You must create a blog/book item to keep all entries for this activity.
Any and all challenges requesting you to post links to your entries must lead directly to said book/blog.
You must also enable comments for your item.
All entries can be no higher than the 18+ rating.
Please keep to word or line count and place those within your written items. No exceptions. Any item without this is automatically eliminated from consideration.
Stories and poems can be connected to each other or can stand alone.
Judging will be based on overall quality of stories/poems/tasks and not just on any particular one.
Judges can either review and rate every item they read or simply give a general comment/rating. Since we might have a lot to read, please do not expect as many detailed reviews.
Entries will be judged on creativity - how well the challenges were carried out - how cohesive the stories (if all are connected) are or how well-rounded each one is, as well as spelling/grammar - please be sure to keep this in mind while editing your stories.
You must post each adventure in order. You cannot skip or move ahead. Once you complete each adventure, you submit your completed responses in a post. For example, if you have completed the section "A. Down the Rabbit Hole", create a new forum post with that header to alert the judges.
With each post, you will be checked off as having passed that stage.
You cannot post a new section until previous has been noted by judge(s).
You can continue to work on the other sections, while waiting for approval in this forum. Remember the key is to post IN ORDER.
Note that once final judging commences you cannot edit your story. If we notice a modification date after the deadline (the 31st of March), it will be disqualified.
Sign ups begin February 1st, 2024 and ends February 25th, 2024. No more participants will be accepted after deadline.
Activity officially begins February 27th, 2024 and ends March 31st, 2024; 11:59 p.m. Writing.com Time.
------------- Ready to Play? Let's Go! -------------
A. Down the Rabbit Hole ▼
1. "Follow the White Rabbit" – Write about your participation in this project/activity, and what you hope to gain from it once finished. (<500 words)
2. "The Antipathies" – Alice believed she would meet these folks who walk with their heads downward if she keeps falling. Write your own adventure of discovering such a place. (<1000 words)
3. “The Golden Key” - You've come across a key that unlocks anything. Write a poem (<40 lines) or a short story (<500 words) about this most fascinating item in your possession.
4. "Shutting Up Like a Telescope" - A new planet has just been discovered...by you! Describe this planet, its inhabitants, and what life would be like over there. Be careful now, as Dinah the Cat must approve. (<1000 words)
B. The Pool of Tears ▼
1. "Curiouser and Curiouser" – Stranger things have happened, so why not share the most curious thing that's ever happened to you. Alice would definitely empathize. (<500 words)
2. "Drowning in Tears" – create a blog entry (or static item) telling about the saddest event of your life. (<1000 words)
3. "Où est ma chatte?" ("Where is my cat?") - You are a stranger in a foreign land – try to communicate with the locals in an attempt to find your missing pet – short story. (<1000 words)
C. The Caucus-race and a Long Tale ▼
1. "Curious and Curiouser!" – History can be boring. So, it’s up to you to spice things up for us. Pick any person in history. Write up a short story about this person with titles as ridiculous as “Ghengis Khan Gets a New Haircut”. In other words, make it fun! (<1000 words)
2. "The Dodo" – A caucus race has been suggested, where everyone has to run around in circles with no clear winner. Create a blog entry (or static item) where you are in such a race with ten other participants. Who are these fine folks and why would you put them in this meaningless race? (<1000 words)
D. Advice from a Caterpillar ▼
1. "Identity Crisis - Who Are You?" - create a blog entry (or static item) that deals with moment(s) you’ve questioned yourself over any decision. (<1000 words)
2. "Remember to Recite" – Read this poem - How Doth the Little Crocodile  - Write a similar style (same number of lines/format) of any topic of choice.
E. Pig and Pepper ▼
1. "Invitation for the Duchess" – there's a grand event taking place in a fictional land of your choice. Create an invitation worth salivating over.
2. "The Cheshire Cat" – Write a short story or poem of a most cunning person with the phrase “with the grin of a Cheshire Cat” used somewhere within. (<1000 words) or (<40 lines)
3. "Achoo!" - Pick from your choice of the most simple/basic songs ever written and give it a little more 'spice': “Happy Birthday”, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”, etc. (be mindful of your rating!)
F. A Mad Tea-Party ▼
1. "You are Invited!" – It’s a tea party! Run around Writing.com and ‘invite’ ten members to visit your Wonderland book and to cheer you on. You must invite them via leaving a message on their notebook feed. Make your posts as appealing/creative as possible.
2. "The Mad Hatter" – Forever stuck in time! Write a story (or short poem) where your character is always stuck at 3 p.m. (<1000 words or < 40 lines)
3. "The March Hare" – It's always tea time! Create a ‘word search’ using familiar tea-time accessories. Don’t forget the sugar!
G. The Queens Croquet Ground ▼
1. “Off With Your Head!” - create a blog entry (or static item) detailing an event that made you incredibly angry/frustrated. (<1000 words)
2. "Paint the White Roses Red" - Mistakes happen. Some beyond our control. Create a blog entry (or static item) telling of such a time(s) that has happened and what you did to rectify the situation (if any). (<1000 words)
H. The Mock Turtle's Story ▼
1. "And the Moral of That Is" – The Duchess does seem to find a lot of morals in things, so tell us a non-fictional event that left you with a most important moral you’ll never forget. (<1000 words).
2. "Educations" - The Mock Turtle has received quite a lot of ‘educations’ under the sea like the different branches of Arithmetic - Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision. Share with us a most unique branch of education entirely from your imagination. (<500 words)
I. Alice's Evidence ▼
1. "The Jury" – Create twelve unique characters to fill a jury box. These characters will be witnessing your trial of being accused of stealing the Queen’s tarts. So, choose wisely. (<1000 words).
2. "UNimportant Things" - As the new year begins, consider at least one thing you considered too ‘important’ in the past. What makes it so ‘unimportant’ now? (<500 words)
3. "All a Dream" – Create a word search with key phrases from ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Can be no more than 20 phrases.

White Pawn (You!) to play and win in nine moves
A. Looking Glass House ▼
1. "Reflections" – We just got through a tupsy-turvy 2023. Reflect on lessons learned, and how you will use them in the year 2024. (<1000 words)
2. "Mirror Writing" – Using this program - Mirror Writing  or Mirror Writing 2  - write a poem about arriving in the Looking Glass World and what you experience there on your first day. (<40 lines)
B. The Garden of Live Flowers ▼
1. "A Race to Somewhere" – Visit as many of your fellow Wonderland challengers as possible. You can either choose to leave a review for their book/folder, or leave a notebook entry cheering them on as they get through this. No less than five challengers must be visited. Please post link to your comments/reviews.
2. "Mind Your Manners!" – The Red Queen insists on Alice having manners around her. What sort of rules/manners/common courtesies would you like to see more of these days? (<500 words)
C. Looking Glass Insects ▼
1. "A Game of Chess" - White pawn 2nd row/rank - visit " Activities @ Writing.Com"  and select another activity to be a part of. Post link and entry to that activity. White Queen pawn 4th row/rank - visit " Writing Contests @ Writing.Com"  and select a contest to be a part of. Post link and entry to that activity.
2. "Strange Creatures" – you're a scientist discovering a new species that includes...? Create at least five of these such creatures; giving details including description, mode of movement, what they eat, reproduction etc.
D. Tweedledum and Tweedledee ▼
1. "Contrariwise" – Write a conversation between the most unlikely of companions. Think completely opposite ends of the spectrum and what they could possibly talk about. (<1000 words)
2. "In Your Dreams" – You discover you are nothing more than a figment of another person’s dream! What is this dream about and how did you get there in the first place? (Short story <1000 words or poetry < 31 lines)
E. Wool and Water ▼
1. "Precognition" – Can you tell the future? Create a blog entry (or static item) giving us the events that would transpire on this date: December 21st, 2024. (<1000 words)
2. "Talking Sheep" – White pawn to 5th rank – Visit " Noticing Newbies"  and assist a newbie or two. Post links to your responses.
3. "Fivepence for One, Twopence for Two" – What item would you be willing to pay full price for instead of getting the 'deal/sale' price? And why is that item so important to you?
F. Humpty Dumpty ▼
1. "Portmanteau" – our dear Humpty Dumpty seems to be a connoisseur of this, so research about it here - Portmanteau  - and then come up with at least ten words of your own design. Wow us!
2. "The Perfect Age" – On the day you tackle this particular challenge, visit - https://www.writing.com/main/current_users/action/birthdays - and choose at least five active members to send birthday or anniversary wishes to via their notebook feeds. You can choose to do even more for them. Just be sure to provide links to the notebook posts.
G. The Lion and the Unicorn ▼
1. “I Love my Love with an H” - Create a character with a name that starts with the letter 'H', who lives in a world where most things revolving around him/her starts with the very same letter. These items (plus name) must be used at least ten times within your item. (<500 words) or (<40 lines)
2. “All the king’s horses and all the king’s men” - fragility is a delicate word. Based on that, compose a song (lyrics) that deal with ‘fragility’.
H. Its My Own Invention ▼
1. "Capture!" - White pawn to 7th rank/row - Visit a total of 20 notebooks – both new and veteran members; leave either welcome messages or respond to a topic with the phrase “one step closer to White/Red Queen/King” written in there somewhere (be creative!) - Provide links to all the notebooks/responses given.
2. "Your Precious Patent" – We could always use something beneficial once in a while. So why don’t you invent something that could be useful to mankind? Share this marvelous invention with us in a blog entry (or static item). (<1000 words)
I. Queen Alice ▼
1. White pawn to 8th row/rank! Congratulations!
You have officially completed all the challenges and tasks and can now wear your crown proudly.
2. Write a final blog entry (or static item) to commemorate this event including all you’ve learned (or not) with this process. (if it's your second - or more - time entering this, what was the difference between this round and the last?)
