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Rated: E · Message Forum · Writing · #2173943
Write and review once a week for all of 2019
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Dec 27, 2018 at 10:31pm
Edited: July 5, 2019 at 9:55pm
Welcome To I Write 2019
Banner for Winter I Write

Hello Writer!

The activity kicks off on December 31st, 2018. (Because the 31st is a Monday and the weeks will go from Monday-Sunday)

Please take a moment to read this message in its entirety as I am breaking down some of the rules for further clarification. If you have any questions, please email me.

Keep the activity forum for sign ups and submissions only. I will delete all forum posts that are not entries or sign ups.

The activity can feel overwhelming, so it's super important that the forum is as smooth as possible.

Win the special merit badge by submitting fifty-two entries in all of 2019.
*Right* In 2019, you have to have 52 entries by the end of the year.

To make this achievable, you can submit as many entries as needed in a week.
*Right* Ideally, you will write and review once a week. But to help you stay on track overall and reach the 52 total entries, you can submit as many complete entries as needed per week. This is to help you write ahead or catch up.

You can submit up to two weeks ahead. That means in Week 1, up to Week 3. In Week 2 up to Week 4 etc.
*Right* I will only credit entries up to two weeks ahead. The activity is meant to be one whole year long. So you can't sprint for the first few weeks and then be done. The idea is to create a writing and review habit that you can build on. As well as create contest participation around the site for all of 2019.

However, you may NOT send in back-to-back entries because you can't review yourself.
*Right* To fulfill the reviewing requirement, you have to leave at least one person between your own submissions. Since your submissions won't count if you send them back to back as only those with reviews count as complete for I Write.

Your Writing Challenge:
Create an item for any writing contest here on Writing.Com.
*Right* Only contests on Writing.Com count. This means NaNoWriMo does not count as it isn't a Writing.Com contest.

Find writing contests on the contests page  Open in new Window. or on the forum page  Open in new Window..

All submissions must be:
- rated no higher than the 18+ WdC age rating
*Right* This is to make I Write accessible for the highest number of writers. 18+ does include some sensuality, some violence, and some offensive topics. Please be respectful of the rating and don't submit GC or GC+ writing for I Write.

- no more than 2500 words long
*Right* This limit is a firm limit. 2,501 words is one too many and not eligible to be submitted here.

- static items or book entries
*Right* Only static items or book entries can be reviewed and I can only send in review rewards for those. That means that any other type of writing (forum posts or newfeed posts) are not valid since they can't be reviewed through the reviewing system where I can send review rewards.

- newly written for a current contest.
*Right* This means it's okay if you wrote something a couple of weeks ago, but it's not okay to submit something that you wrote several months ago. The idea of the activity is to get you to write regularly. I know that some contests allow and even ask for older works. By all means, participate there, but their rules for older pieces do not apply here. Please submit recent writing to our activity.

The Review Requirement:
Each time you send in your written item, you must give a meaningful review of at least 250 characters for the item submitted before yours. You are asked to review the item that was posted to this forum page. That review is due right after you post your writing here, at the latest before the week is up.
Attention! You will only receive credit for reviewing the person who posted immediately before you by time stamp.
Edit your submission post with your review link to keep the forum clean.

Submitting a written piece without a review for the previous entry is grounds for disqualification.
*Right* Email me if there is any part of this that gives you trouble.

Your Complete Weekly Entry:
Posts to this activity have to include:
- a link to your writing
- a link to the contest you entered
- a link to your review.

Link to any item type using the bitem link {bitem:#######}.
Link to book entries using the entry link {entry:#####}.
Link to reviews using the review link {review:########}.

Your reward for following all of those rules will be this amazing merit badge.

Merit Badge in I Write In 2019
[Click For More Info]

for linking

If you are the first to enter "I Write in 2019Open in new Window., please send a review for the actual forum: "I Write in 2019Open in new Window.. That will help me to know if anything could be worded better as this is kind of involved the first time you do it. A set of fresh eyes is always welcome.

You can collect the below trinket right now by going to this item: "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.

P.S.: I know the trinket says "three months," but you're still trapped for a year. *Wink*

Please email me with any questions you may have. Keep the forums for sign ups and entries. I will return emails as soon as I can.

*Fire* Octobersun *Fire*
Welcome To I Write 2019 · 12-27-18 10:31pm
by Annette ~ back 3/24 Author IconMail Icon

The following section applies to this forum item as a whole, not this individual post.
Any feedback sent through it will go to the forum's owner, Annette ~ back 3/24.
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