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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
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"This is pretty much what journals are all about, at least to me.
I knew as I wrote them that even though they provided
an excellent place for brain (and heart, and psyche) dump,
they were mainly a map of me."
          --- Colleen Wainwright

"Writing gives you the illusion of control,
and then you realize it's just an illusion,
that people are going to bring their own stuff into it."
          --- David Sedaris

"Please write again soon.
Though my own life is filled with activity,
letters encourage momentary escape into others lives
and I come back to my own with greater contentment."
          --- Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey

"In giving of myself onto these pages every day
I allow myself to write regardless of the depth and meaning.
I share myself with others without fear of recrimination
for these are my thoughts, my feelings and my very being,
and there are non who's opinion of me matters more than my own."
          --- Rebecca Laffar-Smith

The Writer's Round-About

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April 13, 2007 at 10:13pm
April 13, 2007 at 10:13pm
Do you "Judg[e] your own parents differently after you become a parent"?

It’s amazing how quickly we grow up with expansion from couple to family. A new child is suddenly a huge responsibility. I remember looking down on my daughter the day she was born. I was a very young parent but in that moment I think I aged ten years. Suddenly I wasn’t carefree, I had a daughter, and she was the most important thing in my world.

Reflecting on that experience makes me feel connected with all the mothers around the world. Each of us has had this wonder of creating life and being everything that newborn needs and wants. As the years pass everything we are is molded into this child. We form who they become. Our hand leaves life-long marks on the character of this little person and everything influences the adult they’ll grow to be.

In those few minutes I came to truly respect, appreciate and be thankful for my own mother. The respect and love continued to grow through every sleepless night, every dirty diaper, every shirt covered in spit-up, every baby-food smeared hairstyle, grazed knees, and illness. The wonder and amazement grew with every smile, hug, step, and the echoing, unforgettable calls of, “Mum-ma”.

I think becoming a parent gives us a new understanding of everything our own parents went through when raising us. I look back on my childhood, one of seven children, and realize that my parents are truly remarkable people. Every hard day I have with my children is something my parents went through with me and my siblings.

I also gain confidence when I remember that the things that made me happiest as a child were the simple things. We didn’t need a lot of money or the latest toys, we just needed each other. I know I can do a good job with my kids, because I had great examples of loving and caring.

My mother is responsible for the wonderful person I grew up to be. She’s the reason I can be the kind of mother I am for my own children. Being a parent is definitely the hardest thing anyone could ever do and I’ve learnt to forgive, understand, appreciate, respect, and love a thousand-fold the people who cared for me as a child.

April 12, 2007 at 8:23pm
April 12, 2007 at 8:23pm
This blogging every day idea is a bit wacky isn't it? I mean did I just blog like more than twenty-four hours ago? Not to mention the fact that because I wasn't home to blog in the evening yesterday I'm blogging before noon today which means today technically gets TWO blogs!

Of course I have nothing to blog about. I read recently that people make money from blogging and it's left me a little shocked. Some people on the web actually earn part of their living via their blog. *jaw drops* $10,000 a year from blogging? How is this done?

My blog doesn't even make me any stray gift points let alone real cash. Although, with almost 5,000 page views it might have made a little shrapnel in 'pay-per-load' advertising if I were on a website that let me advertise. Then again, on some other website I'd be strugging to bring the traffic in from all over the web which ultimately means I wouldn't have as many views. Or maybe I'd have more because I'd be actively advertising.

Of course if this feces of a blog actually made money I'd feel like I'm totally ripping people off. There is rarely anything here worth more than my own two cents. It makes me wonder what people are writing about in their blogs that earns them a living? Are they solving eternal mysteries? Giving religious sermons? Discussing the qualities of leaf litter?

What I was reading also got me thinking more seriously about the copy editing I do. Did you know, if I picked up 20 hours a week of copy editing I'd be making $500 a week. That's more than my pension. Of course, I'm always afraid to think like that because freelancing is unstable income. I couldn't guarentee 20 hours a week worth of it and if I was earning that kind of money doing it I wouldn't be getting a pension.

I think that's part of what holds me back from most of my writing a lot of the time. The fact that it's insecure. Sure, I struggle on the income I have but at least it's steady and for the most part assured. Of course, I learnt recently that if my exhusband stopped paying child maintenence for whatever reason I'd be sunk. I depend on the money he pays to cover the mortgage. It keeps a roof over our heads. Obviously a financial faux pas.

*sighs* I don't know how to handle the situation. With the way my moods swing it would be really risky to depend on me working 20 hours a week. There are some weeks (like the last 6) where I barely work at all. With my sociaphobia to deal with as well it means I'd have some serious challenges coming up with clientele. I don't meet people, I don't know anyone who would be interested in the copyediting services I could provide.

What I really need to do is write more. But writing strikes terror and I've reached a point where I can't choose to write if I'm just going to hate every minute of it. Why torture myself like that. I'd be happier pushing paper on a secretaries desk or something. I have enough trouble bringing myself to my blog every day lately.

The viscious circle leads me back to my characters and the stories I've left untold by not writing. To my readers with whom I have some special messages to share through my writing. To myself who only ever dreamed of being a writer and can't imagine any other life. It doesn't make it any easier to write but it does make it so much harder to give up.
April 11, 2007 at 6:03am
April 11, 2007 at 6:03am
My dog got hit by a car today. I bought Puppy almost seven years ago. He was born 3 days after my daughter and I bought him as a birthday gift for myself from a reputable pet store. Those were the days when you could get dogs from pet shops. These days all you can get from a pet shop is fish. All other pets seem to be pound or breeder available only.

Anyway, we called him Puppy and he's lived up to his name. Even at six years of age he's still a puppy at heart. Full of energy and very loving and snuggly. He's a lap dog. Trained to be that way because I wanted a dog that would settle on my lap or my feet when I'm working. He's moderately trained, comes, sits, and stays so long as we BOTH want him to. lol If he's set against following commands then he'll disobey but most of the time he's very good.

One thing we've not been able to break him of is his houdini act. These days he's mostly kept locked inside because my backyard fence is beyond repair. I'm saving in vain for new fencing but meanwhile any time he gets out the back he escapes from there into the front and the streets beyond.

Today was one such day and in the afternoon a woman knocked on the door full of concern. Puppy had rushed to our house right after being hit by her car. I'm thankful for her quick reactions and concern because thanks to both he was alright.

He's licking his wounds and feeling a little sorry for himself but got off lucky with only a few cuts and bruises. Other than being a little sore he's his normal self too and while I might wish he'd have learnt from the experience I know given half a chance he'll be out there raising terror on the streets. He's a georgious dog but he's one of those barker types that's dumb enough to chase cars.

I've trained dogs but can't seem to figure out how to break him of this habit. I'm finally making progress on getting him to return when he gets out. If I'm quick enough he'll now come at command instead of racing off down the street. But that only works if I know he's gotten out and can act immediately. I can't seem to stop him barking or chasing cars or getting out for that matter.

*sighs* I'm just very glad he's ok. Puppy has been around from the very early weeks of my daughter and all my sons life. The kids would be shattered if anything happened to him. I think I'd be more upset then both of them. I really love my dog. I've dealt with the loss of pets in the past but somehow I know if anything happened to him I'd struggle with it.

I don't know if I'd have the strength to have him put down if he got seriously injured. It's amazing the place pets take in our hearts. There is a cat in my past I still mourn greatly along with the pets I'd grown up with. Each has a place in my pool of grieving.

Thankfully Puppy hasn't been added yet. It makes me realize how special he is in my life and he'll get some extra loving care over the next few weeks while his cuts, grazes and bruises heel.
April 10, 2007 at 10:53pm
April 10, 2007 at 10:53pm
*coughs and splutters* Ok, so the day-trip to the zoo yesterday was a bad idea on the health front. I'm not as over the flu as I'd like to be and the hours in transit accompanied by lots of wind, sunshine and junkfood has done me in. I'll return to bed shortly but I really better sneak this blog in before noon because I've been slacking off for weeks now.

Despite feeling awful again now we all really enjoyed the day out. A trip to the zoo is an ordeal for us because without a car the trip that would take thirty minutes down the freeway takes two and a half hours. The first hour is the walk from home to the train station. It's a walk we do regularly enough because the train station is right near the major shopping center in town. We left early and enjoyed a MacDonald's breakfast before getting on the train.

The kids love the train. The world rushes by and we glide across it in smooth tracks. People watching and world watching is so much fun on the train. There are so many characters to spark a writers interest. Part of the reason I like not having a car is because it forces us to slow down and see other people. Walking, trains, buses, etc. are all opportunities to see others. From the suited up power-woman with her tidy breifcase and runnerless stockings to the chain and peircing gang-kid in black with a thick wedge of eyeliner.

The walk through the city is short, mostly downhill, and splattered with traffic-light crossings. Humans all moving in hurried agitation toward their individual goals. I'm always amazed at the difference in spirit between city-folk and town-folk. Everyone seems to speed up and wear blinders in the city. They just notice or care less about each other.

In my home town if a woman is laden down with a pram, toddler in one arm, shopping in the other people will stop to help. They open doors for each other and hold the elevator. In the city no one seems to see anyone other than themselves. Too intensely involved in their own lives and their own concerns. It's not that acknowledging others is dangerous, crime isn't really an issue. So I can't understand why persona's completely alter along with the density of population.

We all shuffle onto the ferry where my kids sit, noses against the glass, on the hunt for jellyfish. The jaunt across the Swan is brief. Chopping waves slap against the fiberglass. The ferryman spins the boat to clank against the rubber siding on the dock. The heavy handed tactics have left their marks on the wooden pilings and make me wonder how often the paint job has to be touched up on the side of the boat.

The zoo was busy. School holidays always bring an influx of locals when the rest of the year the gates are filled with tourists. Perth Zoo is a beautiful place and there just isn't enough time to enjoy it fully. Having spent two and half hours just to get there it's already getting on to noon before we even make it through the gates and we have to leave in a few hours to make it home again before dark. Someday I'd like to get to the zoo as they open and leave when they close.

This year we didn't even have a chance to see everything. Most years we have more luck getting around the zoo. With exhibits surrounded it took more time to be able to see each of the animals but baby boy really loved it. It's amazing to reflect over the past year. His third birthday was on Monday but at the zoo I was remember the difference between him this year and last. This zoo trip is one we make every year since my daughter was born (7 years now) so baby boy has been 4 times now.

This year he was eagerly seeking out each of the animals. I followed him around delighting at the regular intervals of "There, there". He's talking, kinda. *smiles* This year the hit with him seems to be the giant tortoise. They even got to sit on a plaster one. I have a photograph of it.

Speaking of photographs, I got some really fantastic shots of Koalas. It's often hard to get a good shot because they're hidden away, sleeping in the leaves of the Eucalypts. This year we came on them just as free food was going up so they were awake and moving around. Plus I got to perve on the cute zookeepers. I should have got pictures of them too. *Wink*

The meerkat population seemed to be sparse this year. Meerkats are my favorite so I was saddened to see so few in the enclosures. It didn't help that the crowds prevented us spending too much time watching their antics. They scamper about and move too fast to get some really good shots of with the camera.

We got to walk through the lemur exhibit this year but they no longer let visitors pet the lemurs. *Frown* That's not fair. I wanted to pet a lemur and let the kids feel their soft fur. With their love of Madagascar it was wonderful to watch their excitement about being so close to the movies star residents.

Still, I was glad to finally get home. We were utterly exhausted. Even without my flu showing it's displeasure I'd have to rest today. My osteo rears when I do so much. Particularly in my hips at the moment. Surprisingly my knees are doing alright but my wrists are tender too.

So, that's the zoo for this year. I'm going to have access to a car in a few weeks so we'll be going up to AQWA (Aquariam of Western Australia) AQWA is too far away to manage with public transport. It'll take a while to get there by car as it is but I'm looking forward to going. Hopefully the flu will be well and truly obliterated by then.

Assuming I get rest that is. So now, back to bed for me. Guess I'll have to figure out something to blog about tonight. *Pthb*
April 9, 2007 at 10:32am
April 9, 2007 at 10:32am
Ok, attempting to bouy up my mood a little so I can write this entry. Anyea wants chocolate. That woman always wants chocolate. I used to always want chocolate too but the past year or so I've learnt to loath it. It's amazing how much chocolate affects my moods and self esteem. I feel guilty eating it because I know how bad it is for me in so many ways.

But today's blog isn't really about the evils of Chocolate. It's about Easter! Which was yesterday, I know. *Pthb* I love celebrating holidays in my family. These days my family consists primarily of women. It's always wonderful to get together with my two sisters, my mother, and even my grandmother. Four generations of women in one room.

My family has this ability to talk and talk. We share and laugh and love so freely in that inspiring, warm environment. We talk about the past and the future, dreams, goals, hopes, fears, love, and life. We've been through the good and the bad together over those occasions. We get together over a fantastic meal my oldest sister usually puts together.

This time my oldest sister shared details about the trip she'll be taking in a few weeks. She's touring Europe for 7 weeks in May and June. She's been planning this adventure for months now and is so excited. She's traveled in the past, toured around Australia etc. but this trip is huge even by her own standards. It's amazing to watch the way she plans. She has her entire itinery all planned out, she knows where she'll be and which hotel she's at for every night of her trip, where her planes connection, trains and ferries launch etc. All the i's are dotted and t's are crossed long before she ever steps out her front door.

My other sister has plans to travel as well although she's been planning to do so for years and always puts it off. At the moment the idea of getting a motorcycle is taking precedence. She's the sort of person who plans every detail too but rather than planning and acting she's usually just planning and never acting. I think she will get this bike eventually. She really just takes a long time to get to the things she wants to do. She'll be able to make it happen when she's ready.

My mother and grandmother are stepping into new ventures in their own lives. My grandmother is a remarkable woman. She's in her 70's now and has lead a full life. She's fit and independant, fully of energy and strong in mind and opinion. She's set herself a project of organising her home. For a good part of the last decade or so she's done little bits here and there to prepare for when she dies. It makes me curious about her actually, she must think about her demise fairly frequently but she's still living strong and will likely do so for another decade or two yet.

Easter is perhaps one of our favorite gatherings as a family. We're a family of chocolate lovers and exchanging the sweet, chocolatey Cadbury goodness is a highlight. Being able to mix this year with chocolate birthday cake for my baby boy was an added treat.

After the food was cleared away the tarot cards come out. It's becoming a tradition actually. We get together so infrequently these days that I guess it's just another way to connect with each other and share out lives. The cards are more of a talking point then some prophetic tool. It allows us to express where we are, to talk about our worries, or draw each other out even more than we do simply by sharing.

My family see me as the broody mother hen sort. They seem to think my near future should involve me settling down with a man in my life and future additions to my family. Pulling out The Goddess card in my spread gave us all something to laugh about. The Goddess is the mother image and it often heralds pregnancy. It certainly made me thankful for my celibacy at the moment. *chuckles*

They know I'm worried and unstable. It's strange because I feel more unsettled and concerned at the moment then I have for a long time. There is no direct cause, everything just feels really shaky and uncertain. I guess it's because my path isn't set and I don't know where the next year is going to take me. I'm not grounded because I've been letting myself daydream in the fantasy. It's so easy to wish for pipe dreams but the reality checks get painful after a while. One problem with being a foolish optimist is that it's so hard to learn to keep my feet on the ground.

I'm the sort of person who recludes into the moment and live for the day just to prevent the pain of a future I can't have. Of course doing so causes more trouble in the future which creates more worry and pain. *sighs* It's one of those vicious circles.

Tomorrow I'm going to live for the day however. Money and time and future are of no concern. I'm going to have a great day out with my kids, because my baby boy is three (as of today) and my daughter will be seven in three weeks. Time is disappearing and I'll never have these moments with them again.
April 4, 2007 at 9:48am
April 4, 2007 at 9:48am
Just a short entry tonight because I'm tired. Really, really tired. I don't know why I feel so wiped out. It's not like I've done anything today. In fact I've done a whole load of nothing but still whenever I lean back I start drifting off to sleep. I even slipped in a nap earlier today.

It could be related to the heat. It's a balmy kind of night with the kind of sticky humid heat that drains energy. But I've been hot before and it doesn't really account for this brainless unmotivated stupor I've been in all day today.

I figure I'll head to bed early and hope a little more sleep will help. My mother reminds me that I was really very ill not long ago and am still recovering. Apparently she thinks I push myself too hard sometimes but mostly I just see all I don't do.

It's officially school holidays now and I'm hoping to take the kids to the movies over the next couple of days. Of course, it might not happen because my oldest is arguing about the movie I want to see. It makes me wish my Trid was local actually, *chuckles* Because I'm sure he's the sort who could appreciate a Mr. Bean movie and that's what my daughter wants to see. Me, I'd rather slit my wrists then subject myself to two hours of that for $15 plus junk food. I want to go see "Happily N'Ever After" but my oldest doesn't want to see that. *sighs*

In hopefully good news I might be able to talk my mother into baby sitting the kids for a few hours so I can go see "300" which is released here tonight I believe. I'm looking forward to that but can never guarentee I'll have the opportunity to go. I guess if I can't I can console myself with Charmed and trips to the park and zoo with the kids.

Of course that's all concerns for another day. One hopefully that includes a smidgen of energy and enthusiasm. Tonight I'm off to dreamlessness-land.
April 3, 2007 at 7:32am
April 3, 2007 at 7:32am
FINALLY!!! I HAVE THEM ALL!!! *evil witchy cackle*

*winks* For years there has been a TV show I've loved. Unfortunately Australian free tv viewing seems to have degenerated into reality tv and cop shows. There isn't a whole lot else available so one of my must see tv series keeps getting bumped off the station in favor of CSI or Australian Idol or whatever it is that's taking up the hype.

Finally, I decided to pluck up my moola (=money) and blow a few hundred on a worth while investment. Seasons 1-8 of Charmed on DVD!!! I actually caved just over a week ago but K-Mart in my home town only had seasons 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8. Of course I bought those but I was missing seasons 2 and 7. Yesterday we travelled 15 minutes and about five suburbs north to the next K-Mart but they were sold out of seasons 2 and 7 as well.

Today I borrowed my mother's car and made an afternoon hunt in search of the ellusive DVD's. Travelling 35 minutes and about 12 suburbs toward the city to the awesome supermall. Now remember, I'm in Western Australia, so while you might have a nearby Walmart where you can get anything your heart desires, the shopping options here are far more limited.

At Carousel however we have basically anything you might be after. Food court, cinema, multiple fashions stores, two huge bookshops, pet stores, trinkets, newsagents, two major grocery stores, four major um, everything else kind of stores (K-Mart, Target, Myer, and something else in the other corner that I never go to)

So, ramble of completely uninteresting value. I managed to bank a check, cash a money order, visit a bunch of stores to do some shopping for Easter and fruit for the week etc. Eventually I found season 7 in one store, and just before closing (5PM for those uneducated in the abominal early close of trade hours across this country) I found season 2. Both were supremely pricey. The price of season 2 was the cost of seasons 1 and 3 together. OUCH!

But now I own all 8 seasons. So, if I'm MIA for a few weeks you all know what I'm doing. lol Watching 48 DVD's or 176 episodes of Charmed. *Smile* That's about 8000 minutes or 135 hours of viewing. *Smile* Talk about a way to keep a girl entertained. lol

Of course for the next two weeks I'm dealing with school holidays but after those I'll be glad to have 135 hours of entertainment to tide me over because I'll be pinching pennies to recover from the supreme $300 blowout. Thankfully those DVD's should last me years and will be worthy of repeat viewing. Especially the seasons that are Cole or Chris heavy. *drools*

Now, time to log off and go watch some Charmed. *Wink* G'night.
April 2, 2007 at 9:23am
April 2, 2007 at 9:23am
It's April at last. My kids and I have been looking forward to this month all year. In fact my daughter has asked about every week if it's April yet and she's so excited that I'm finally saying yes it is. Why? I hear you all asking. *eyes you all shiftly* You ARE interested stop pretending you aren't.

Celebrations! Lots of them Wednesday is the last day of school for the first term. In Australia we have four terms of ten weeks each with two week breaks between them. So Thursday is the start of the first school holidays of the year. Tomorrow is the Tuesday before Easter so that means PANCAKES for breakfast! I'm too lazy to cook pancakes too often so this tradition is exciting. lol I'll have to get up early so that I have time to cook and eat the pancakes before we have to leave for school.

I'll have to shop on Wednesday for Easter Treats for the kids. And then we have Easter on Sunday with a morning tea at my sisters and lots of chocolate to cause my potentially and actually diabetic family members some chaos. lol Easter for our family is more to do with the celebration of life and the rebirth of the earth. Technically since we're southern hemisphere we should be celebrating the Harvest Festival but it's a pain doing that when the rest of the world is celebrating rebirth and spring.

Next Monday is baby boy's 3rd birthday!! YAY! My little man is growing up. He's so big and he really isn't a baby any more. He's starting to talk more and he's exploring drawing and numbers and patterns. Building, crafting, puzzles etc. I can't believe this time next year he'll be in full time kindergarten. I wonder what I'll do with myself when that happens...

We're going to the Zoo the day after his birthday. Normally I'd go on either his birthday or his sisters but his falls on a public holiday Monday and public transport is a nightmare on public holidays so I figured we'd go the day after.

Three weeks after baby boy's birthday is my daughter's birthday. She's turning 7 and is also growing fast. She's a petite tiny little thing and she doesn't seem to gain in pound/kgs but her shoe sizes and dress sizes keep going up. Her hair is getting longer again too. She's reading, I mean really truly big girl kind of reading and I'm so proud of her.

The day after is my oldest sisters birthday and she's leaving to travel around Europe. She's been planning her trip for months now and is really looking forward to the escape. I, of course, am totally jealous. lol But I suppose I should content myself with California in October. It would be amazing to do what she's doing however, the works of Europe.

You know it's strange, for someone who loves to travel and has the travel bug in her blood I've done very little in the way of exploring the world. The Tridly trip in October is a huge thing for me but at some point I'd love to be able to do more travelling. It's the sort of thing that sort of got pushed out of my mind, what with having kids and all, especially now I'm on my own with them. It's hard enough to keep up with the mortgage that vacations or travel, even having a car is so far out of my means at the moment I'd need a major life reshuffle to start thinking about those sorts of things.

Meanwhile, I'll just look forward to all the fun we'll have in April. Expensive enough just that what with three birthdays and Easter to contend with. Not long till my own birthday either but way to early to start thinking about that.

Got back to working out today. Had about two weeks with zero working out and today we had a lot of fun getting back to it. We spent an hour on Dance Revolution. *Wink* Talk about a game that's fun and works up a good sweat. Tomorrow I'm planning to talk my mother into going a round with Carmen Electra (strip tease DVD) I'm in the mood for dance lately, it must be the cooling weather.

Meanwhile, it's already late. I can't believe how busy today has been. It's good to be mostly healthy and back to normal moodswing wise. I wonder how long it'll last this time. Maybe I'll even start thinking about getting some manner of writing happening. FoT is waiting patiently but then my reviewing list is growing and waiting less patiently. Then again, don't have time and too tired tonight with an early morning tomorrow. Time for bed. *sneaks off before someone reminds me I should put writing higher on my priority list*
March 30, 2007 at 8:29am
March 30, 2007 at 8:29am
Ok, so much for me getting back to blogging last week. 6 days later and I get a reminder to blog today. I hadn't forgotten, just been too sick and haven't been online a whole lot lately. In fact mostly I've been sleeping, checking my email in the morning and evening, and sleeping.

Being sick is horrible. I don't like being sick. For some reason my kids get sick and are very sick for a day or two. This time their colds developed into conjunctivitis so they went up to the doctor for antibiotic eye drops which cleared things up in days. They were all fine days later. In fact, sick a total of four days. My daughter only missed two days of school because she stayed home Friday, all weekend, and Monday returning on Tuesday feeling completely better.

Of course, I would catch what they had and what takes them down a couple of days knocks me out for over a week. What makes them a little snuffley for a couple of days sends me dying to bed for a week. For some of the time I was capable of doing very little at all. I even slept through some of those days.

Thankfully I have a wonderful mother who lives around the corner. She arranged to drop my daughter off to school on the cold autumn mornings which did me wonders. Some days she even picked her up in the afternoon and once I borrowed the car to do that. We also managed a shopping trip by pooling our strength which was important because when I'm sick I don't handle kids complaining about a lack of things to eat so well and needed something easy to throw together for dinners.

Anyway, I'm on the mend. The fever is gone, headaches only lingering a little when I've pushed myself too hard, I'm able to breathe again although the cough hangs around again, when I push myself to hard. My main issue now is the ear ache that's still in full force. I don't like ear aches but my ears have been a recurrent issue and the fact that my mother gives me guilt about the fact that I should have seen a doctor in the early days of me being sick just makes me grumpy. I don't need a doctor. I knew my body could take care of things, it's just a flu.

The good news is I'm definitely on the way up again. This weekend should tide me through with lots more rest and then I might be able to pull my world back into order come Monday. I even managed to get some work done this week.

Speaking of work I got done I wrote a new article and posted a few things on Helium. I'll blog about Helium some time but meanwhile, check out "Invalid Item and if you can, click each of the links. You don't have to read the articles and book reviews if you don't want to. Some of you may have seen them before, but by clicking them I gain 1c each unique view. *Smile* The pennies add up and it's better than nothing which is what WDC earns. (In fact WDC costs me several hundred a year but shhhh don't tell anyone.)

Ok, so enough of me, it's a blog entry and fingers crossed I'll be back to daily blogs now. No longer sick enough to use that as an excuse. Meanwhile the Friday night movie is about to start and I need some more rest.
March 23, 2007 at 10:13am
March 23, 2007 at 10:13am
Ok, I've been a bad girl. *Frown* I was supposed to review today. I should have been able to manage at least ONE review but I successfully avoided doing it all day. There is no excuse, I'm just bad. *sighs*

I'm way behind on my review a day idea. I've a list in my notepad of items I've queued up to review. It keeps growing, and growing, and growing because I'm not knocking anything off the top of the list. It's shameful of me. *hangs head in shame*

How can I maintain a campaign for in-depth reviewing when I'm not doing any reviewing myself? I firmly believe in the "lead by example" concept and I'm certainly not setting a very good example at the moment.

*grimaces* Ahh, forget it. I'm going to take my flu-muddled self back to the couch and watch the Friday Night Movies. Maybe the reviewing will happen tomorrow... Maybe...

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