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by Twiga
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Animal · #2328140
Epic sci-fi yarn of humans and uplifted animals on a colonized planet
OK People I’m going to try something I tried before but with a twist so I’m not fussy when people do thing differently from my established canon since I’ve long since given up on putting my Humanimal stories on WDC since I’ve revised canon so much and put so much heart and soul into them...So basically what I’m doing is making the ‘Store Brand’ version of my Humanimals stories instead of Humanimals their ‘New Animals’ and instead of Planet Mizzer the planet we’ll be starting off with is called ‘New America’ (In this context we’re kind of saying the quiet part out loud that if you’ve read those stories you’ll understand the joke)

Plot: This is an RP Fanfic where we’ll be playing one of the ‘New Animals’ on the Planet New America seems 100 years ago shortly after the end of the 20th Century...Something...The humans won’t say what and the New Animals dutifully believe it’s not their place to know decided to leave Earth and ‘Like the Pilgrims’ find a new planet in search of a better life...Using a wormhole shortcut they found a very Earth-like Planet on the other side of the Milky Way with one yellow sun, one silver moon, the planet did seem to have less land on it than earth, currently only the ‘Western Continent’ has been colonized in the first 100 years since the Earthlings landed and mostly the Northern Half which has lush green meadows and forests with trees as tall as skyscrapers, south of the Equator is terrifying jungle where exploration has been put on hold because every expedition has never come back to alive

Rules: 1 New Animal Player Character per Writer for this team (Sorry for bringing this up again I just feel the need to play it safe)
2: The Only Animal Species allowed are Modern Day Animals no mythical creatures like dragons and no extinct creatures like dinosaurs or dodos only species that would have been around in the 20th Century and among them two exceptions brainless faceless animals like sponges and jellyfish and ‘hive mind’ insects like bees and ants (Because the Anthropomorphism Process can’t give individuality to a single bee or ant anymore than it can to a single human skin call)
3 Non Anthro Animals do exist both to provide food for carnivore species and they exist in zoos as a kind of (Back up supply) In case any species of New Animal for any reason goes extinct in New America they have regular Non-Anthro versions they can make new one Anthros from the Native Animals of New America also exist a lot of them seem vaguely Saurian from the ‘Long Necked Sapsuckers’ who are like Sauropods with Anteater snouts who suck sugary sap from the giant trees to ‘Wandering Howlers’ who seem like the reptilian version of big cats with floppy frills like ears and droopy snoots like a Moose their name comes from their piercing cry that seems to stun their prey they seem to find New Animals much more palatable than their Native Prey

Other than that let’s see where this plot takes us!
Name: Buster Blister
Age: 32
Sex: Male
New Animal Species: Blister Beetle
Occupation: Accountant (New Bugs are naturally good with numbers because multiplying is innate to them)
Personality: He was formerly quite a rambunctious kid in his Bug Neighborhood (Some call it a Ghetto) Where all he knew was other Bugs, moving out into the world of Vertebrates has made him shy and quiet when he saw how little respect the Vertebrate New Animals have for New Bugs, even small New Animals like Mice don't have much respect for them
Likes: Lettuce, Flower Nectar, Horror Movies, Jazz and R&B Music
Dislikes: Being Small, Fly Swatters, Bubblegum Pop Music

Buster slivered as he buried all four of his hands into his coat's pockets as an Autumn Breeze blew, it was October in the small town of Green Meadows New America's Equivilent of Fort Wayne Indiana and Buster knew he would have to go on 'Hibernation Leave' soon like other cold-blooded New Animals who lived in places where it snowed. Two New Animal Children, a Puppy, and a Kitten were giggling and chasing each other, and nearly collided with Buster!

"Hey watch it!" Buster yelled as he spun around as the Puppy and the Kitten dashed past him. At only three feet tall, tall for a New Bug, but small compared to most other species, Buster was once known as the tallest kid in his class, now he was just a Bug in a world of larger creatures...He wished he had never left his Bug Neighborhood...But he had become so Cocky he wanted to be a Bigshot and 'make it big' among the Vertebrates, now here he was just a lowly accountant for some company that made grooming products for New Animals...He didn't get any real respect from the Vertebrate New Animals being a Lowly Bug...If he were a Pretty Bug like a Butterfly or Ladybug he might have had the potential to make it big in the entertainment business...But no...He was a plain black Blister Beetle a lowly garden pest with a nasty sting!

Then he noticed he was walking past the movie theater, and he realized with it being October it was time for the Halloween Boo-Nanza! Where every week they would be showing a different double feature...He saw what it was for this week...The Ghost and Mr. Chicken and Fiend without a Face, two of his favorites! He always thought Ghost and Mr. Chicken was funny but now with his new life situation, he really identified with Don Knotts' character as a wimpy loser and Fiend Without a Face, ever since he first saw in on TV as a little grub he had been fascinated with it, partly because of what he learned in his History Classes and what the Teacher said about how New Animals came to be because of the Humans' fascination with 'Brains' trying to find a way to increase intelligence
Name: Frank Hopps
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Species: Cottontail Rabbit
Occupation: Law Enforcement
Personality: Generally very friendly, Frank enjoys helping out the average citizen, making sure that they are safe.
Likes: Keeping folks safe, having fun when off-duty, and working out.
Dislikes: Being mistaken for some kind of performer, being called "Cute", being called "Shorty".

Frank was short. He dealt with it. He could jump. There was no car he couldn't ticket.

"I was in the store for five minutes," said the bear, as they shook the ticket he'd given them.

"You might have been in Baloo's Berry store for five minutes, but that car has been parked there for well over two hours, and that meter has been 'Expired' for at least thirty of those minutes," said Frank. "I've kept watch, and I was generous at giving you a chance to either leave or put more money on the meter. Now, you can pay online through credit/debit, by mail with cash or check, or in person by cash, check, or card, or you could contest it if you want, but I can easily get camera footage to show how long the meter was expired."

"I bet that you're not a real cop," the bear said. "You're probably a con artist. Why don't you find a magician to pull you out of their hat, you pint-sized runt!"

"There is no call for that sort of talk," said Frank. "Now, I've told you how you can pay the fine, or contest it. Thus, I have more work to do."

"My brother's a lawyer!" the bear roared. "I'll sue your tail for this!"

"As tempting as it is to write you a notice for harassment, and one for disturbing the Public, I'm going to keep working," Frank said, as he got into his car, to resume his patrol.
Buster went over to buy a ticket, and the New Animal behind the glass was a sleepy teenage Bloodhound who didn't seem to be paying much attention...Buster seeing he was too short to be seen from the Dog's position knew he couldn't fly up to the glass that would require removing his coat to open his wingcase and that would result in a public indecency charge...There were times he REALLY hated these human standards of modesty!

So instead he climbed to where the Dog could see him "I'd like one ticket for the double feature please!" Buster said sliding the money under the glass.

The Bloodhound seeing what kind of Beetle Buster was touched the money only with his claws not wanting the blistering secretion that covered the insect's body to get on his skin...

At the concession stand Buster ordered a popcorn box full of lettuce (With the many species of New Animals movies now served more than the usual popcorn, hot dogs and candy had to include things for very specialized diets) and an orange soda, there wasn't yet a way to extract enough nectar from flowers to serve it in a typical soda cup orange soda was close enough
Frank soon made his way to the theater. He checked the meters, and marked the tires of those that were parked at "Expired" meters, and noted those that were already marked from his earlier lap, especially ones that hadn't moved - he marked them again. He soon found one with two prior marks.

At this, he got out his ticket pad, and began writing the ticket. Seriously - even if one didn't have coins, there were slots for cards. This person had no excuse.
So Buster sat down in one of the movie seats and felt like a little grub again, mostly because these seats were made for vertebrates and were giant for him but as he munched his lettuce and sipped his soda and thought about what he learned in history class about New America and how New Animals came to be...

The History Teacher was a Fat Housefly named Mrs. Buzz and recited from her history book.

"100 years ago...Shortly after the end of the 20th Century...The Human Founders left Earth...Like the Pilgrims, they were searching for a better life! In their great generosity, they believed the Animals should have a better life too! So they took our ancestors still in their animal forms, and on their enormous spaceship, traveling through space like a Space Noah's Ark they transformed our ancestors by means of their extraordinary science into New Animals!"

"How?" Buster asked raising one of his new legs since he had recently had his metamorphosis, how did the humans transform ordinary animals into New Animals?"

Mrs. Buzz sputtered "It's a secret technique known only to the humans!"

"You don't know do you?" Buster snarked

"We're not meant to know!" Mrs Buzz said "Our wise and generous creators they are the only ones meant to know!"
Frank was checking out another car when the owner of the one he ticketed came over to it. The person was a human.

Frank frowned a bit, before glaring. He looked back at his current interesting car, and marked it. While many liked to praise humans for uplifting humanimals, his one instructor had told him quite clearly, humans were among the worst animals. The history made it quite clear. While there was plenty of good ones, there were those evil ones that would drown them. The things humans did - it wasn't like in the shows folks liked to praise, where they worked together in harmony. History could show the ugly truth, especially the areas where war and crime were concerned.
During the Intermission Buster needed the restroom he was amazed to find another bug here in the Vertebrate Side of town!

"Gordy McFly?!" Buster exclaimed as he saw his former classmate a housefly washing his four hands at the sink (Since Gordy's wings weren't kept under a wingcase, he could hover at the sink as his wings could slip through two holes in his Polo shirt)

Gordy seemed to nearly jump out of his exoskeleton and turned "Buster?!" He exclaimed

"It's me!" Buster said more happy then he thought he would be to see another New Bug in such a long time. "Remember your old buddy from 5th grade? What are you doing here in the Vertebrate Side of Town?"

"I'm only passing through!" Gordy said defensively "I needed to pick something up for my Dear Old Mother and I needed to make a pit stop!"

"You went in a movie theater...Just to use the restroom?" Buster cocked his head

"I really needed to go OK?!"

"Is that a camera around your neck?" Buster asked "Are you a reporter or something?"

"Gotta go!" Gordy said as he buzzed out the door

"Flies..." Buster sighed as he went to use the restroom "They're so...Eratic..."
Aside from being annoyed, the human didn't do much of interest, other than leaving. Thus, Frank went back to checking on the cars.
Of course, Frank then felt something zip between his ears and he looked up...It was a one-foot-tall
New Fly ...With a camera around his neck...He remembered a recent report about how New Flies were being hired for corporate espionage...

Buster returned to his seat to watch Fiend Without a Face...But his encounter with Gordy left his distracted and unable to enjoy the movie, why did Gordy seem so nervous?
Frank double-checked his vest, and yep, his camera was still recording.

"Well, we'll see if that one is of interest to someone," he said, jotting down the suspicious incident in another notebook, where he'd listed other incidents, including the one with the bear. It might of been something, or it might have been nothing.
As he walked home that night...Buster remembered his playground conversation with Gordy he had after that particular History Lesson about the Founding of New America.

"They said they left Earth 'in search of a better life' better from what?" Buster asked as the two New Bug Kids walked around the playground "All the history books talk about how great 20th Century America was so why did they have to leave?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Gordy said as he began to hover instead of walking "They had to leave because there is no Earth anymore! Most likely a war...That ended with an Earth Shattering Kaboom as Marvin the Martian would say!"

And Buster knew it was sort of a tradition for generations, the New Animal Children had their playground speculations about why their ancestors had to leave Earth but when they became adults they would adopt the adult view of telling the new generation of Cubs that 'It's not for us to know!' Buster was beginning to wonder if Gordy hadn't given up on discovering the truth!
Frank soon got back into his car, and his mind flashed back to when he first started, and was assigned to a veteran cop.

Joe was a human. Big, tall, muscular - much like a God.

"If you're thinking about worshipping me, don't," Joe had said, as he'd looked at the human in awe. "Anyone who sees humans as gods are fools, and I have no patience for that."

Then, there was one of his first cases, in an upper-class human neighborhood. He'd heard stories, but dismissed them as exaggerated. But this -

Frank shuddered at the memory of the cages, and those locked in them. That was bad enough. Worse was the bodies of some that had beaten or starved to death. Worse than that, was what the survivors said was done to the dead. There were some religions where the dead would allow their bodies to be donated to those they knew, to be eaten, as a symbolic way of staying with them, but this was different. As it was, there was one room that Joe kept him from going in.

"Trust me rookie," he said. "That's something you don't want to see. As much as I like beef, pork, chicken, and lamb, I might have to go vegan for a few months."

Frank never entered the room, but he'd managed to see the photos. He hoped that the ones behind the deeds got what they deserved.
OK seeing as I myself have slipped up a few times while writing let's just call them Humanimals and say they're not the same as the Humanimals in the regular stories because saying Humanimals is so much simpler than New Animals and New (Insert Species Here)

When Buster got home to his apartment he felt things were too quiet...Just the 'tick, tick, tick' of the clock on the wall and the sound of the Autumn wind outside his window...Buster felt a strange sense of dread he never felt before...He kept thinking about Gordy...

So...He called his sister Mossy.

"Oh! Buster!" Mossy exclaimed "You haven't called in such a long time!"

"I wish I could say it was only for pleasantries but I have something serious to discuss...You were friends with Gordy McFly's Sister right?"

"Philomena?" Mossy said, "Yeah we're still close, regularly meet for tea!"

"I ran into Gordy today..." Buster said "...He said he was only in the vertebrate side of town to pick something up for his mother...But he seemed really nervous and had a camera around his neck..."

Frank's shift eventually finished for the day, and he went to his home, which was in an apartment complex.

"Home sweet home," he said, as he entered his door. "Nothing like it."

He soon sat down to watch TV. As he did, his ears caught the conversation his neighbor was having - something about the guy - a beetle - talking to their sister about some guy.

Or, was it some fly?
Mossy sighed "Philomena has said that Gordy has been getting into...Some weird stuff lately..."

"I remembered that time..." Buster said "...When Gordy and I had our speculations about why our ancestors left Earth...Gordy had his theory that it was a war that actually blew up the Earth."
Frank frowned as he listened. He remembered what Joe said.

"Well, I don't know about everyone else, but grandpa Joseph Cummins the Third always said that our family was exiled due to illegally producing, and selling, some really good liquor, and other such things," the veteran police officer said. "I know that there's some truth to that, because I know how to make it, and I have indeed made it - for personal consumption and as gifts for friends and family of course."
"Has Gordy become a reporter?" Buster asked

"Don't know..." Mossy answered "...Philomena said he has been acting very nervous and he last said to her...'If I suddenly disappear don't look for me' I think that may be a sign he's into some seriously shady stuff!"
Frank wondered if this Gordy person was indeed the fly he'd seen earlier. Odds of it were unlikely. How many flies were reporters anyways?
Buster finally sighed "Well if no one else is doing it...I gotta go after him and make sure he doesn't get himself killed!"

"How are you going to track him down?" Mossy asked

"First..." Buster said "...I'm gonna come home to Bug Town and if he's been at his home recently maybe I can pick up his scent..."
That was when the wall next to him knocked.

"Hu?" he asked.

"Better idea, ask the neighbor that's a cop if they might be able to help."

"You were eavesdropping," said Buster.

"I got big ears," the neighbor said. "That and I'm sure everyone around you heard."

"That's right!" said a second neighbor, from above.

"Heard the whole thing!" said a third from below.

Buster rolled his eyes - that was an issue with apartments - everyone heard everything.
So Buster sighed and went out to meet his neighbor.

And that was when Frank was reminded of specifically whar KIND of Beetle Buster was

"Oh..." Frank said trying not to sound too discriminatory "...You're a Blister Beetle." As Frank was about to hold out his hand to his neighbor but remembered that particular species blistering secretion and as a Rabbit with soft and silky fur, he REALLY didn't want to get that stuff on him!

"Look I know the stories you might have heard about my kind..." Buster said "...And we DO NOT secrete the stuff all over our bodies 24/7! It's our blood that we secrete out the joints of our limbs to defend ourselves!"

"And sometimes you also involuntarily secrete when you're frightened or angered..." Frank said
"Well, you're not wrong there," said Buster.

"So, let's go someplace else, and you can tell me the parts I missed," said Frank. "I know of a salad bar that has a great selection."

"Are you talking about Benni's?" asked the neighbor above them.

"Tina's is better!" shouted the one below.

"And my folks wonder why I'm still single," Frank muttered.
When they went to the restaurant some of the humans saw two male Humanimals sitting at a table and assumed they were a same-sex couple (A very weird one, being a mammal and an insect but no accounting for taste) Humanimals who are much better at reading body language (Humans seemed to speak body language Pidgen by comparison) could see this was strictly business not pleasure...And thought the humans are as hyperbolically oversexed as their cousins the Bonobos seeming to think if two people simply breathe the same air they must want to get in each other's pants!

"So...Gordy McFly was a childhood friend..." Buster said as he nibbled on his salad "Our birthdays were pretty close so we underwent our metamorphosis at the same...But then after 5th grade, we were sent to different middle schools...He went to a school for Gifted Humanimal Cubs..."
"Know the feeling," said Frank. "There was a hare I was good buddies with, until his family moved away from the area. Last I heard, he was involved in some sort of catnip operation."
"The thing was..." Buster got his voice really low "...I was always confused because...From what I could tell Gordy wasn't like a super genius cub...He had his theories about what happened to the Earth that our ancestors had to leave...But so does every Humanimal Cub! Gordy couldn't have been the only one to think it was like a Nuclear War that caused an 'Earth-Shattering Kaboom!' I will say that other than his theories about the past he did also like making up other wild stories like there were Little Green Men from another planet watching over our planet...Stuff like that..."

"Seemed like he did have a good imagination...: Frank said "...Might have had potential as a novelist."
"Still, there's always a story," said Frank. "My one partner said that his family was kicked off for being minor criminals."
"I think we need to go to Bug Town tomorrow..." Buster said "...I can't remember the name of the school Gordy went to and I hadn't seen him since until this afternoon."
Frank took out his phone. "Good news is, I shouldn't have to work tomorrow, unless something big happens."
The Next Morning Buster woke up early, dressed, and knocked on Frank's door.

The two took the bus to 'Bug Town' the Neighborhood where all the Bug Humanimals lived Frank was amazed finally seeing an Insect Community up close seeing a place made for beings smaller than himself! Indeed many of the Bug People seemed to live in apartments built into larger than average trees!

At one of these tree apartments they stopped and Buster rang the doorbell...His Sister Mossy a Blister Beetle as tall as Buster himself answered.

"Hi Mossy." Buster said "This is Frank, my next door neighbor and also a police officer he wants to know more about what's going on."
"I just hope that this isn't out of my jurisdiction," said Frank. "Some tend to complain about such things."
"No please, come in..." Mossy said "...I think Philomena would like to talk to you about her brother...She's been worried about him, but didn't know what to do!"

Frank thought about the stereotypes that flies were among the least intelligent of insects but obviously, he didn't say that...And the fact a Fly had been let into a School for Gifted Cubs...Was he actually a genius or were certain people surprised a fly was showing average intelligence? What Frank suspected was the actual issue was that the Nature of the Flies fueled by their fast metabolisms seemed to exhibit the symptoms of ADHD they don't it's just that humans are the gold standard that all the uplifted species were measured against.

Mossy called Philomena and a Dainty Fly-Girl came over.

"So..." Philomena said, "...What we were told was that because of Gordy's phenomenal test scores, he had been accepted into Saint Olga's School for Gifted Cubs."

"I've heard of that place..." Frank said, "...I've heard it has phenomenal reviews!"

"It was a boarding school..." Philomena sighed "...It would be the first time any in our family had done that...So Gordy was sent...A few weeks later we got a letter Gordy said apparently he was a member of the 'select' he was separated from the other students and instead was taken to a room with five other cubs of various species, there their taped sensors to their heads and measured their brainwaves..."
"Sounds like I might want to get a hold of Joe for this one," said Frank. "He's always had his own theories about such places."
"After their brainwaves were monitored..." Philomena said "...We got another letter saying he and the other five cubs were being shown videos of star charts and asked if they identify different parts of space, after that we never got another letter...And when he came back he was a changed Fly..."
"Makes one wonder," said Frank.
Frank took a sip of the herbal tea that Mossy had provided

"I'm going to call my old partner to look into this school..." The Rabbit said "...This does sound mighty suspicious..."

"What about me?" Buster asked "What should I do?"

"You're my next-door neighbor." Frank said "Stay close to me and you can help me with any questions about Insect Society."
"So, what can your old partner do?" Buster asked.

"Let's put it this way - you wouldn't sleep easy if you knew that he was after you," said Frank.
So they went back to the Vertebrate Humanimal Neighborhood of Green Meadows it still seemed strange that most Humanimals lived in separate neighborhoods from the humans weather they were large or small, but maybe the Humanimals just feared hurting their smooth-skinned creators.

"Get some sleep, Buster..." Frank said "...I have some work to do."
Frank entered his apartment, and made a phone call. "Hi Joe. We need to have a chat."
Meanwhile, as Buster slept he had a dream...A memory of going over the theories of the past with Gordy...

"How do you think they transformed our ancestors from ordinary Animals into Humanimals?" Buster asked "Think it was like one of those cartoons we watch on TV where they put some glowing ooze on the animals and they just transformed into super buff humanoid dudes who ride of skateboards and shout 'Cowabunga' something like that?"

"You got it all wong..." Gordy said waving one of his four hands "...They want you to think it's science...But really it's magic!"

"Magic?" Buster was thinking Gordy's wild imagination was just making up tall tales that he himself didn't really believe
After some chatting, Frank got Joe's word that he'd check out the school in question.
When Buster woke up at first he didn't want to get up...But eventually he did he got up, went to the bathroom and went to the kitchen to get a cup of flower necter
It was at that moment that Frank started making his kale smoothie. As he did, he checked his phone, to see if, and when, he'd be on today.
Just then Buster's phone rang he picked it up

"Buster..." It was Mossy's voice "...Philomena just called, she just got a message from Gordy saying she may never see him again and also to lock the doors and hide something sharp under the pillows..."
Frank chuckled. He wasn't on today. Maybe he'd have a chance to get some chores done.
"Frank..." Buster came into the Rabbit's apartment "...Mossy just called saying Gordy just called his sister telling her she may never see him again and also to lock the door and keep something sharp under the pillows..."
"Has she contacted the local law enforcement or anything?" Frank asked, as he got his off-duty equipment, which could allow him to defend himself, and restrain a suspect, until an on-duty officer arrived. "Pays to keep one's tail covered."
"I had a dream about Gordy last night..." Buster said "...I remembered that he believed that the humans transformed our ancestors though magic not science..."
"Well, as my partner used to say, 'I don't care if your momma and daddy bumped uglies in a dirt den, used a petri dish, or had a witch doctor mutter mumbo jumbo over a stew pot to create you, it's what you do that defines who you are,' as he'd like to put it," said Frank.
"What I meant is..." Buster said "...I'm starting to get the feeling someone saw Gordy's wild theories that I know he was probably writing down in his stories and that's the reason they decided to send him to the school for Gifted Cubs and also put him in the 'special' room away from all the normal students where they monitored his brainwaves and stuff like that..."
"Might mean nothing," said Frank. "Might even be chasing something else."
But Buster was not liking how dismissive Frank was being...He couldn't shake the feeling that Gordy had stumbled onto something BIG!

"Look, I'm going back to Bug Town to help my sister..." Buster said as he turned around "...If your partner finds anything that's great."

Buster went out of the apartment complex and caught the next bus to Bug Town while he was sitting on the Bus he heard an old Bloodhound Woman talking to her human friend.

"I saw a Fly-Man yesterday..." The Dog Woman said "...He was taking pictures of that abandoned factory area over by the swamp..."

"You shouldn't go to such seedy places at night!" Her human friend said, "It's not safe for old ladies like us!"

"Oh Dearie I'm a Dog..." The Bloodhound said "...I've got my fangs to protect me! Besides I had to pick up my prescription from the pharmacy..."
"So, did you watch the game last night?"

Buster looked, to find Frank sitting next to him. "Why are you here?"

"Because I hear that there's a salad bar in Big Town that's worth trying out," said Frank. "That, and it wouldn't look good if I just let someone do something very foolish."
"Look..." Buster said "...I know we Bugs aren't known for our book smarts but we have very good gut instincts...Some might call us...Closer to the Earth...I think we should head to this abandoned factory those two old ladies were talking about!"

When they got to the abandoned factory near the swamp, Frank took out his flashlight and saw footprints in the dust, HUMAN footprints since only humans wear shoes (Humanimals find the sensation of having their feet totally covered drives them crazy, they only have their feet covered if their entire body needs to be covered like a spacesuit or a hazmat suit)

"Someone was here recently..." Frank said as he studied the tracks "...And they were in a hurry too!"

"So..." Came a familiar voice "...Not only could you resist sticking your nose in my business you brought along a vertebrate cop too!"

"Gordy!" Buster exclaimed

"What was the tip-off?" Gordy sighed his arms folded

"Two old ladies on the bus saying they saw you last night." Buster said "Because I was on my way back to Bug Town to help protect Mossy and Philomena..."

Gordy sighed again "Well...Since you're here...You might as well see what I've been up to..." He led them deeper into the factory

"Those footprints you were just looking at..." Gordy said "...Those humans were trying to get the last remaining reserves of a secret chemical without anyone noticing...But hardly anyone can notice us tiny Fly-People hovering over them in the dead of the night."

"So..." Frank said "...Are you some kind of muckraking reporter?"

"More than that..." Gordy said, "...I'm trying to uncover the secrets of how we Humanimals were created!"

"I knew it!" Buster exclaimed
"Well, let's try to be careful," said Frank. "Last thing we want to do is disturb evidence unnecessarily." He took out his phone and started taking pictures of the footprints. "If nothing else, there's at least one trespasser, who is of average height for a human, size twelve shoes, walks with a limp, and has a wolf-headed cane."

"How do you know that his cane has a wolf head on it?" Buster asked.

"Because I'm looking right at him," said Frank, as he carefully pointed upwards. He took a picture. "Hopefully the signal is good enough to send it out to Joe."
With that, the three of them quickly went behind what were essentially giant vats for holding chemicals to hide behind...

"I also found some notes they left behind..." Gordy said pulling out notes from his shirt "...Turns out part of the reason Humanimals were first created were part of experiments to try to 'advance evolution' the human scientists saw they could evolve Animals into people...They wanted to find a way to evolve humans into...Essentially Gods...Or as they put in the notes 'Beings of Pure Mind' with no need for physical bodies..."
"I'm more worried about if he's dangerous, and if he invited some friends here," said Frank.

"Don't tell me," said Buster. "Some strange cars just showed up?"


"Heavily armed dudes getting out?"


"Could it get worse?"

"Yep, in a lot of ways."
I think I've run out of steam for this story I can't think of anymore

The End!

© Copyright 2024 Twiga, BIG BAD WOLF is Howling, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
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