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its a story of my first year of secondry school and the start of the second
I walked rather fast to my mums side to reveal to her a large brown envelope with my name on it, i was in year 6 (6th grade) so i was due to move to my next school secondry school. This letter was where i would out down my school choices i had been to all the schools to look round and i wanted to go to kba where my brother went a multi sex school. I had wanted to put three different school just in case kba didnt except, however my mum decided to put my choices without me choosing she put 1.kba 2.kba 3.kba and sent it off it off without my concent meaning to please me but failing sadly. i did get accepted to kba i was happy. time passed and i left my primary school and after the summer holidays i was more than ready to go to kba. I didnt know many people i knew my brother his friends and a girl who for security reasons i will call susie, me and her walked to school hung out and walked home together then we made friends it was great we all gung out at lunch and break and we also met a boy i will call him ben he was ok at first and we all messed about but then he got mean started taking phones and covering us with water i got scared i felt intimidated. i started to "feel ill" and take a few days off school my mum got in touch with the school but it got worse i started walking round aimlessly ao mum got me in school councilling that was crap and then my mum had had enough and by year 8 i had been moved to another school an all girls school. i hate it there nad i didnt want to do P.E so i skipped it 5 lessons worth and now im in trouble alot after school detentions meeting with the head and my parents and sometimes i wanna just run away from home but where would i go and how would i survive and how in gods name can i do even more damage to my family it suck and i have 5 years left of secondary school and then collage and university i wish their is another option for me but at least i can warn you readers that you need to stay with your friends, if you take the risk to try and start a new with a new school new people then you might just end up like me
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