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Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Poetry · Emotional · #2096148
if you feel down, if you feel you're not perfect read this.
I'm not perfect. I look at people society call ugly and think ill never be as beautiful as them. when I'm sad I cry alone in my room so I don't burden people with my tears. I smile in bad situations, to not worry those around me, and think to my self if I keep lying to every one including my self that I'm happy and every thing is fine, it will become true. when I watch a sad short film I feel every emotion the actors feel as if I'm experiencing it for my self. I joke and laugh in times of distress to lighten the mood and make those around me happy which in turn makes me happy. I receive complement and words of encouragement that are supposed to make me happy and it dose but I all ways contradict them and think that's not true. when people try to bring me down I brush it of and snap back almost instantly with a come back. I can shift feelings of sadness for happiness is
Meir seconds. I laugh when people fall and try my best to pick them up. but I am selfish and even when I know something is for the best I want to take it all back and stop it and them cry when its done and over. I try my best to hold back my tears but some times I can and when that happens I selfishly take away the happiness of those around me and cause those who love me distress. I have dreams and goals that are unrealistic and childish but I cant ever give up on. I am young, I am foolish, even if I have a high intelligence level, I am childish. I have many flaws, but I like my flaws because they make me who I am in my eyes and no one else's. so if you are reading this and feel as I do then know you are perfect even if you don't agree with my opinion of views, you are perfect

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2096148-PERFECT-NOT