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by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E · Message Forum · Contest · #2290879
Create your own word and use it in poetry.

NEOLOGY Writing Contest Logo
__Welcome to__
Writing Contest

Introduction | Mechanics | Prompt | Awards | Judging | Submissions | Winners | Vocabulary | Donate Us | Forum Posts

NWC Intro Header
This contest was created based on the concept of creating your own word and use it on your poetry composition. The idea is based on iKïyå§ama's fun activity "The Neologism Challenge!"  Open in new Window. and since then, I had been wanting to create a writing contest out from it. And so, the birth of this contest.

The concept of creating a new word is called Neologism. Using the definition from Meriam-Webster Dot Com:

ne·​ol·​o·​gy nēˈäləjē
:: the use of a new word or expression or of an established word in a new or different sense : the use of new expressions that are not sanctioned by conventional standard usage : the introduction of such expressions into a language

This contest will showcase your creativity in inventing new words and puts your prowess in crafting poetry to a test. The words you will invent can be a contraction between two or more existing 'formal' words, or it can be a unique word that is not existing in a dictionary yet, or perhaps merging two or more words (wherever creativity takes you) to create a completely different meaning.

Examples (taken from the creative entries in Kiya's activity:

NWC Mechanics Header
Please read carefully the following mechanics in order to qualify for this contest. Although, I may not disqualify non-conforming entrants, your entry will not be graded under Adherence to the Rules criterion.

*BulletB* In a Static or Book entry item, write something about a given prompt for the current round. The prompt is usually the form of poetry to be used.

*BulletB* Create/invent your own word. Word can be either a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, or an interjection. The word you created must have the (a) part of speech, (b) type and origin/etymology, (c) definition, and (d) sentence usage. See sample below:

Gervic's Word Creations:

*BulletB* You may create a minimum of one (1) and maximum of three (3) words per round. All words submitted must be used/presented in your submitted poetry. Only one (1) poetry per member per round. Word creation will be judged separately from your composition, thus, submitting three words means a higher chance of winning the Word Creation Rewards. If you plan to submit your poem in your future publication, might as well prepare a real word alternative for the ones you invented. Real words means those words that exist in an English dictionary.

*BulletB* The words you created must be displayed at the bottom of your item (this is a must). Highlight/bold/italicize the word(s) within your composition.

*BulletB* Properly rate your content base on Writing.com's "Content Rating System (CRS)Open in new Window.. Entries with 18+ ratings are accepted provided that it doesn't show hints of foul words, cursing, sex and affection with the inanimate object. Keep forum post clean for everyone.

*BulletB* This is a monthly contest which opens every first of the month and closes on every end. The host may or may not review your piece and all submitted pieces can be edited until the closing date. Only one entry per person per month.

*BulletB* We reserve the right to hold prizes if there are not enough entries. All qualifying entries for the current round will be carried over to next. One winner will be awarded if there are only 3-5 entries, two winners for 6-9 entries, and three winners plus honorable mentions if more than 10 entries.

*BulletB* All submissions must be new and created for the current round. Previously awarded items from other contest are not eligible except for items with vanity awardicons.

*BulletB* Poetry pieces submitted can be edited up until the closing date.

*BulletB* Judge's decision is final and irrevocable

NWC Prompt Header
Please be guided for this round's prompt.

MARCH 2025
Write a FREE VERSE poem about Leprechauns, shamrocks, Irish, or anything related to St. Patrick. Your poem must contain at least one (1) word and at most three (3) words you created. No line count or word count required. Feel free to express yourself as long as it falls on a poetry category. Make sure to follow the mechanics.

March Round begins on the first day and ends on the last day of March.

NWC Awards Header
Below are the prizes and awards to be given away at the conclusion of this round's contest.

         50K worth of Item Ribbon
          Merit Badge in NEOLOGY
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on your new merit badge! Thank you for supporting the Writing.Com community with your inspirations, participation and activities. We sincerely appreciate it! -SMs
                   ***Neology MB will be awarded if there are at least 10 entries

         25K worth of Item Ribbon

         10K worth of Item Ribbon

         5K Gift Points

         10K Portfolio Ribbon
         MB that you don't have yet

NWC Judging Header
While grammar, presentation, and relevance to the topic are considered most relevant part of the judging process, I will also give emphasis on the emotional impact of your piece to the readers.

Judging Criteria :: POETRY SUBMISSION

         *CheckB* Presentation
         *CheckB* Grammar
         *CheckB* Relevance to the Topic/prompt
         *CheckB* Emotional Impact
         *CheckB* Adherence to the Rules

Judging Criteria :: WORD CREATION

         *CheckB* Creativity
         *CheckB* Uniqueness
         *CheckB* Impact to Judges

These areas will be rated 1-10 where 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.

NWC Submissions Header
Below are list of submitted poetry compositions in order of when it is received:


         *BulletB* "Invalid Item"  Open in new Window. [] by A Guest Visitor
         *BulletB* "St Patrick's Day Celebrations"  Open in new Window. [18+] by S 🤦 Author Icon
         *BulletB* "St Patrick"  Open in new Window. [E] by Beholden Author Icon
         *BulletB* "Craptastic "  Open in new Window. [13+] by St. Patrick's Sox Author Icon
         *BulletB* "Monster From The Deep"  Open in new Window. [E] by Sumojo Author Icon
         *BulletB* "Invalid Item"  Open in new Window. [] by A Guest Visitor


         *BulletB* "scumbagery of Ted Cruz Open in new Window. by JCosmos Author Icon
         *BulletB* "On St. Patrick's dayOpen in new Window. by Angelica Weatherby- StPattyDay Author Icon
         *BulletB* "Quaintessentially IrishOpen in new Window. by Kell Willsen Author Icon
         *BulletB* "Of pints and punters [Neology Contest entry, 3/2023]Open in new Window. by Soldier_Mike Author Icon
         *BulletB* "The Emerald IsleOpen in new Window. by A E Willcox Author Icon
         *BulletB* "Shamrocks Open in new Window. by 💙 Carly - March into spring Author Icon
         *BulletB* "Sean, Aine, and the LeprechaunOpen in new Window. by Prosperous Snow celebrating Author Icon

NWC Winners Header

"The Emerald IsleOpen in new Window. by A E Willcox Author Icon

"Shamrocks Open in new Window. by 💙 Carly - March into spring Author Icon

"Quaintessentially IrishOpen in new Window. by Kell Willsen Author Icon

"St Patrick"  Open in new Window. [E] by Beholden Author Icon
"Invalid Item"  Open in new Window. [] by A Guest Visitor


Unmencrious by stevengepp
Part of Speech: adjective
Type and Origin: from the Latin Mens, mind and Crus, leg, plus “un-“, the negative qualifier
Definition: So drunk that you can’t feel or control your legs
Sentence usage: John collapsed at the bar; after twenty beers he was unmencrious.

NWC Vocabulary Header
This book holds all created words by Writing.com Members and participants of this contest.
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Neology Dictionary Open in new Window. [E]
A compilation of newly created words by Neology Writing Contest participants
by GERVIC Author Icon

NWC Donate Header
This contest is new and in great need of your help with gift point donations to give away prizes. Any amount is welcomed and appreciated.

Please send your gift points donation to [#2290894] "NWC Group and BankOpen in new Window. or include it on your forum post.
*Bulletb* All donations 20K and above will get a raffle ticket worth 5,000 GPs to any active raffle fundraiser.
*Bulletb* Donations reaching 50K get you a MB.
*Bulletb* Donations reaching 100K get you a MB and my Rarest Magical Trinket Trio.
*Bulletb* Donations reaching 150K get you one of my exclusive MB (Ace of the Verdure, G Specials, or Magical Express MB) and my Rarest Elemental Trinkets.
*Bulletb* Donations more than 200K will get the soon-to-be commissioned Neology Writing Contest MB. Thank you!

A warm *Hug* to the following generous Donors:
"Garden of Luck FundraiserOpen in new Window. [227, 400]
Friendly Neighborhood Derg Author Icon [200, 500] Neology MB sent
Sumojo Author Icon [25, 000] Tickets purchased
Nixie 🦊 Author Icon [150, 000] Magical Express MB sent, Prima Four Elemental Trinkets delivered

*Firework* FEATURED IN: *Firework*
"The Contest ChallengeOpen in new Window.
MARCH 2023


47 Posts · *Magnify*
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by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon  •  03-01-25 @ 5:25 am
by dogpack saving 4premium Author IconMail Icon  •  03-08-25 @ 6:23 pm
by Angelica Weatherby- StPattyDay Author IconMail Icon  •  03-08-25 @ 5:45 pm
by PiriPica Author IconMail Icon  •  05-25-23 @ 1:44 pm
by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon  •  05-01-23 @ 10:12 pm
by Dave Ryan Author IconMail Icon  •  04-21-23 @ 4:24 pm
by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon  •  04-05-23 @ 10:16 am
by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon  •  04-20-23 @ 11:35 pm
by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon  •  04-01-23 @ 12:12 am
by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon  •  03-31-23 @ 7:02 am
by JCosmos Author IconMail Icon  •  03-31-23 @ 5:34 am
by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon  •  03-27-23 @ 12:22 am
by ßlÏ…Ò½áƒ§Ò½Ê ðŸ¤ Author IconMail Icon  •  03-27-23 @ 12:18 am
by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon  •  03-26-23 @ 7:57 pm
by Prosperous Snow celebrating Author IconMail Icon  •  03-26-23 @ 6:45 pm
by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon  •  03-24-23 @ 9:01 pm
by 💙 Carly - March into spring Author IconMail Icon  •  03-24-23 @ 4:30 pm
by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon  •  03-23-23 @ 10:48 pm
by Friendly Neighborhood Derg Author IconMail Icon  •  03-23-23 @ 9:55 pm
by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon  •  03-23-23 @ 11:00 am
by Friendly Neighborhood Derg Author IconMail Icon  •  03-23-23 @ 9:05 am
by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon  •  03-19-23 @ 8:54 pm
by Sumojo Author IconMail Icon  •  03-18-23 @ 5:38 am
by GERVIC Author IconMail Icon  •  03-18-23 @ 3:46 am
by A E Willcox Author IconMail Icon  •  03-16-23 @ 12:16 pm

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