A monthly contest to reward the best poem out of 5-star poems.
FIVE STAR POETRY CONTEST WHAT IS THE CONTEST ABOUT? This is a prompt-less poetry contest for high quality poetry which, for me, is poetry written in correct English and having one or more of the following characteristics: --Great depth --Great emotion -- Great flow --Uniqueness of subject or structure or presentation, a feeling of "standing out" or of "being different" --A feeling, after the poem has been read and the window closed, that the poem still lingers there somewhere in the mind. WHAT ARE THE RULES? 1--ENTRY FEE: You need to review any item of your choice from my port. The review must not be earlier than 7 days prior to submitting your entry. The entry post should include the following sentence-- "I have reiewed the following item.............. towards the entry fee". 2-- LINK--The poem must be posted as a bitem link. It cannot be posted directly in the forum. 3. RATING--It must have been rated. Average rating must be at least 4.5 stars. If there is a single rating only, it should be 5. 4--VISIBILITY--The rating must be visible to me. [Please note that rating is not visible if the item is private or if you choose the option-'This item requires review along with rating']. 5.PERMISSIBILITY-- Only one entry per round. Items that have won awards, prizes, awardicons etc. are permitted. 6. PERIODICITY-- Each monthly round starts on the first of the month, lasts till the end of the month. 7. PRIZE--—The he best poem will get a prize of 10,000 GP if it is rated 5 by me. Prize amount may be enhanced / divided between winning entries at the discretion of the judge (myself). A QUESTION ANSWERED QUESTION--What do you consider a 5 Star poem? Does it have to have a certain amount of ratings? Some of my poems were 5 stars and then someone will come along and give it a lower rating so it drops. It seems this is a sliding scale. Does it have to be 5 stars from everyone, no matter what? ANSWER— ONE: In my reckoning, a 5-star poem is that which does not have the following: 1—Spelling mistakes; 2—Grammar mistakes 3—Punctuation mistakes that render the poem unreadable or difficult to comprehend; 4—Lack of flow; 5—Lack of feeling / appeal /message; 6—Faulty rhyme if it has been written as a rhymed poem; 7—Faulty syllabic counts if it has been written in a specific syllabic format; 8—Non-conformity with essential requirements (as in case of a sonnet, ghazal, haiku, pantoum, villanelle etc.). TWO: The number and average value of ratings it already has is immaterial. I am not guided by others' ratings. ******* NOTE ONE--Donations are welcome and may be sent directly to me. The names of those who donate 500 GP or more will be listed here in the order of receipt of donations. NOTE TWO--I had two more poetry contests--"POETRY IN RHYME - RHYTHM CONTEST-winner" and "SONNET AND GHAZAL CONTEST: Closed" . These have been discontinued starting this year because of lack of response. NOTE THREE--I just got too busy and this contest became inactive after the 40th round which ended 10 January 2012. I am sorry for that. It is being revived now. The current round for September 2012 is labelled as the 41st round and will end on 30th September. * Showcased in the "Contests and Activities Newsletter" dated 11 November 2009 * Showcased in the "Contests and Activities Newsletter" dated 12 May 2010 * Showcased in the "Contests and Activities Newsletter" dated 2 June 2010 * Showcased in the "Contests and Activities Newsletter" dated 5 January2010 M C Gupta 7 September 2008 (Revised, 3 September 2012) ***************************** LIST OF DONORS (500 GP or more)--The following donations are gratefully acknowledged (in the order in which they were received). ~Sue~ 10,000 GP mousybrown 2,500 GP jaan 10,000 GP ~Sue~ 5,000 GP [Second contribution] Sandy~HopeWhisperer 1000 GP Vincent Gaines 20, 000 GP Jeanne Riggs Workman 10,000 GP LdyPhoenix 3,500 GP 🌖 HuntersMoon 5,000 GP Minerva Hana 2,000 GP stacylynn71 25, 000 GP Luke 20, 000 GP ~Sue~ 10,000 GP [Third contribution] dukes 5, 000 GP Ida_Matilda_Wright Help 50, 000 GP Armadillo 4,000 GP Bodee 500 GP Than Pence 5, 000 GP Venton 1000 GP twon721 1000 GP embe 10,000 GP Winn Storm 500 GP Michaela Elliott 500 GP earthangel2009 1000 GP chopstixd 5,000 GP ~Sue~ 5,000 GP [Fourth contribution] 🌖 HuntersMoon 1,000 GP [Second contribution] lindacheckmate 1,000 GP saundra 1,000 GP cdriscoll 500 GP Malister 1,000 GP McAlhany 2,000 GP embe 10,000 GP--second donation EarlyHours-A Vigilante Ranger 60,000 GP Robbie 750 GP Quihadi 1000 GP detolly 500 GP murphyco 500 GP 💟Crissy~Hijacked 10,000 GP embe 1000 GP--Third contribution Jale DeCrittare 500 GP Klynn 1,000 GP monty31802 1000 GP detolly 500 GP suzyuu 500 GP embe 5000 GP--Fourth contribution S.I.N. Quentin 500 GP Sum1's Home! 5000 GP Marlon Dacosta 1000 GP--6 July 2011 monty31802 2000 GP -- Second contribution BEAR 4000 GP allorde 1331 GP |