Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1411301-Tides
by mars
Rated: 18+ · Campfire Creative · Poetry · Melodrama · #1411301
Tides. Our lives, our world....can we catch it in a few poetic lines?

Life, love, politics, death, war, Spring, snow, a piece of apple-pie, a flat tire, the ears of a rabbit above the grass...so many experiences, so many thoughts and feelings.

Futile or magnificent, but always worthwhile to try and mold them into a few poetic lines.

Feel free, make it short or long, free verse (and: free verse or prose, who can tell the difference *Bigsmile*) or with rhyme and meter, anything will do to tell about your world, our world.

Be inspired by a previous addition or contribute something completely different, what ever, your thoughts and words are eagerly as well as curiously awaited...

As she orbited
she glanced around her
and saw the Earth rotating -
an unchanging pattern of change

Come with me

A rush of wind sweeps pass her
as she gazed up at the open sky -
a night bird called out to her
lift your wings, come with me
I'll teach you how to fly

As she and the night bird flew along,
the full moon rose higher in the sky.
Among the notes of the wind's song,
one could hear her melody of sighs.

A Non-Existent User

And that moon turned my night into an eerie day--
Standing there, watching them, watching it.
I ached with such longing, such empty sorrow
For something I knew I’d lost but knew not where.

This night light holds shadows and I walk among them,
The tip of my scarf trailing on the dew
While I try and remember…to find what was forgotten.
Rising and sinking, the moon passes me by.

"The sun loves you," my mother said.
"Look at the mark he's given."
Spreading aloe like tears
Over skin loved too deeply.

Sea Landing

I never liked blue
Except in the sky
And until I blended a drop of red
I questioned my colors
Because of their blindness
And thought I’d lose balance
… fall…
Instead, I opened
Yet another window, yet another
And I took off
(so surprised to see I could fly)

I visited, you see?
Ice cold Neptune
Hottest Venus
It seemed like an endless ride
Riding the tide
Of real feelings
More real than ever - ultimate
My propulsion subsystem
The simple pleasure

My spacecraft led me
To a discovery


Was a place inside

I knew it all the way
                                                 -But what we know
                                                 We can hide
                                                  Like a sin -
Until I touched down
And saw the land of security
Felt it inside
Where it should be.

A perfect sea landing

No more anguish
On the shore.

Green crystal lip pitches comfort,
blue-green womb surrounds with roaring peace
Slower, deeper the blue womb seizes
Sweet terror fills my soul,
too late, too deep
Swallowed by salt, pummeled from wet to dry
Smile in the world

what purpose

What beauty I read here
so tender so sweet and the way
to a place where others will meet

not the emptiness nor longing of
memories passed - but the love
that we kindle here forever will last

What purpose our being has on
the land - but to love one another
and give each one our hand

As we stroll to the ocean and wait
for the tide – feeling the cleansing
as we walk side by side

Never a moment left all alone
for the love that we spread
will surely come home

But we place restrictions on our love
what is acceptable to show
and what should be given to only one

I wonder if nature intended it that way
or are we humans thwarting ourselves

A Non-Existent User

I float upon the waves,
bobbing and bouncing;
One shining point among millions of others.

Yet, I’m only a reflection of some other light,
Known the instant a cloud passes by.

I prefer to shine,
to reflect such brightness,
moving in mass with joyous abandon.

But even the clouds are not their own.
Without them, I could not reflect such light.
I would dry to dust---
One grain among millions of others,
A slow death for lack of water.

Floating on her back
carried smoothly
to and fro the shore,
dozing off.
How could she forget
the suddenness of storms
Engulfing waves
of harsh words
The sea never the same

She comes to me, teasing,
Rubbing my belly,
Shaping me in her image,
Pushing herself into my arms,
And leaving.

Always leaving.

She brings me life,
Lays it upon my chest
And I do what I can,
But so much of it dies
Without her.

As I would die.

Our children,
swimming along my belly,
tickling at my ribs.
But some I can embrace
And send back to her.

It all goes back to her.

I wish I could see them all,
As she sees the ones at my head,
Spraying her kisses over me
Raining love upon them.

Raining her love upon me.

Places I’ve been to
And I’ll always find
No matter what
Chocolate and cinnamon
Warmth in my belly
And a smile
That caresses my singing lips
Smoother than the velvet dream
That pushes me forward
That accompanies me and whistles
To the tune that signs my name
And you don’t know why
And I don’t know why
And I don’t see how
But I see – feel
That I’m happy again
I see warm faces
that welcome me
and yes,
I am happy again.

Sweat beads on broken brow
Life leads to wild brooks
Brow beaten by softer skin
psych eaten, hiding in dark nooks

Sand sticks in hidden places
Charlatan’s tricks lead broken man
Brow strengthened by softer skin
Time lengthened by sweet courtesan

Salt ground in hidden wounds
Life found in moisture cool
Brow softened by soft skin
Man too often seen the fool

Brow stronger by softer skin
Man no longer wallows in his sin

         sand sticks ripped
         fragile from wear
         showing seams grown
         thread bare

         another door hangs
         from rusty hinges
         left unattended by
         by love that has ended

         the scent of the skin
         from the lovers within
         sweat from the heat
         repels from the wind

         another chapter lost
         and forgotten
         no one to blame
         life remains the same

         torn by the waves

melted by the fire

the fire within
the fire that consumes
all thought, all feeling
all sense of self
'til nothing is left
but an indiscriminate blob

of nothing.

That's when he arrives,
slowly sculpting
the cooling blob
and renewing my form
A Non-Existent User

It seems I’ve found my voice of late;
My brain, dotted with specks to sate
The god of unpredictability,
Has decided on quiet---temporarily.
And so, feverously and with purpose, I write;
Page after page, black upon white,
My words and thoughts flow in sweet clarity.

I enjoy these long, lucid times,
When confidence remembers and climbs
Upward---for a month, or two, or three.
I’ll take what I can get sporadically.
For the moment, I’ll pour out my heart
In pleasing balm, or scathing rants, sharp and tart,
Until MS, once more, tears at my serenity.

I’m learning to live in moments clear:
Sweet segments of life between the surreal.

© Copyright 2008 mars, MDuci, MaryLou, xx-xx, Satuawany, AXiLeA, hbar, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1411301-Tides