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Opinion and views on what is and what is not being reported on...
The entries in this Blog are all based in reality, and most topics will come from my current readings in newspapers and books, or what I have heard on daily news shows. I have resisted the urge to do this as long as I possibly can.

My only hope is to shed light and insight. I am alarmed at the number of people I talk to that do not have the time to read anymore. News is fast becomming nothing but an echo of sound bites that bounce off the walls as we get dressed for work. Maybe if you stumble across this blog, you will find the time to read again if for no other reason to try to prove that I am crazy.

Let me assure, I am not crazy, but I am mad as hell.
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October 9, 2005 at 2:54pm
October 9, 2005 at 2:54pm
If you are about to have a baby, regardless of how many babies you have had, read the following...



Please, Please leave me a comment about your thoughts on "elimination communication".

I really want to know what others think. I am too shocked, stunned, and befuddled to comment further.

Yeah, sometimes shit just gets to me. *Laugh**Laugh**Laugh**Laugh*
October 7, 2005 at 6:35am
October 7, 2005 at 6:35am
Before you click on the following link and view the picture, keep in mind that the saying, "biting off more than you can chew" can also be applied to the United States - not a pretty picture, or thought.

October 5, 2005 at 11:13am
October 5, 2005 at 11:13am

Yes, Bird Flu is deadly, but is the government only telling us what they want us to know to justify what a few in the American Government want to do?

I think so.

First, we need to know if the people who have contracted the Bird Flu so far, were working with the infected birds. Do we know? Yes, basically we do know.

All five people are believed to have become infected from contact with chickens and none transmitted the virus...

The confirmed and suspected infections in Japan were found among blood samples taken last spring from 58 people who helped dispose of the dead chickens. The tests detect proteins known as antibodies that develop to fight off infection.

Health officials suspect that the infected people did not take proper precautions, like wearing masks, when they came in contact with the birds or contaminated areas.


The first response plan from this administration is to give President Bush the authority to use American Military Boots on the ground to enforce quarantines. THIS IS CONSTITUTIONALLY ILLEGAL - but does that fact stop Bush Boy from wanting the POWER to use American Military Personnel against American citizens?

I just don't have any trust left in this current administration to make the best decisions on my behalf, no confidence for the Congress to control Bush, and I have absolutely no trust in Mr. George W. Bush to do the right thing in the best interest of American citizens. Do you? Really?

How many lies do you need to hear before you can identify a liar?

But first, ask yourself what do you know about Bird Flu?

Tests Identify the First Human Case of Avian Influenza in Japan
Published: December 23, 2004

Does anyone remember how well the WHO (World Health Organization) handled AIDs? They were more concerned over exactly who would get the credit for discovering it?

It is possible to contract the Avian Flu and not have any symptoms - and not died. Millions have not died anywhere else...

Remember, before you continue to read - I'm a Conspiracy Theroist... Could it be a sinister governmental plot to kill off the oldest, and the sickest so as to fix Social Security? If we, the baby boomers are all dead, then Bush Boy does not have to worry about paying out benefits to the old people who paid in the bulk of Social Security Funds, and we are healthier and living longer than anyone planned. Shhhhhhh - would "they" do that? Could "they" do that? Haven't you ever heard of Actuarial Tables?

It's not just large insurance corporations collecting and using the data:

Period Life Table
Updated October 4, 2005

The Human Mortality Database

And how does any of this help us deal with Avian Flu (Bird Flu)?

Remember, our Government has basically said in the event of a DISASTER... We are on our own!

Well, educate yourself.

I can provide information.

I can sound like and idiot and post warnings.

I can lead a horse to water, but I can't make the horse drink.

It really is up to you to protect yourself, and your family.

AIDS didn't have to be allowed to kill so many.
The Avian Flu dosen't have to kill so many, either.
Nor should WE THE PEOPLE allow our government to plan to use Military Force against American citizens because of a preventable Flu - Avian or any other kind.

Think people!


Researchers reconstruct 1918 virus
Scientists say research might help them better understand bird flu
Wednesday, October 5, 2005; Posted: 1:26 p.m. EDT (17:26 GMT)

*Up*Explain to me why it is okay to recreate a deadly dangerous virus that killed millions, but it is not okay to conduct stem cell research?

Oh, and before I forget, our Government and the American people who work at the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) know what causes MAD Cow too, but how well have "they" handled that? Tell me... I really want to know, how the people, whose job it is to prevent this kind of stuff, like Mad Cow, can keep letting it happen? I wonder if they eat beef, and if they do, where do they buy their beef?

FDA to tighten mad cow rules
Critics say proposal falls short of previous promise
Wednesday, October 5, 2005; Posted: 10:57 a.m. EDT (14:57 GMT)

Where is a good investigative reporter when you need one? Damn...

October 4, 2005 at 11:28am
October 4, 2005 at 11:28am
The President's Job Description-

As set forth in the US Constitution and its amendments, the President is head of the Executive branch of government and Commander-in-Chief of the country's armed forces. In the former capacity, he is responsible for ensuring the enforcement of such laws as the Congress may pass and any judgements which the courts of the judicial branch may hand down (although the Supreme Court is the only one enumerated in the Constitution itself). In the latter, he is the pinnacle of the military hierarchical pyramid--although he holds no military rank, and remains a civilian--and responsible for the well-being and guidance of the entire military infrastructure. He must be a native-born citizen, at least thirty-five years old, and a resident for at least fourteen years. He is elected for a four-year term, and, since the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, may serve no more than two terms.

Several powers and responsibilities are specifically allotted to him. Firstly, he has authority to forbid from becoming law (Latin veto, "I forbid") any bill passed by the Congress, although his veto may be overturned by vote of two-thirds of both houses. Secondly, he may make treaties with foreign governments, but they must be approved by the Congress (again by a two-thirds vote). He also appoints ambassadors and judges and other public officials; for some of these, primarily the most high-profile positions, the Congress has approval authority over, but for others it can declare (and has declared) that it will trust his judgement.

Military officers also receive their commissions from him. He may present "such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient" to the Congress, but it is not required to take them up. He must brief the Congress on "the state of the union" from time to time--this is generally once a year.

The president also has other powers which are not specifically listed in the Constitution; largely, they have been granted by the Congress. For example, although Congressional approval is required for declaration of war, the president can send out troops for a limited amount of time or call upon the National Guard to deal with emergencies. But the biggest addition to presidential power is the concept of the Executive Order. Executive orders and agreements essentially allow the president to create law by bypassing the Congress. It's not a "law" or a "bill" or a "treaty," so the Congress isn't required to be involved. Congress can, however, force through a law declaring that Executive Order X is no longer law, provided the vote is the two-thirds needed for overriding the veto.

Or probably a more accurate job description:

Job Description: President of the United States of America

Mandatory Prerequisites

*Star*Ability to convince more than 50% of the American people, as represented through the Electoral College, of personal ability to lead the country OR ability to convince a sitting President of personal ability to be Vice President, and ability to have said sitting President experience an untimely death.

*Star*Native of the United States with fourteen years' residency.

*Star*At least 35 years old.

*Star*Willingness to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Recommended, but not required:

Previous service in the United States Armed Forces or National Guard, preferably in a high-profile role such as general or fighter pilot.

Prior experience in Washington politics.

A graduate degree in law and/or political science, preferably from a member institution of the Ivy League.

Support of a major political party: either the Democratic Party or Republican Party.

At least $30 million in financial backing.

Prior experience as a congressman, governor, or vice president.

*Star*A penis.

Public speaking ability (speechwriting ability not essential).

An accent that is easy for Saturday Night Live cast members to mimic.

Acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior.


Must oversee the execution of all federal legislation.

Must be available at all times to take command of the armed forces.

Must be willing to lead the nation, and pretend to lead the free world, during times of crisis.

Must be willing to abandon private life in favor of public life.

Compensation package includes:
Annual salary of $400,000 (subject to income tax)

Annual expense account of $100,000 for travel, $19,000 for official entertainment, and $50,000 for other costs arising from official duties (all not taxable), through the Executive Office of the President.

Free house and office space in Washington, D.C., complete with a small army of administrative assistants and a sizable kitchen staff.

Free getaway outside the Beltway.

Free private jet.

Free helicopter.

Free motorcades when needed.

Free bodyguards.

Pension of approximately $300,000 a year after leaving the White House. This can be supplemented by book deals if necessary.

(It's good to be the king.)

Job security: This position is guaranteed for four years, barring assassination or impeachment. It may be extended to eight years with good behavior, but no further extensions of contract are possible.

Theoretically, a president can serve for up to ten years: they are limited to two four-year terms, and if they happen to come into the presidency in the middle of the last president's term, that term only counts if they serve for more than half of it. But that's a bit pedantic, and I wouldn't have considered mentioning it if mkb hadn't brought it up. Thanks, mkb!

Also, just for the record, you don't have to be Vice President to become President if the President dies. The Speaker of the House and President pro tempore of the Senate, as well as the Cabinet secretaries, are also in line, and get to become president if everyone above them in the pecking order dies at the same time.


And just for fun:
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#1018280 by Not Available.


October 3, 2005 at 9:29am
October 3, 2005 at 9:29am
When you or I break the law, and get caught there are consequences.

When Bush and his well paid, fancy suited, appointed bunch break the law - ah, you shouldn't have done that...

Buying of News by Bush's Aides Is Ruled Illegal
Published: October 1, 2005
... read following link:


I trust that those who read this blog are intelligent, and who know the simple difference between right & wrong.

October 1, 2005 at 12:15pm
October 1, 2005 at 12:15pm
Today on Writing.Com I was kinda forced into an encounter with MYSELF...

I usually try to avoid self-encounters, as these can get very ugly. *Laugh**Laugh**Laugh*

So, if you want to know what Professionals say about me, READ THE FOLLOWING:

Portrait of an ENTP - Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving
(Extraverted Intuition with Introverted Thinking)


The Visionary

As an ENTP, your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you take things in primarily via your intuition. Your secondary mode is internal, where you deal with things rationally and logically.

With Extraverted Intuition dominating their personality, the ENTP's primary interest in life is understanding the world that they live in. They are constantly absorbing ideas and images about the situations they are presented in their lives. Using their intuition to process this information, they are usually extremely quick and accurate in their ability to size up a situation. With the exception of their ENFP cousin, the ENTP has a deeper understanding of their environment than any of the other types.

This ability to intuitively understand people and situations puts the ENTP at a distinct advantage in their lives. They generally understand things quickly and with great depth. Accordingly, they are quite flexible and adapt well to a wide range of tasks. They are good at most anything that interests them. As they grow and further develop their intuitive abilities and insights, they become very aware of possibilities, and this makes them quite resourceful when solving problems.

ENTPs are idea people. Their perceptive abilities cause them to see possibilities everywhere. They get excited and enthusiastic about their ideas, and are able to spread their enthusiasm to others. In this way, they get the support that they need to fulfill their visions.

ENTPs are less interested in developing plans of actions or making decisions than they are in generating possibilities and ideas. Following through on the implementation of an idea is usually a chore to the ENTP. For some ENTPs, this results in the habit of never finishing what they start. The ENTP who has not developed their Thinking process will have problems with jumping enthusiastically from idea to idea, without following through on their plans. The ENTP needs to take care to think through their ideas fully in order to take advantage of them.

The ENTP's auxiliary process of Introverted Thinking drives their decision making process. Although the ENTP is more interested in absorbing information than in making decisions, they are quite rational and logical in reaching conclusions. When they apply Thinking to their Intuitive perceptions, the outcome can be very powerful indeed. A well-developed ENTP is extremely visionary, inventive, and enterprising.

ENTPs are fluent conversationalists, mentally quick, and enjoy verbal sparring with others. They love to debate issues, and may even switch sides sometimes just for the love of the debate. When they express their underlying principles, however, they may feel awkward and speak abruptly and intensely.

The ENTP personality type is sometimes referred to the "Lawyer" type. The ENTP "lawyer" quickly and accurately understands a situation, and objectively and logically acts upon the situation. Their Thinking side makes their actions and decisions based on an objective list of rules or laws. If the ENTP was defending someone who had actually committed a crime, they are likely to take advantage of quirks in the law that will get their client off the hook. If they were to actually win the case, they would see their actions as completely fair and proper to the situation, because their actions were lawful. The guilt or innocence of their client would not be as relevant. If this type of reasoning goes uncompletely unchecked by the ENTP, it could result in a character that is perceived by others as unethical or even dishonest. The ENTP, who does not naturally consider the more personal or human element in decision making, should take care to notice the subjective, personal side of situations. This is a potential problem are for ENTPs. Although their logical abilities lend strength and purpose to the ENTP, they may also isolate them from their feelings and from other people.

The least developed area for the ENTP is the Sensing-Feeling arena. If the Sensing areas are neglected, the ENTP may tend to not take care of details in their life. If the Feeling part of themself is neglected, the ENTP may not value other people's input enough, or may become overly harsh and aggressive.

Under stress, the ENTP may lose their ability to generate possibilities, and become obsessed with minor details. These details may seem to be extremely important to the ENTP, but in reality are usually not important to the big picture.

In general, ENTPs are upbeat visionaries. They highly value knowledge, and spend much of their lives seeking a higher understanding. They live in the world of possibilities, and become excited about concepts, challenges and difficulties. When presented with a problem, they're good at improvising and quickly come up with a creative solution. Creative, clever, curious, and theoretical, ENTPs have a broad range of possibilities in their lives.

Jungian functional preference ordering for ENTP:

Dominant: Extraverted Intuition
Auxiliary: Introverted Thinking
Tertiary: Extraverted Feeling
Inferior: Introverted Sensing

If you want to know what the Professionals are saying about you, GO HERE:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#961935 by Not Available.

After you get your results, be sure to visit skyisfalling02 forum, where there is a link from the above item.

Have fun!

September 30, 2005 at 9:59am
September 30, 2005 at 9:59am
"Okay... I can take care of myself, if I can get you government freeloaders off my ass!"

New Orleans employers are now realizing and admitting publicly how many of their employees lived in the Ninth Ward - and it does not look like these working class citizens are rushing back either.

And how are they suppose to get back? remember many of them did not have money, or cars to leave in the first place... duh!

And what do the employers or the city have to offer these hard working, minumum wage employees? A place to live at a price they can afford... they can't be expected to compete with FEMA contracts for housing now, can they? Employers and the city left them to languish in the Ninth Ward for how many decades? Developers were not interested in the property they owned, if Developers were interested the Supreme Court is now allowing State to take it away and give it to developers...

So, why should hard working under paid employees rush back to New Orleans? They shouldn't, and they aren't...

and if you'd of been stranded in New Orleans, and trapped by flood waters, would you have wanted to go stay on a boat surround by more water again... yea, me neither.

And everybody everywhere better heed this, what happened in New Orleans, Mississippi, Alabama, and now Texas, can happen in your state... the disaster may not be from a hurricane or from flooding, but whatever the disaster is the message is loud and clear... YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN!

Duct Tape Man has replaced Horse Show Man at FEMA, and FEMA is not operating any better - surprized? I'm not...

Republican heads are falling off so fast they can't take care of themselves - ya'll can't possibly think any of them are worried about anybody else, regardless of party affliation, do you?

Elections are comming... all you 58 some odd million people who voted for Bush... I want to thank you... I have never been proven so right by so many people... REMEMBER I TOLD YOU SO BEFORE YA'LL VOTED... and none of you listened to me.

I got some harsh news for you people who elected Bush... I hold you as responsible as I do him for ever American Soldiers death in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bush appointed Michael Brown to lead FEMA, you elected Bush, therefore you are also as responsible as Bush for FEMA failures during Hurricane Katrina... and its continued failures since Hurricane Katrina, since the flooding, and the continued disgraceful response to towns filled with even more victims of Hurricane Rita. Of course some of the evacuees and victims voted for Bush, and are Republicans... I just know all these people are having too much trouble right now to realize how much they contributed to their own problems...

I know here in Louisiana Gov. Edwards went to prison, and it has been said that he would have been reelected although he was convicted... the difference... he never neglected the people of the State of Louisiana - and that folks is the difference between what some call a crooked Louisiana politian and Hitler like Bush... concern for people.

Ex Gov. Edwards liked money and he spent it all over the State.

Bush collects money from everyone and all the States, and spends it in Iraq, Afghanistan, and alot of other places around the globe... our National Guard Troops are everywhere but HERE...

And what really scares me is some of you still think Bush is doing a good job... now that is beyond stupid...

September 28, 2005 at 4:00pm
September 28, 2005 at 4:00pm
It's really bad here for so many... I'm basically okay except I've made myself sick by getting so upset with FEMA, RED CROSS, my daughter, and Tucker Carlson (the idiot)...

Half of Terrebonne Parish is underwater and FEMA can't decide if that qualifies Terrebonne Parish as a disaster area or not... seems like they should have fired the people Michael Brown hired... they are no more competent than he is... These FEMA people cannot function if it is not specifically spell out in their job description. AND RED CROSS, so far I have only met good natured volunteers who are well intentioned, but clueless... they know RedCross history like it is scripture and verse, but God help them help us... their almost silly.

Some people are getting too much help, others can't get any help... and FEMA can't decide if the fact that half of the parish being flooded constitutes a disaster.

It's so bad, I can't even blame Bush for all this mess. How many people are helping make this such a snafu? Countless numbers...

The local state representatives are telling us to calm down that surely FEMA is going to soon realize that Terrebonne is a disaster area... TELL ME HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE? HOW LONG SHOULD IT TAKE?

My son goes back to Iraq tomorrow - and he is looking forward to going back too. What kind of crazy is that??? SHIT. SHIT Shit.


September 19, 2005 at 5:24pm
September 19, 2005 at 5:24pm
I had to bring my soldier son to the airport, so he could fly to Florida to spend time with his fiancee'. So while I was there I took a sort of driving tour of Metairie, Louisiana.

I haven't written much about the storm, as I figured everyone was watching the various news channels the same way I was. For the first week I was in Houston for three days, and when we got back we still had no idea where my two brothers were, and we didn't have phone service, Internet access, and no television. Cell phones did not work either, and even today many cell phones are working sporatically or not at all, still.

I'm one of the real lucky ones, because all my family is alive, and we had very minor damage. Lost a lot of food in the freezers, and have some minor roof damage, but that's nothing compared to what so many others lost.

Went to New Orleans today... there is evidence everywhere of how high the water got. The news media has really done a major disservice by focusing only on the projects were the poorest lived. There are 2, 3, and 4 hundred thousand dollar homes flooded in wealthy, affluent neighborhoods. Today, my daughter and I saw women crying as she stood helplessly in front of her very expensive home surrounded by piles, and piles of her household belongings laying ruined in the street.

I am certainly not trying to lessen anyone's lost, but sometimes the wealthy hurt just as much, and have a whole lot less experience in dealing with tragic events. Usually the wealthy have enough money to fix what bothers them. Money alone cannot and will not fix New Orleans.

I saw miles and miles of beautiful furniture ruined, kitchen appliances destroyed, and all of it, including carpet is piled as high as the roof tops scattered about the once fancy groomed lawns. As far as my eyes could see, no one was spared - rich and poor alike lost what they had. It is so sad.

The houses basically "look" okay, but trees are down, lots of roof damage, windows blown out, and the mold was already evident in the discard mess of household stuff.

So while the poor, elderly, and sick's suffering was shown all over the news... everyone suffered, white, black, hispanic - absolutely everyone lost and all are suffering.

I know insurance money cannot replace one of a kind, personal priceless keepsakes of pictures of your children when they were growning up.

For once the traffic wasn't bad in Metairie, which is a suburb of New Orleans. There is a lot of clean up going on in a great many neighborhoods, but the loss is incredible and staggering.

Huge steel billboards lay twisted by the dozens. I saw hundreds of trees totally uprooted, and leaving a big hole in the ground where they once stood, and provided shade and beauty.

Along Veterans Blvd. banks are still closed, many fast food resturants still closed, electricity operating only a handful of traffic lights, and evidence that they were once under or surrounded by water was everywhere.

Even if the physical and structual damage is fixed in the very near future, I doubt that the recovery from so much loss will soon be forgotten. I can't even begin to imagine how people are coping with the sights, and sounds - chainsaws are buzzing loudly, a large tree blocking the road, or laying on someone's roof is being taken apart.

Insurance or no insurance, commercial property or residential, rich or poor, white, black, hispanic, korean, mexican, chinese, etc. - hurricane Katrina spared nobody.

We saw what must have been hundreds of military vehicles, some carrying dozens of men, others water and food.

I didn't attempt to enter the major part of downtown New Orleans, or the French Quarter... I saw all I could cope with during the few hours I drove around.

At the airport I did not see one single solitary taxi - and that is very odd.

There was more security at the airport in Lafayette on September 13th when I picked up my son than what I saw today, September 19th at the New Orleans airport in Kenner. Really*Exclaim*

We saw one of the hugh Park-N-Fly covered parking areas located across from the airport that just looked like the Jolly Green Giant, or a T-Rex had just stepped on it. Not only was the hugh parking awning twisted and crushed, I couldn't count all the cars buried beneath it. What a mess! How sad.

One other thought I had, I wonder if the cable companies are going to charge all these people $250.00 if they can't return the cable boxes? Oh yes, I can just picture the cable companies adding insult to injury.

I've read that some mortgage companies are not allowing grace periods for victims of hurricane Katrina. Can you imagine... you home destroyed, your way of life forever changed, you're in a shelter or hotel, you're unemployed and a mortgage company still expects you to pay your monthly payment?

It is very sad, but I am beginning to believe the people who did not own property are better off - less to worry about and a whole lot less hassle.

September 17, 2005 at 12:24pm
September 17, 2005 at 12:24pm
I'll admit that I believe the twin towers in New York were taken down in a huge, governmental conspiracy that simulated an attack on America as big as Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.

The Pearl Harbor attack convinced America that it was time for us to enter WWWII. President Bush probably could not have convinced America to go to war in Iraq without the events of September 11th, 2001.

But I have a real problem with believing Louis Farrakhan when he says there was a conspiracy to blow up levees in New Orleans just to kill black people, and keep white people dry.

Farrakhan's allegations really sound outrageous on the surface, but wait...

I've been studying the numbers on the 2000 Census... and it was not until I looked at a color coded map on page six of the 2000 census that I realized how ignorant I am about black population density in America. I don't have the words to explain how naive I feel after viewing the population density map from the 2000 census.

According to the 2000 census report, about three fifths of all people who reported Black live in ten states. (See map on page six at

The first thought that popped into my brain after seeing the Census map I mentioned above is, “Oh my God, the transplanted evacuees, who went to the mid-west, are in for the biggest surprise of their lives.” Before I saw that map, I thought that the majority of the New Orleans evacuees would come home as soon as the first snow fell; now I am not so sure.

I’ve been thinking that the one and only possible good thing about so many evacuees going north is that northerners may at last finally discover that those restaurants claiming to be serving Cajun food – aren’t. The evacuees, white and black alike, will most definitely take their culture, heritage, and their culinary skills with them and northerners can only benefit from being exposed to real, traditional Southern Cajun cooking.

I’ll revisit this topic again later, but it is pass time that I need to eat breakfast.





September 16, 2005 at 12:32pm
September 16, 2005 at 12:32pm
Well, Mr. Bush certainly gave a better performance than he did during the Presidential debates. Bush must have worked really hard, and his performance did not seem that rehearsed... but you gotta know it was. I really can't judge his facial expressions as being sincere or not, as I have so much distrust in the man.

As to why Bush gave the speech he gave, I can only imagine the Republican Party uppity ups got on his ass big time for his disastrous delayed response and reactions to the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. I also figure that at the rate Bush's performance polls are tanking the Republican party is now realizing that Bush is probably destroying any possibility of any other Republican getting elected in 2008.

In regards to what Bush said in his speech, it all sounds good, but I am going to reserve judgment on his promised actions. Let's face it, Bush's actions so far have only added to the roles of poverty in this country. I don't just blame Republicans, its Democrats too. American people need a President that cares more about America, and really knows what is going on in our country. Corporations are as much the problem as politics.

In my humble opinion, the moral decay of our American society flows from the top down, kinda like water that takes the path of least resistance.

Bush took responsibility for the failed federal response to the biggest natural disaster to befall America in decades, but he still did not really apologize. I am not sure if a sincere apology would really matter to anyone, and I certainly don’t know if Bush is really capable of a sincere apology, so maybe an apology is moot point.

The scramble to obtain chunks of the federal money that is, and is going to be available has already started in earnest. I don’t know what can be done to guarantee that all the federal money will be well and fairly spent. America is awash in greed. Money begets power, power begets more money, and this seems to be a never ending cycle.

What is all that Bush promised going to cost, and where is all the money going to come from?

All the money the federal government has comes from people paying taxes. Except for the billions of dollars that has been donated to be used for aid and assistance for the hurricane victims, where is the money to pay for all that is needed going to come from?

How well are all the billions of donated money been accounted for, and spent to aid the victims of the tsunami?

I hope and pray that Bush and his administration can and will do the right thing, but given their track record to date I have my doubts.

I hope that anyone or any Corporation that puts personal gain, and profits before people will be found out, publicly disgraced, and duly punished to the full extent of the law.

It is my sincere hope that Bush can manage to do all that he has promised and more. I’ll just have to wait and see, and I reserve judgment for now.
September 14, 2005 at 7:15pm
September 14, 2005 at 7:15pm
My son, of whom I am most certainly proud, arrived in Lafayette, Louisiana from Iraq yesterday afternoon. He has 15 days before he has to return to Iraq. He seemed taller than before he left. He is certainly leaner. He is somehow different, not necessarily better or worse, just different. Time will tell...

The Lafayette airport is small, and quaint compared to major airports. There was a small force of five or six men in police uniforms, unarmed, who seemed to be guarding the covered area around the main entrance. I felt lucky that they were nice to me.

Jon has been in combat for nearly nine months now, and I promised myself not to ask him any direct questions about his combat duties.

First let me tell you he left Iraq, flew to Kuwait, from there to Germany, then to Iceland, on to Canada, then to Dallas, to Houston, then finally arriving in Lafayette some forty hours after his trip home began - he arrived close to home. Seems like a very long way around to me...

I am not going to go into much detail, but from what I have heard from my son already... Iraq IS another Vietnam.

We are being deceived. We are kidding ourselves if we believe that our troops are winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. Ladies and gentlemen our troops are fighting a war against an enemy that is impossible to identify. American soldiers have rules of engagement; they are not fighting an organized, uniformed army of men such as themselves.

Maybe mainstream media reporters and journalist think they are protecting us common, everyday folk, or maybe the media is under some kind of Presidential or Corporate orders, either way, I know now, beyond a shadow of a doubt, we are being lied to by our government officials and the American media.

Then there is the remote possiblility that the high and mighties - Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc., really have no idea of what is really going on. It is slightly possible, due to the fact that they value money and power more than people. And none of the aforementioned have served true active duty in any other arena other than the corporate or political arenas.

What I've heard my son say is almost unbelievable, but he has video. He also has never been overly imaginative, so his graphic descriptions are not merely figments of his imagination.

In my silence I've learned more than I wanted to know, more than I needed to know.

My son is nothing more than a common foot soldier - a grunt.

My husband served for over thirty years, and he has assured me that Military personnel are not allowed to have an opinion, and if my son did there is not a single solitary soul in the American Army that wants to hear it if it varies in the slightest from the officially sanctioned opinion.

For nine months my son has been telling me, "I'm good" when I ask how he is during our phone conversations. I never quite believed him, now I know that "I'm good" is the officially answer to the question, "How are you?"

I am comforting myself in the knowledge that my son is under orders. It is his job to follow orders. He took an oath. He swore to do as he was told. My son is legally military property.

My mind is reeling with the ugliness of what he has described so far. The ugliness in Iraq is his reality, but not of his making.

I want my son to survive these events, and hopefully endure until his required military service time is over.

My son explained it to me like this... "There are 212 ways to be a soldier, and 211 ways to support the Infantry."

What is going on in Iraq is all about the Infantry, who are supported in their ground assaults by the Air Force.

And if you didn't know it before, know it now, "There is a Civil War" going on in Iraq at this very moment. The three divisons of the people living in Iraq are killing each other by the hundreds in the name of Religion.

Somebody tell me again why we are in Iraq, because after listening to my son for the last twenty-four hours I can no longer remember anything that can justify the American occupation of Iraq.

At this very moment, and with good reason, I believe with my whole heart and soul America NEEDS to get out of Iraq. If they choose to continue to kill each other, we can forward the unused body bags from New Orleans.

September 13, 2005 at 9:30am
September 13, 2005 at 9:30am
Reading, Reading, and more Reading - And still no answers.

Looking for answers and explainations about who did what when in connection with the bungled evactuation of the poor, the children of the poor, the infirmed, and the elderly from New Orleans.



What I can't find is a copy of the Bush administration's proposed legal memorandum given to Louisiana Governor Blanco to sign. Why?

I do know that it takes time to prepare a legal memorandum, so when was this legal memorandum written and by who?

Was the same legal memorandum, which offered by the Bush Adminisration to Louisiana Governor Blanco, offered to the Governors of Mississippi and Alabama?


"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." -- Theodore Roosevelt


September 10, 2005 at 4:02pm
September 10, 2005 at 4:02pm
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that there has been little mention of Hurricane Katrina here on Writing.Com. By little mention, I mean that when I do a search for Hurricane Katrina I found exactly twenty-five items.

On a site as that has as many users as Writing.Com, twenty-five would not even register if we had a graph by which to measure the response, and some of the twenty-five were just photos and stuff about pets, go figure.

Excuse me my attitude about pets, I just think that while pets are important and deserve great care and consideration - people are just more important... well some people anyway.

Putting the links here only as a reference:

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#1009378 by Not Available.

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 Light A Candle  (E)
Written for Sugar-Cubes Mini Slam finals, round 7
#1008004 by Cynaemon

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#1007831 by Not Available.

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#1006758 by Not Available.

 South of the Mouth  (ASR)
The consequences of hurricane Katrina; a mournful ponderation.
#1005787 by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik

Hopefully there is more care and concern expressed on Writing.Com than the twenty-five items I found. Hopefully too, is the items are there... they are just not found by searching with the term "Hurricane Katrina".

More later...
September 8, 2005 at 8:29am
September 8, 2005 at 8:29am
My brother called last night, which in and of itself is usually not a big deal, but last night was very special. Since hurricane Katrina hit nobody had any idea if he was dead or alive, or where he was. Did he evacute? Was he hurt, and unable to contact anyone? I certainly had more questions than answers.

I was troubled and concerned, but I knew that if he could survive he would. My two younger brothers and I are surviors - we have always been survivors. So I waited, sometimes more patiently than other times, but still I waited. Since the storm, and subsequent flood I have spent uncounted hours dialing his phone number, and leaving voice messages. All I can say is a flood of relief washed over me when I heard his voice on the phone.

My brother, Gary, recently had a pace maker installed. (that thought just seems so strange) So none of us are as young and as healthy as we once were, and that just seems so wrong. We are not aging gracefully.

Just the night before I found a "searching for" message on msnbc.com posted by my cousin Nancy in Memphis, TN. I called her immediately and found out she had our youngest brother's, AJ (Arthur John), telephone number. Turns out AJ is staying with an long time family friend in Laplace, LA.

I am feeling as lucky, and as blessed as I have ever felt. Thank God my brothers are both well, and high and dry. And it turns out both of them were just as worried about me. *Bigsmile*
September 7, 2005 at 1:29pm
September 7, 2005 at 1:29pm
May we hope that Hurricane Katrina wiped out the urban decay that was to be created when New Orleans city planners', decades ago, decided to build housing projects? Dare I hope...



Source reference: http://www.angelfire.com/nv/207/nohp.html

Population of New Orleans metro area:

Total population: 1,313,694
White: 57%
African American: 38%
Asian and others: 5%


That's enough for now.

I'm conflicted about a total forced evactuation of New Orleans, but only because I don't trust the Federal Government officials... they just don't tell the truth... and these people who won't leave haven't even seen the horrible pictures of how everyone else suffered in the Superdome and the Convention center... or maybe they have and that is why they don't want to go anywhere with them... who knows?

I am also conflicted about the announcement that the people in the Astrodome will get a $2000.00 credit card... watch some fun when the food stamp benefit people decide that they are not qualified for this or that because they were given the $2000.00.

I wish I didn't distrust American government employees and elected officials - but I do, every last single one of them.

September 6, 2005 at 11:59am
September 6, 2005 at 11:59am


"Preparing America

In the event of a terrorist attack, natural disaster or other large-scale emergency, the Department of Homeland Security will assume primary responsibility on March 1st for ensuring that emergency response professionals are prepared for any situation. This will entail providing a coordinated, comprehensive federal response to any large-scale crisis and mounting a swift and effective recovery effort. The new Department will also prioritize the important issue of citizen preparedness. Educating America's families on how best to prepare their homes for a disaster and tips for citizens on how to respond in a crisis will be given special attention at DHS."


I don't know if everyone reads this as I do, but it seems to clearly state that the Dept. of Homeland Security will assume primary responsibility for ensuring that emergency response professionals are prepared for any situation.


And were the Governors of Alabama and Mississippi made the exact same proposal as it is said was offered to Governor Blanco?

If so, why hasen't anyone said so?

If not, why not?



"Behind the scenes, a power struggle emerged, as federal officials tried to wrest authority from Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D). Shortly before midnight Friday, the Bush administration sent her a proposed legal memorandum asking her to request a federal takeover of the evacuation of New Orleans, a source within the state's emergency operations center said Saturday.

The administration sought unified control over all local police and state National Guard units reporting to the governor. Louisiana officials rejected the request after talks throughout the night, concerned that such a move would be comparable to a federal declaration of martial law. Some officials in the state suspected a political motive behind the request. "Quite frankly, if they'd been able to pull off taking it away from the locals, they then could have blamed everything on the locals," said the source, who does not have the authority to speak publicly."


September 6, 2005 at 9:25am
September 6, 2005 at 9:25am
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#972587 by Not Available.

Entry titled: Thoughts of a Trash Picker at the Houston Astrodome
Dated: 09-05-05

All her other stuff is good too, but this particular piece of her's is just very relevant to what I have been bitching about for the last couple of days.

Although many of the people in the many of the pictures the news media has splattered across the world's television screens are black that single fact does not make them any less human, or any less American. And it also does not make them all violent criminals, either! Please feel free to point out to me any one, single major city that does not have a problem with crime, and a small minority of violent criminals that cause grief for everyone else.

Thank you Jessiebelle for your observations, and insight into the Louisiana people whose lives have been shattered by two major disasters - the first being Hurricane Katrina, and the second, abandonment and betrayal by Federal officials whose job it is to take care of Americans during a disaster.
September 5, 2005 at 12:42pm
September 5, 2005 at 12:42pm
And I Quote:
“In America, the federal government can't send troops into a state without a governor requesting it. To do so is a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which prevents our government from being a military dictatorship. It is up to the governor and mayor to have an evacuation plan and plans for natural or unnatural disasters. The governor of LA refused help at first because she didn't want to give up her powers over the state...yet she didn't do anything herself.

Now, if Bush violated the law and sent troops in, he would have been accused of being a 'dictator' and she would have said she had everything under control but Bush took everything over. Remember, she didn't even make it a mandatory evacuation...Bush had to plead with the citizens to leave. She (a democrat, by the way) also had access to 60 buses in the immediate area before the storm hit to get people out of there, but she didn't use them.

Keep in mind how impossible it is for the troops to get together enough food and water to satisfy over a quarter of a million people all at once. What they have done is nothing short of a miracle. There is a reason why disasters are called disasters. Yes, we wish everyone could have been evacuated and saved and fed sooner...but President Bush is a human being, he is not God. America is strong, but we are not infallible or capable of doing the impossible.” By Lynn

I don’t know where you live Lynn , but if you want to believe Louisiana State Officials did not tell any Federal Officials about the thousands of people at the Convention Center as well as the Super Dome – then I guess you believe that Federal Officials do not watch news media reports either.


Obviously you must be a Republican since you so clearly point out that Governor Blanco is a Democrat. What does political party affiliations have to do with disaster assistance from the federal government? Are we not all Americans?

Obviously Ms. Lynn you have the money and the resources to leave your home, your job, your way of life at the first hint of an approaching disaster. Good for you.

Nobody asked, told, or suggested that the Governor of Mississippi turn over Mississippi State authority to Federal Authorities before aid was provided to Mississippi residents. Then again, the majority of Mississippi residents along the Gulf Coast are wealthy compared to inner city folk living and working in New Orleans. National recorded News Media reports will confirm that many of the Gulf Coast residents in Mississippi did not evacuate when advised to do so. Regardless of the fact many Gulf Coast residents had the money and the resources to leave their homes, their jobs, and their way of life they stayed.

Personally Ms. Lynn I find your comment offensive, insensitive, and uninformed, but that is my personal opinion.




The above links are just a few that demonstrate the lack of response from the President of the United States of America to the apocalyptic disaster in New Orleans.

I can only hope that no other State in America ever has to ask, beg, or plead for emergency assistance from Federal Officials, or that Federal Authorities require any State to turn over State Authority before Federal Disaster Assistence is offered or provided.

Who would ever believe that an American President would allow men, who he hand picked to manage FEMA and Homeland Security, to gamble with the lives of American citizens?

I'm here in Houma, Louisiana. I grew up in New Orleans. I graduated high school in New Orleans. I attended LSU, and Loyola University. I lived in the French Quarter. I am angry at the incompetence demonstrated by FEMA, the President, the Red Cross, and Homeland Security. I have been in New Orleans area for every hurricane since Betsy, and I have never, never seen the lack of available assistence on this level.

At this moment, I don't give a damn whose fault it is, why, or what political party they belong - people are dying unneccessiarly for lack of the basic neccesities of life - food, and water, especially the working poor, the elderly, the young, and the sick.

Read the articles at the links I've provided. Understand that no one expected miracles... Can anyone tell me how long is considered "reasonable" to expect emergency air drops of water supplies to the people in the Superdome or the Convention Center? The American citizens trapped in New Orleans were not expecting five star hotel accomodations...

It took less time to get commercials up and running, from what seems like every non-profit organization in the United States, asking for generous donations before any one of these organizations stepped up operations to provide assistance.

The Louisiana victims of Hurricane Katrina are being further victimized by being used as pawns for fund raising opportunities.

Oh the shame of it all.

And our President did not hesitate to ask the EU, and other countries for disaster assistance. It certainly appears to me that the richest country in the world can no longer take care of its own.

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