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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Action/Adventure · #1945361
its about how's someone dreams can become some one else nightmare
The Night of Nightmares

People are scared to death from their nightmares. Well for one woman her nightmares are going to become reality

Lily was sitting down in her truck heading to her mom’s house for the weekend. She was only twenty miles away from her mom’s house. Lily noticed that she was running low on gas, she saw that there was a gas station about a mile up ahead. She pulled her truck up into the station, she got out of the truck and went inside. When she got inside the station she noticed there was no one at the counter. When she got to the counter she saw that there was a bell sitting on the counter. She rung the bell, she heard a voice say, “Be there in a second.” Lily waited and a second later she saw a woman about in her mid-forties, with grey hair, green eyes with half moon glass coming up to the counter. Lily told the woman that she wanted fifty on pump eight. Lily went out of the station and headed back to her truck. She filled up her tank and headed out and back onto the highway. When she got back onto the highway, she saw she only had about fifteen more miles until she was at her moms. About thirty minutes later she was pulling up into her mom’s gravel driveway. Lily got out of the truck and went up to the front door. Lily knocked on the door, when the door opened she was looking at her mother. Her mom said, “Hey honey, I’m happy you made it.” Lily said, “How are you doing mom?” She said, “Better now you are here.” Lily went into the house, her mom right behind her. Lily went into the living room and sat down on the couch. Her mom said, “Would you like something to drink?” Lily said, “Yeah sure I’ll have a glass of water.” Lily’s mom went into the kitchen, a couple of minutes later she came back into the living room. Lily’s mother handed Lily her cup of water. Lily and her mom sat in the living room in complete silence for a while. That’s when Lily broke the silence she said, “So where am I going to sleep at?” Her mom said, “You are going to sleep in the guest bedroom. It’s the third room on the left down the hallway.”Lily went out of the house to grab the luggage out of her truck. When Lily got back into the house she wasn’t there. Lily put her bags down and went looking for her mother. Lily went looking through the house trying to find her mom, when Lily got halfway back to the living when she heard something. Lily went to where she heard the noise, she stopped at the door. She put her ear to the door, she heard people talking. Lily was about to open the door when she noticed that the door was already opening. Lily just stood there when her mom saw Lily standing there. She said, “Oh Lily I was about ready to come get you. I wanted you to meet someone.” Her mom went back into the bedroom and came back with a man. Lily’s mom said, “Lily I want you to meet someone. This is Jason, he is your new step-father.” Lily just stood there like she had just been punched in her stomach. Her mother said, “Lily aren’t you going to say hello to Jason?” Lily said, “I’m sorry. Hello how are you doing?” Jason said, “Doing good.” Lily didn’t say anything after that. That night Lily was sitting in the room when she started to hear something. She got out of bed and went to the door. She quietly opened the door and stuck her head out. Lily saw that the light was still on in her mothers room. Lily put a robe on and started to walk down the dark hallway to her mom’s room. When Lily got to her mom’s room she heard her mom talking. Lily went to go back to her room when her mom started to scream. She heard a smack, Lily was wanting to go in the room. Lily was afraid the open the door. Lily went back to her room and laid back down on her bed. The next morning Lily woke up and went down into the kitchen and saw that her mom was not down in the kitchen. Lily went to Jason and said, “Hey where’s my mom?” Jason didn’t say anything at first, he was acting like he didn’t even hear me. Jason said, “I’m not sure, she wasn’t here when I woke up.” Lily thought, “Huh, that’s weird.” Lily went out of the house and saw that her moms car was gone. Lily went back into the house and saw that Jason was not in the kitchen anymore. Lily went back to her mom’s room and saw that he wasn’t there either. Lily went back to her room and got dressed and went to get into her truck. She went into town to try and find her mother. As she was driving she stopped at the store to see if her mom had stopped there. As Lily walked into the store she was stopped. As she walked she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw a man, she said, “May I help you?” The man said, “You don’t remember me do you?” Lily said, “Luke is that really you?” Luke said, “It’s been awhile.” Lily said, “How have you been?” Luke said, “Good.” Lily said, “Have you seen my mom? She’s been gone for a while.” Luke didn’t say anything for a second. Luke said, “No.” Lily and Luke went looking for Lily’s mom, about two hours went by when Lily said, “Come on let’s go. She might be back at the house.” Lily and Luke went back to Lily’s mom’s house. When they got back to the house Lily noticed that her mom’s car was still not there. Lily went into the house and saw that Jason was standing in the kitchen. Lily went to Jason and said, “Hey has my mom come back at all?” Jason said the same thing he said earlier. Lily went out of the house and went to Luke. When she got outside Luke said, “Any Luck?” Lily shook her head, Luke said, “I wonder where she could be?” Lily and Luke got back into the truck and went back into town.

Jaso went into his room and went into the closet. Jason went to the corner and pulled one of the boards. That’s when a trap door opened and he went inside. As he walking inside the room there were bodies lying everywhere. Jason went to a chair sitting in the middle of the room. Jason went in front of the person sitting in the chair. Jason was staring at Lily’s mother. Jason said, “Hello Annie, how are you feeling?” Annie had a gag over her mouth. He said, “Oh, stupid me.” Jason took the gag off her mouth. Jason went and bent over in front of her. Annie spat in Jason’s face, Jason said, “Now, Now play nice or the gag goes back on.” Luke and Lily were on their way back to the house, when they ot to the driveway Luke said, “Don’t worry Lily we will find your mom.” Jason looked to his left and saw Lily and Luke on the secruity screen. Jason went out of the room and headed back to the kitchen. When Jason got to the kitchen Lily and Luke were just walking through the front door. Lily told Luke that she’ll see him tomorrow. Luke went out of the house and Lily went to her room. That night Lily was sleeping when she started to hear something in the darkness. Lily went to the bedroom door and opened it. Lily went into the hallway and she could of sworn she heard Luke’s voice. Lily went to her mother’s room. Lily stuck her ear to the door. She tried to hear what was going on when she saw the doorknob starting to move. Lily went back to her room and laid down on the bed. The next morning Lily woke up, she went to get dressed, when she was ready she went to her truck. She got into her truck and went to go see Luke. Lily went to the place where she said she was going to meet Luke. When Lily got got to the meeting spot she saw that Luke wasn’t there. Lily sat there for two hours waiting for Luke. After the second hour Lily went back to her truck and went back to her mom’s house. Luke was just opening his eyes, he was looking around. That’s when he looked to his right he saw Lily’s mom sitting in the chair next to him. Luke said, “Annie?” Annie looked to Luke and that’s when Luke saw the cuts and bruises on her face. Annie said, “Luke what are you doing here?” Luke said, “I don’t know.” Jason walked through the door and looked at Luke. Jason said, “He awakens.” Luke said, “Dad?” Jason said, “Hello son.” Annie said, “Luke he’s your father?” Luke said, “Yes. I thought he was dead.” Lily was just pulling up into the gravel driveway. Lily got out of the truck and started walking up the pathway. When she got to the front door she fell down to the ground. Jason grabbed Lily’s body and took her to his secret hiding place. Lily was just waking up when she saw Luke and her mom sitting in a chair. Lily said, “Where are we?” Luke said, “I don’t know.” That’s when Jason came up to Lily. Jason said, “Your awake.” Lily said, “Where the hell are we?” Jason said, “We are in my little play room.” Lily said, “Where might that be?” Jason didn’t say anything he went out of their sight, next thing they knew they were getting pulled next to each other. When they were right in front of each other Jason said, “Lets play a little game.” Jason put some dice in front of them. He said, “Okay Luke you roll first.” Luke said, “No I’m not going to play.” Jason said, “Roll now, or Lily dies.” Luke picked the dice up and rolled them. He rolled a six, Jason grabbed Pliers and went to Annie. He grabbed her left hand, he took her ring finger and broke it. Annie started screaming in pain. Lily screamed, “You fucking sick son of a bitch. Leave my mother alone.” Jason went to Lily and handed her the dice. Lily picked up the dice and rolled them. She got an eight, Jason went behind Luke and broke his left arm. Luke screamed in pain, he then went to Annie and handed her the dice. Annie went to roll and she got a twelve. Jason said, “Safe.” He gave the dice back to Luke, Luke rolled the dice and got a double one. Jason said, “Craps.” Luke said, “What does that mean?” Jason went out of their sight, Lily said, “Where did he go?” That’s when Annie started to spit blood out of her mouth, she then fell down to the floor. Luke and Lily both yelled, “NO!” Jason gave the dice to Lily. Lily said, “No, I’m not going to play anymore. Jason went to Luke took a knife and stabbed it into Luke’s right leg. Luke let out a scream, Jason said, “If you don’t roll it’s going to be a lot worse than that.” Lily picked the dice up and rolled. Lily rolled a nine, Jason went to luke, he took a sharp knife and cut one of Luke’s fingers off. Lily was trying to get out of the cuffs. She was slowly inching her hand out. She broke her middle finger, she was able to slip out of the cuffs. She was waiting for Jason to turn around. She got out of the chair, she grabbed a knife and went to go towards Jason. That’s when Lily started to feel a sharp pain on the left side of her body. Lily looked down and she noticed that she was bleeding. Jason had somehow gotten behind Lily and stabbed her. Lily fell down to one knee, Jason went to Luke and put the knife to Luke’s neck. Jason said, “If you want Luke to live I suggest you put that knife down now.” Lily got to her feet, Jason held onto the knife a little tighter. Jason said, “Watch what you are doing.” Luke said, “It’s okay Lily I’ll be fine.” Lily took the knife and put the blade in her hand, she then threw the knife and it nailed Jason right in between the eyes. Jason fell the knife knicked the side of Luke’s throat. Lily went to Luke, she took the cuffs off of Luke, they walked out of the room.

Lily and Luke got married and have three kids.


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1945361-story