Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1803160-a-lone-wolf-s-cry
Rated: · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Action/Adventure · #1803160
A really short story.
It was a dark cold night, like the beginning of all good stories.

The rain was beating hard against my window. while the wind howled like the sound of a lone wolf crying out for love.

The steady ticking of the clock sang out in the near silence of the room, counting down the seconds till the witching hour would begin at the final stroke off midnight.

The raging storm had blown out the power, so the room was dimly lit by the glowing flame of a candle making the room shimmer with beastly shadows.

And there I sat, staring out of the window just as a flash of blinding blue light illuminated the sky. I was home alone and scared out my wits.
My room mate had rung earlier to tell me the roads were flooded so she wouldn't becoming home and I didn't blame her. This was the worst storm I had seen in a long time.

Even though I had longed for her to change her mind I knew once the phone disconnected that I was on my own.
Alone in the storm with no power, no phone and no signal on my mobile, and my ice cream was melting fast.
Sighing loudly I grabbed a thick blanket from the chair and wrapped it tightly around me.

There was no point me staying up with nothing to do, I thought as I blew the candle out and made my bed on the sofa.
The best thing to do was sleep the storm out, so that's what I did... well until a loud smash pulled me violently from a deep sleep.

Jumping up from the sofa. I looked about wildly. Still half asleep, my mind tried desperately to catch up with my instincts.
Rain, wind and twigs were swirling round my front room, making my eyes snap to the giant hole in my window. WTF?

I rushed forwards trying to see what could have caused such damage. I couldn't see much though the hail of rain.
I began to search the floor yet still could not even see a sign of a fallen tree or branch. Nothing seemed to have been the thrown though.

Shaking my head, I cursed at my bad luck. That window would cost me and I was hard up for cash as it was.
Grabbing the light I was just lighting the candle when I heard something behind me. I froze. the hair on the back of my neck begining to prickle. A low rumbling growl echoed across the room.

Turning slowly, candle in hand and heart thumping, I peered through the darkness, Slowly out of the shadow a large form moved towards me.
At first I saw only the glowing of two blood red eyes... stepping backwards I nearly stumbled over the chair.

A bright fork of lightning flashed in the storm. illuminating the room in a silvery glow.
The moment it did a scream erupted from my body.
There standing in my room was a werewolf, and I realised at that moment that it was not the howling of the wind I heard before but the voice of a wolf finding it's prey.........

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1803160-a-lone-wolf-s-cry