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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
*Smile*          *Smirk*          *Yawn*

L'aura del campo

'é a lua, é a lua, na quintana dos mortos'
♣ Federico García Lorca ♣

Higgins Street Bridge, April 25th  2009, Missoula, Montana

L'aura del campo. A breeze in the meadow. So it began the last day of Spring, 2005; on the 16th day of the month of Light of the year 162. This is a supplement to my daily journal written to a friend, my muse; notes I do not share. Here I will share what the breeze has whispered to me.


On a practical note, in answer to your questions:

Gifts from NOVAcatmando kiyasama alfred booth, wanbli ska ransomme Iowegian Skye

Merit Badge in Reviewing
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For your support and suggestions on my haiku "Lone Poinsettia" which took second place in the contest and will be published.  Thanks for helping make it a winning poem! Merit Badge in Nano Winner
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CONGRATULATIONS on your achievement! *^*Bigsmile*^* Merit Badge in Reviewing
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For help finding a title for my first chapbook.  We're not there yet, but your ideas are always interesting.
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Merit Badge in Friendship
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Thanks for being my friend.


grannym Merit Badge in Appreciation
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For brightening my day with your delightful offerings ~ Thank you so much! *^*Heart*^*



passed away November 12, 2005

Please visit her port to read her poems and her writings.
More suggested links:

A jayhawk with an attitude poses in front of the Alumni Center among the crabapple trees.
These pictures rotate.

 Kåre *Leaf5* Enga
~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop,
The Fish
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April 25, 2020 at 2:26pm
April 25, 2020 at 2:26pm

         to my Muse

You give me dreams
but not the means
to build a scaffold
to hang them on,
promise powder puff skies
that hide at night
dissipate by day

so many rainbows
so little rain
just enough moisture
to keep on living
my body a host
for your visions.

When I'm finished
sucked dry
an empty husk
left to crumble to dust
where will you go
who will welcome you next.

KE [177.50] (25.aprille.2020)
April 24, 2020 at 11:06pm
April 24, 2020 at 11:06pm
What never comes ... never comes

the sum of zero and something
still adds up to something
but zero plus zero will never
equal one

waiting for calls, a picture, something
leaving a number, address, keys
to a heart. they're there on the table
in envelopes

waiting to be opened. it's never enough
but the giver knows that gifts must sent
and if not delivered, if not wanted,
it matters not.

KE [177.49] (24.abril.2020)

April 23, 2020 at 8:23pm
April 23, 2020 at 8:23pm
A pitter-patter of nothingness

You splashed water at me while I read,
wetting the book, stoking my flames
begging me to rise like a thunderhead,
to hailstone all hell on your games.

And I do, over and over again, old man.
It's been too many years, decades it seems
since the drought of words began.
This silence between us screams.

I listen to the drip-drip of the faucet,
wind lashing rain on the window panes.
Do I ever value a gift till I've lost it?
I will never forget your name.

A pitter-patter of lost opportunities.
A pitter-patter of soft gentle rain.
A pitter-patter that leaves the earth thirsty.
A pitter-patter of nothingness bringing pain.

KE [177.48] (23.april.2020)

Inspired by: SB Musing
April 22, 2020 at 6:05pm
April 22, 2020 at 6:05pm
Or maybe a letter in poetic form? I dunno. I just felt a need to write this.

A letter to ... from an icy place

This river doesn't flow into the Mississippi.
The people here are barely friendly.
I owe you an apology.

The anger wells up within me, overflows
and those downriver brave the flood
or get washed away.

Once, there was a lake here plugged by ice.
When the dam broke it took all the dirt with it,
scraped the scablands bare.

Montana's loss became Oregon's gains.
Washington still feels the pain.
The Palouse turns green in between.

Not everything is zero-sum, or black and white
or even I'm wrong, You're right.
I'd prefer win-win.

But an apology may not be enough to cross this gulf.
My angry sails catch sulfuric breezes.
No one needs more acid in their life.

I may have to wait until I figure this out
by looking within. I'll give you a shout
once I know.

No, the folks who live along the lungs of America:
the Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Ohio,
they know.

All kindness flows with the mud and sand and silt
(but not my anger, shame and guilt)
into the bosom of Mississippi.

KE [177.46] (22.april.2020)

April 22, 2020 at 1:22am
April 22, 2020 at 1:22am
On the Clark Fork of the Columbia River

in rainbow-
colored kayaks
in the curl
of the wave,
a flow
that caresses
the willows
never again
to pass
this way.

in cold-dark
luring fish
behind big rocks;
patient herons
for minnows;
hungry ospreys
for bass,
to not be
swept away.

This river
its mission
and every day.
gets in its way.

KE [177.45] (21.april.2020)

April 20, 2020 at 12:45am
April 20, 2020 at 12:45am

Hiss all you want,
I'm pissed
at how you only think of yourself,
how 'others' are always to blame.
I'm tired of your f***ing games
that reduce me to tears,
trigger my fears,
demean me.

I can't wait
until you're history,
when your tizzy-fits are known
for the narcissism that it showed,
a never-ending pulp fiction,
a toilet-papered

I can't wait
to forget your face,
your fame obliterated,
your petulance a mere footnote
to this nightmarish loss,
game over
and thankfully

May it come
sooner than later.
May God speed your demise.
No, I won't pray for your health,
bow to your wealth,
kiss your white ass,
nor mention
your name.

KE [177.43] (19.abril.2020)
April 19, 2020 at 8:08pm
April 19, 2020 at 8:08pm
Throw me a thread

I've followed crumbs —— in order to find you
but crows get there first, won't show me the way.
Pines say they know —— their whispers fade out
in the calm at the end of the day.

I arrive at your doorstep —— twenty years late.
I knock —— and only hear echoes of laughter.
I want to join in but windows are shut,
doors locked, bones hanging from rafters.

I am lost in your labyrinth, caught in your web,
pricked by roses —— pruned to leave thorns.
To show the way in, throw me a thread
I'll wait here —— ravaged and torn.

KE [177.41] (19.april.2020)

April 17, 2020 at 8:15pm
April 17, 2020 at 8:15pm
Dreams by day, mares by night

Dreams by day, mares by night;
demons wait till lids shut tight
like a driver asleep at the wheel.
They squeal in delight to dump
whatever horror I need to relive
over and over and over again.

You're there somewhere
hidden by others, but sensed,
none-the-less, and silent.
I seek you in life's labyrinth
as walls shift to block my way.
I need to hear your voice.

But others shout in my ear and I can
only hear my heartbeat every time
they scream; No, it's not daylight's
dreams I fear when demonic mares
gather each sunset and softly neigh.
Go away, I answer, unable to stay awake.

KE [177.38] (17.aprille.2020)

Note: For years, I had recurring nightmares searching for a friend I could not find. They have thankfully dissipated over time.


April 16, 2020 at 1:13pm
April 16, 2020 at 1:13pm
plane, train, automobile

*Plane* *Train* *Car*

take-off, jerk-forward, find-the-right-gear



*Train* *Car* *Plane*

choo-choo, sputter, roar



*Car* *Plane* *Train*

swerve, bounce, back-and-forth



*Plane* *Car* *Train*

land, hit-the-break, blow-the whistle



KE [177.37] (16.abril.2020)

April 15, 2020 at 2:27pm
April 15, 2020 at 2:27pm
This empty landscape

color removed by darkest night
promised by moonlight
dawn's cold lies

as white light white mountains white sky
faceless whiteness blinds
then binds us

naked and restless from living
stranded in between
at twilight

when despondency from struggles
covets snow's stillness
grave's repose

KE [177.34] (15.april.2020)

Note:repetition of 8/5/3

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