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Rated: XGC · Campfire Creative · Other · Erotica · #2182963
Become a slave to the massive godly equine.
The Farm is a massive facility consisting of a barn-like factory area and an endless grass field surrounded by an impassable pen. This strange location is the domain of "The Stallion" the massive 12-foot equine who you now live to serve and worship. How you came to be here is irrelevant, all that matters is that you now exist for His pleasure.

The Rules

-This is a master/slave group rp in the setting above. Between The Stallion, which is myself, and my countless slaves.

-Female characters may be toilets or breeding slaves. Males must be toilets. The Stallion is straight.

-Special powers do not work in this strange place and the maximum height is 7'.

-When referring to The Stallion with He, Him, His, etc. always capitalize to show His divinity.

I pull up to this ranch in a rather fine 4 person stagecoach wagon being pulled by none other than my giant Rapidash Gassy, one of my most proudest possessions. I look around me and see hills, large fenced in areas, training grounds, jumping obstacles, this place looks like heaven for any horse. Being a rather dominant owner of a Rapidash who has been a very good boy ever since my chaotic possession of them began, they deserved a reward for their obedience. This looked like a great retreat for them, to let them graze and enjoy themselves, maybe even meet a female, who knows?

I wondered who could have thought to make such a wonderful place, there was even a tiny river for the horses to drink from. I can't wait to see how much this ranch owner charges for rent. Just as I am thinking about how wonderful this place really is, I hear someone approaching.
A powerful thud came with each step of my hooves, the grass shuddering beneath my feet but not tearing or buckling, it seemed untouched and immaculate, not throwing off the ambience of the place, as torn up grass would certainly not do. Gassy was a huge rapidash, but my massive chestnut coated body put him to shame. As I trotted over to the couch, I looked at Gassy with a wordless scoff, before putting my attention on the skunk figuratively holding the reins.

"Seems like you like the place." I say as I turn to face her, subtly also pointing my huge ass at the rapidash.
I turn my head away from the Clydesdales disgusting fly infested asscrack and instead start grazing on some of the grass to my left as he and my master continue to talk. Who does this ass think he is putting his butt in my face like that, maybe I will have to teach him a lesson some time. I disrespectfully cut an SBD towards them as they talk behind my ass, I had been doing this to my master all day already so I felt quite smug and satisfied with myself.

This grass is delicious I thought to myself, the finest of turf, I swallow huge mouthfuls at a time as the sound of grass ripping from the ground covers up their conversation, I can think of nothing else at the moment.
I chuckled at the great Stallions display of disrespect, as I did catch that, and my slaves reaction was rather priceless. I did notice the SBDs but I know horses are giant poop machines, having a very quick digestive process, and figured they could not be helped at this point. I imagine the owner of the ranch would not like the fact that my slave was eating their grass, as the other horse I now saw on the property seemed to walk in a way that did not disturb the grass, so I started to whip at the reins but stopped myself as the horse that stood 2 feet taller than mine began talking to me.

With the authority in which he spoke I knew immediately I was talking to the owner of the ranch, this was rather unexpected.

"Yes! I love the place!" I said with joy, me only standing eye level to him because of my height sitting on the stagecoach.
"Sorry about my dumb horse, he's very undisciplined, I'll cover the cost of that grass, I know it can't be cheap to have land this fertile." I say, knowing the grass will grow back eventually but it was rather rude of me to walk in here and let my horse eat from it, I was just thrown off by this striking conversation.

The larger stallion before me was beautiful, had a fine coat of fur that almost glistened, and muscles so large they demanded respect.

"I have heard this is a good ranch to also kinda whip slaves up into shape? I have had trouble with this horse as you can see, he listens to me, but only when it seems like he absolutely has to. I want him to obey me without hesitation, so I offer you a proposition. I know you are interested in purchasing horses like mine, as I saw on your ad, but I was wondering if I could maybe rent a stable out from you and let him stay here for a few weeks while you train him? I have heard of this ranches ability to make even the most disruptive and disrespectful of horses come to heel. This horse has won me a lot of money in the fighting arenas and I will gladly pay quite a bit if what I have heard of this place is true."

I felt almost like I was sending one of my own off to training camp, but it would be and probably would not be fun for them, only time would tell. Either way, I was not interested in exactly how they planned to whip my horse up into shape, only that it was done. With that I subtly put the reins down in my lap and tilt my head slightly awaiting a response from this giant beauty before me.
"Of course..." I said as I exhaled, releasing an SBD of my own. The stench was overpoweringly noxious. To put it simply, if all the nasty SBD's Gassy had been ripping all day were combined, it wouldn't equal 1/10th of the sheer horror of the horse fart that now enveloped him. As the disgusting stench rose I lowered my rear, my massive cheeks parting to push my ass closer to his face now. "Renting a stable would be no problem, and we can't have him being so disobedient, even if he is something of a cash cow.

Moving on to the other matter, I looked to the side at the field. "Yes, only I'm permitted to eat the grass here." I said firmly. Leaving out the detail that all the others were only permitted to eat my shit. But I'll make sure he's well... fed. "I say with a slight grunt, as a gigantic turd begins to push out in front of his face! Wet brown slop pouring from it as the massive log began to emerge. There were no ground apples here, this turd was enormous!
I continued eating, ignoring everything around me, I could only smell the wonderful grass.
I immediately understood that I had fucked up by letting my horse graze on this horses property, but I also was no idiot and saw exactly what was happening here, between him and my slave, I had become extremely good at reading horses over the years, I saw what was happening and I greatly approved of it and these methods as they were almost the same as my own. With an approving smirk and a nod, almost forgetting what was said between us in the moment, I whip the right side rein up and over the giant stallion before me and let the reins land loosely around his hooves, this forced the left side reins around the left side of his body and the right side around his right. With a lot of strength for my size, skunks are no wussies, I yanked the right side reins really hard, this immediately turned Gassies head to the right, laying the left side of his face on the ground, revealing the entirety of the right side of his face ready for the stallion to take a massive dump on, or sit on, or whatever else he planned to do, I was entirely on his side at this point and did not care how much he charged to do it.

I heard Gassy neigh in shock as I did this but I did not care if that hurt, only that he get his face shit on at this moment.
As his face was pulled in more firmly, I bucked my flanks, my huge cheeks shaking as they spread to force his face between. My ass was so huge I didn't even need to really sit back. Just rearing up a bit was enough to so completely trap his face in my swampy disgusting crack. I lightly whinied as I pushed, showing effort as a huge thunderous fart exploded out, the grass sweeping back from the sheer force of the fart, as revolting gas reeking of pure shit drowned his senses, the gigantic turd inching closer and closer, the heat radiating out of it bad enough to make you sweat, as the log of shit finally makes contact, pushing firmly to force his mouth open.
"FUCK YOU!" I scream as loudly as I can! I am going to own this asshole!
I have heard my horses insults enough times to know exactly what was coming, and to know that I did not want to hear it, I yanked the left side rein while pulling it up slightly to force his mouth into the emerging turd, "FUHMPH" is all my horse was able to get out before his mouth was forcefully filled with shit, he began kicking and struggling violently to which I pulled his hind legs out from under him almost as quickly as I dismounted the stagecoach, and tied them, then I tied his front legs as well, I noticed the great Stallion had also stepped on the reins forcing Gassies face to stay exactly where he wanted it and using his butt to swivel around Gassies struggles. I got behind the Stallion and held my horses head in my lap and guided it right into the stallions ass.

"Don't struggle bitch" I say to my horse, "It will all be over soon, it looks like the ranch owner has to punish you for eating the grass without his permission, you can eat grass only after he has had it, does that sound okay?"

"Tell me what to do!" I say to the Stallion, as he only had hooves, he could not finely control Gassy like I could at this moment. Do I keep his mouth open, holding him in place seemed to work well but he spit the initial excrement out, I was ready to hold him in place so that he could take a full load.
"What say you?" I ask my new partner.
Of course it would not be over for a great while, but this was only the start. As my powerful rump cheeks flexed the massive turd pressed out, filling his mouth and then some, pushing over his face, the log was just impossibly big and attempts to fit it all in one's mouth were simply hopeless. That's right, keep it open, he needs to learn what little bitches like him eat." I mocked as my sphinchter pinched off the log, leaving the sizable remainder sticking out of his mouth, wedged too firmly for there to be any hope of dropping it! "Just suck on that a while now." I said as I casually blew out a sizable shart, the nose tearing fumes combining with a sloppy wet eruption of moist horse shit.
Having no choice I sit there and take their crap, burning my mouth with its horrid taste, fuck this guy and their bullshit, this filled me with rage and I would have my revenge in time.
Agreeing with the Stallion I held my horses mouth open to take as much of the load as he could, when they demanded my horse chew on that for a while I whipped out a long cloth and gagged my horses mouth with it, forcing them to hold their mouthfull, so they could not spit it out, or talk, they had no choice but to swallow it over time.

As Gassy calmed down I untied his legs and he stood up with the gag still in his mouth, taste of feces burning into his mind no doubt, hopefully now he knew his place.

"Shall we continue the tour of the premises?" I ask the Stallion as I grip the reins and begin to lead my horse.
"Yes, let's." I said as I casually cut another nose tearing fart into his face, moving my massive rump side to side a bit, acting professional but every movement of my huge rippling ass a further taunt. "But first he needs to understand his place and get a proper view of it... attach his harnesses. I say, knowing that she knows exactly what I mean by that.
After all is said and done I attatch the facial straps around my horse to the straps attatched to the great Stallion, this secures my horses face is strapped just inches behind the great stallions rear, that way he can follow in line and also be forced to have his face just inches away from the great stallions ass while following.

"Let's go check out the river" I say after I get Gassy strapped into position.
"You heard her." I said forcefully as I released a massive gassy fart in his face. My huge rump cheeks rubbing in his face with each step of my huge body. The straps holding him firmly before my butt, forced to stare directly in the cavernous cheeks of my butt. My ass was swampy and was as unwiped as you'd expected, the terrible smell seeming stronger with each step up towards the river.
"Eff you!" I screamed into the ass, with nothing else I could do but trail behind this giant donkey I had to take the brunt of all their stenches and feel their cheeks bounce on my face with every step. This sucks.
I could hear muffles coming from the Stallions buttcheeks as we walked and I realized that I attatched the reins a bit too tightly, I ease the reins and add a few inches of slack so that my horses face is not wedgied in their butt but instead a few inches out of it. Then I secure a top strap to the Stallions tail that I attatched to my horses mouthpiece, this way the Stallion could practically puppeteer where my horses face and mouth was based on the movement of their tail, which being a being of superior strength I was sure would not be a problem either. This way the higher the tail is raised, the closer my horses face gets to the butt or if raised a certain way their mouth could be positioned just right for unloading in.

No I'm not dumb, I am here to train my horse, and stink resistance training is always good.

"Apologies about the rudeness of my horse, please let's continue" I say to the Stallion, "unless you think it best I take my leave at this point so the real training can commence?"

© Copyright 2019 Gassy Skunk, Stallion, Gassy Horse, (known as GROUP).
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