006 at 10:04pm
April 24, 2006 at 10:04pm
Cracked Stein and the Cello Missing a String
                                       a haibun

Rust stained driveway stretches in front of the garage door, its brown pain peeling. Discolored clothes on hangers lock eyes with the bric-a-brac on the card table.

Inside disorder,
a spell is cast on huge stains;
you find, you purchase.

An ancient rocking chair establishes a sway with some help from the breeze, knocking down the cello leaning to it. I help the cello lean against the wall. The cello tells me stories of beautiful hands sliding the bow, in rhythmic accompaniment.

My sad confession:
I crooned, pinned to her legs,
half alive half dead.

A furtive glance from the sun illuminates the cello's wood as if it is the moon, ripped from the night sky. My heart beats together with its eerie, distant music.

He left her; she died.
I poured over her body
and broke a string.

On the card table, stands a cracked stein, sidelined, but still inviting. I pick it up instinctively. The cello begs.

Be careful with that;
on the crack, lies his last sip
before he raced off.

I hear the owner coming my way. She tells me: "That was my father's beer stein; you can have it for free." I point to the cello against the wall, standing fragile in open space. "That, too, was my father's. It has a crack in the body and the bow's missing."

Still, mind's brew gives life
to victims of conjecture:
the cello and stein.

April 12, 2006 at 4:10pm
April 12, 2006 at 4:10pm
My kiln is hot;
the pedal under my feet
bounces up and down with ecstasy
as I sit at the potter's wheel
and spin my clay, shaping
what? An urn, a vase, a jar,
an amphora? But no, my container
has to be more.
Not porcelain or fictile,
since I'll fire without
breaking, and I'm still
in the making.

My container
cannot fit to a mold;
it will be handmade,
without a pallet shaped,
nudged, pulled, flattened,
and in patience, tempered.
Never mind the coarse outside;
I fumble more with punching,
pinching, and correcting the inside,
to urge delicacy, smoothness,
and ease; so, the container can
bounce back sturdily after a tumble,
and rock back and forth, in character,
while the world repeats itself
spinning, turning,
churning, spurning
my kneaded clay.

February 10, 2006 at 5:42pm
February 10, 2006 at 5:42pm
When you’ll leap from the deep
obeying nature’s verdict,
you’ll feel the sap
inside your stem,
rushing the season,
and you’ll know where you’re going.

So you’ll open your eyes
to the sun, appealing
for detached rays of light;
inside the vacuum-refreshed
density of your universe,
you, a galaxy of hope
will change hue
to dainty purple petals.

And you’ll bloom,
raising your neck
from the patch
left by the last snow,
like the white space
so important
between the stanzas
of a poem,
welcoming what chance brings.

February 10, 2006 at 5:23pm
February 10, 2006 at 5:23pm

Maraschino cherries,
spare tires in the bottom
of the glass;
a distinct moment of revelation
when long-handled glass stirrers
filter the sunlight, working out
new kinks.

Sweetness, a good foil
though spoils quickly,
as pearly whites anticipate
the crush after the sip.

The heart of the lion
holds the brightest star;
no, not Regulus
but Manhattan, the city
I toast to.

With words like anesthetics
to wounds still bleeding,
here’s to a beginning
cheers after cheers:
“Let our hearts be wide open!”

February 10, 2006 at 5:19pm
February 10, 2006 at 5:19pm
You and I
(to my reader)

I perch in front of the keyboard,
to the tune of a whiny husband,
and try to maintain the habit of
my ostensible soap opera,
the object of my obsession,
if not the tiresome kind,
while I extract images and shop
in my twenty-four market
for buried subtexts,
inspiring syllables,
and verbal daredevilry.

Predictably, at the first flash
of eye contact with you,
my words, amplified and panicked,
rush to the checkout counter
self-conscious of their own rattling,
their lungs collapsing without hope,
when fantasy worlds end up
and miracles don't collide.

Though I fear your yawning's trauma,
I imagine you.

With your delicate jaw-line bent,
you pout your lips;
you complain of blurred vision
from the scavenger hunt on screen;
and you shrug your shoulders
at the drama of my obscurity.

Then your eyes catch the ice pinnacles
outside your window,
and you take a sip from your hot tea,
which coats your displeasure
like a warm blanket,
giving you solace
for mocking me.

December 3, 2005 at 10:39am
December 3, 2005 at 10:39am
I ate a mango for lunch,
in the park, on a dusty bench.
So sweet that mango was,
like the smile of
the Fed-Ex man
who delivers packages
chanting truisms.

Afterwards, being the gullible
troubadour of platitudes
and banality,
I wondered out loud,
in my singsong voice, if
my sticky fingers
were bad management,
defamation of destiny,
or if the Fed-Ex man
smiled, expecting a tip.

But I never expected to see you
watching me from a distance
for entertainment.

November 30, 2005 at 2:48pm
November 30, 2005 at 2:48pm
With nods and knowing eyes,
the pillow takes over
the opus magnum,
as darkness kills the sounds
and the foundation under me
threatening to crumble.

On the enormous expanse
of the haunt of dreams
and fantasy worlds
with accidental variations,
where I end up stranded
on an antique kilim
in front of a magical castle
filled with dark wood,
the pillow points to
the tricky winds in spirals
narrowing to a keyhole.

At each toss and turn,
sorting through the crypts
of buried subtexts,
the pillow cuddles the dark head
against its white,
and lets this protagonist
raise a ruckus
to update her plot.

November 19, 2005 at 6:16pm
November 19, 2005 at 6:16pm
You face time in platinum,
the limited edition,
epitome of style,
crafty hands,
back and forward
forward and back,
a perpetual sarcasm
from a single crown
adjusting to the local time
via date’s declaration
--the day, the month, the years--
benefiting short-sightedness
with an oversized calendar
and the seasonal review
changing constantly
as life fine-tunes
to your dateline.
November 11, 2005 at 1:22pm
November 11, 2005 at 1:22pm
Oh, you the pathetic one,
the empty tankard with the unhinged lid,
the lowliest of the teentsy writers!
You’re the slipper the dog
has chewed on.

Though your vocation remains the same
with no wages and no days off,
you tantalize
one subject after another, as if a slave
changing masters, and
while others write tomes
of fancy words,
you check into a dictionary
--bigger than your size—
for not-yet-discovered phrases,
to find yourself tearjerker chores,
mixing experiment with anti-form,
and keeping a close watch
on a few tawdry lines.

Then, during your ridiculous tenure,
to humor the muse,
you call yourself a poet
on a burning impulse,
like a sacrificial lamb
with resignation.

November 11, 2005 at 1:21pm
November 11, 2005 at 1:21pm
You tell me:
What happens to love held back?

Does it effect a cure akin to an ointment
in worldwide renown
or does it turn into an accursed scorn
and dangle with indifference?

Does it croak
like a mutated frog,
then go jump in the lake?

Does it reek out of lazy armpits
not accepting any roll-ons
or does it turn into
a dastardly master
haunting your nightmares?

You tell me,
You should know.

November 3, 2005 at 11:09am
November 3, 2005 at 11:09am
Don’t be scared…
Let the mutinous wave
manipulate you inside
the trap of its relentless arms
to keep you alive multiple times
until it explodes on the rocks
to abandon you there
to your maritime fate,
like a martyr,
so you witness a masque
with pantomime and dancing
to the seabirds’ cries
while you feel their beaks
piercing through
your nothingness.

That is when you discover,
the significance
of your bubbly life:
a short-lived emptiness
on one limitless ocean.

November 1, 2005 at 3:18pm
November 1, 2005 at 3:18pm
“You still use that thing?”
What a question!
My favorite tool
those tongs in the kitchen
to pull the hot toast out of the toaster
that you glued with tiny hands
twenty-six years ago
in school:
a clothes pin in between
two tongue depressors
and the recall of your granting me your gift,
your boy’s eyes aglow with pride,
handing me the fruit of your ambition and labor
in pursuit of praise and appreciation
that led to one tiny family legend.

Little do you know that when those tongs
hold the morning toast
they also shake hands with me
in your place,
pulling me close to remind me
of other tangibles I keep inside a shoe box:
a lock of your baby hair, your first doodling
on a piece of lined paper,
a bitten piece of a crayon, red in color,
one tiny sock, one tiny mitten that lost its pair,
and your tyke shirt, Dr. Denton’s, size three-months,
which you outgrew within the first couple of weeks.

All these little things stir the memory
of your enormous ability to change my world
with your baby smell, your baby warmth,
your child’s laugh,
and your first “I love you”
that caused the time to stand still.

November 1, 2005 at 11:53am
November 1, 2005 at 11:53am
The dawn of the last storm…
Though anchored inside the exactness of insomnia,
you feel fortunate
as you shiver
with your forehead to the windowpane.

The lights are out,
the lightning slashes the sky into uneven wedges,
and the floorboards shake
under your feet, threatened by the raucous thunder
bouncing its articulate rumble
through the arid darkness and tearing into
your eardrums with candor;
your cat meows
shaking in abrupt terror under your unmade bed.

On this godforsaken island
sitting between two anonymous coasts,
you watch an arsenal of floods sweep away
the ground down below, and since you put up
with robust flaws in relative chagrin,
like an aristocrat in silhouette,
you too are a part of this storm.

October 10, 2005 at 10:49am
October 10, 2005 at 10:49am
She writes inside the lines
and in between
scattering rumored secrets
like broken glass,
sharp-edged, cocky,
cutting through her breath.

She gasps,
struggling between the revered truth
of wanton fiction,
and frankly, the stories
she’ll never tell
out of mercy, or pride,
or love,
stories deep, dark, cold,
stories abandoned
curling dry on emptiness.

She says her prayers
every night,
to keep her alive
so she isn’t left
and with her words growing skin,
she hides inside each prayer,
every night telling a story
of errors
to herself.

Poets' Practice Pad  [18+]
Write poetry from prompts just for the fun of it; formal or free verse, you pick.
by Joy

August 10, 2004 at 12:31pm
August 10, 2004 at 12:31pm
"Picking up
shards of hope
my unique talent,"
I boasted,
while you kept vigil
in haunting dreams,
hazy memories,
botched up yesterdays.

Today, maybe,
I'll find a roadmap;
maybe, I'll trace back
the steps I took
and connect the dots of hope
in my storybook.

I'll meet you on your way
to see
if either of us have gained
any understanding,
if you can still sing
through the eclipse of the moon,
not if
you float distorted
as a vision
I imagined
from afar.

to sweep out the hazy memories
haunting dreams,
and botched up yesterdays.

This time I want to embrace you
the way you are.

January 11, 2004 at 7:27am
January 11, 2004 at 7:27am
Not an easy reality
racing through damp narrow streets...
A childish heart,
worn-out legs,
an aged cramped mind,
rummaging around for musty dreams.

My search gnawing the grain
of a sorceress city,
with its history
mingled with mine,
once upon a time;
its grey river, now miserable
by rains unpredicted.

Angst digging in through,
the insane summer of 2002;
Europe fouled by floods,
increasing the deepening torment
of each footstep.

                    Summer 2002 from the Latin Quarter, Paris

The secret of re-birth,
nibbling on renewed sights,
hoping, loving, leaving, dreaming,
among morose monuments
dwarfed against the sky.

“E-mail home" says
an orange dome-shaped sign,
of a feisty cyber café,
at a corner cradled
in Latin Quarter.

To e-mail home,
one has to be away;
yet, here I’m home,
with my high-pitched song
of intoxicated wonder.

Inside Café de Cluny,
toasting with hope
to this chancy life
I am young,

*Bigsmile*"Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies."- Ralph Waldo Emerson *Smile*

RAOK's logo image.  This is a shared image, so feel free to use its item number.
image by SMS
January 11, 2004 at 7:21am
January 11, 2004 at 7:21am
(to an old friend)

Primroses exploring
the vast ocean of friendship
and the simple life;
drinking a bucket of water,
improvising abundance,
crowded together,
inside hanging pots,
on the balcony, Apartment 2A,
at Place du Tertre, Montmartre.

A visual keepsake.
hooking itself
on the altar of recollection.
The flesh of bare walls
throbbing with artsy aroma.

Questioning the presence of shadows,
in cheerful quavering lines,
our careless wisdom.

While you sleep,
I spill off to the river,
scavenging for turpentine dreams
through slumbering shapes
along the bank.

No way we'll be leaving,
for we'll stay inside memories,
like petals drifting unto the same pile;
now hovering over letters we send,
we never have been closer.

*Bigsmile*"Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies."- Ralph Waldo Emerson *Smile*

RAOK's logo image.  This is a shared image, so feel free to use its item number.
image by SMS
January 11, 2004 at 7:17am
January 11, 2004 at 7:17am
She first goes to bed
with lights on,
a modest hope chirping under her eyelids,
preferring to ignore the darkness,
trying not to feel,
trying to slip past herself,
trying to toss away dreams,
but a weak tear reappears over the misery of a rustle
of recall, a rumor she didn’t heed, like the whisper
of green caterpillar legs sliding on a leaf,
that forecast rose petals to be eaten away.

How vaguely she created an unrecognizable face,
a lover’s image,
her soft hands reaching to loss, dragging excuses,
tangling in calluses and shams!

No more hush-hush...

Her shriek, though internal, shrill and wild, pierces
through the lampshade, like the Munch drawing
“The Scream”; an outcry among black ink lines
tracing countless sobs, struggling for voice inside
the terror of the dark through a throat engorged with agony,
attempting to feel a horizon and go
beyond surrendering
to fury.

The chain of the lamp swells inside her hand as she pulls, daring
the ominous darkness.

To escape from a nightmare will not be easy,
unless she burns the bed.

*Bigsmile*"Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies."- Ralph Waldo Emerson *Smile*

RAOK's logo image.  This is a shared image, so feel free to use its item number.
image by SMS
November 8, 2003 at 12:07am
November 8, 2003 at 12:07am
Somewhere to the south of the Equator,
on the western slopes of the Andes,
a rare oak tree rustles, chanting its special plea,
when the wind breathes through it,
with the sacred sounds of a reed,
played in a temple, in worship.

Hearing the Southern Wind, the oak in my backyard
--shape-wise a pyramid--
in a ritual few have witnessed,
turning its branches upward
like hands praying,
echoes the chant, which,
through intricate continents,
promises golden wings out of gloom,
blurring the edges between people and creation
and dreams they yet don’t know of.

When that mesmerizing chant touches my ears,
trusting the experience of a moment’s rapture,
inside my silence, I reflect
on any sin I can own up to,
inverted in self-defense,
using any crutch I can pick up from my collection,
and the tree sends down its offerings of hope
to establish roots under my feet,
without asking for repentance,
without any fancy words,
without disbelief,
but through acceptance,
grounded in infinite love.

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