Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/forums/item_id/1349008-AUTHORS-SPOTLIGHT---Season-6
Rated: 18+ · Message Forum · Contest · #1349008
A 15 - day challenge to WDC authors and writers.
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Thank you so much Carol, Bride of Writingstein for your FRESH image.



My sincere thanks for giving me the privilege of running this item, 30DBC Creator/Founder . I will try and keep up the fine reputation you have built up for the contest through its first 4 seasons!

Check this out first:

 Explaining Authors' Spotlight item  [E]
For site-wide dissemination on the new avatar of Authors' Spotlight
by 30DBC Creator/Founder


Here is the link to the Awards Nite:

 Authors' Spotlight (5) Awards Nite  [13+]
Last Post: 07-29-09 @ 10:14pm
by Dr Taher writes again!


Please be guided by these amended rules:

1.  This contest is open for all WDC members except for red cases (staff)

2.  Authors are given two daily tasks to complete. These tasks are diverse, and include writing activities, community involvement and more.

In addition, there will also be a group task. This will be given out on the first day itself. For this purpose, 6 contestants each will be randomly allotted membership into one of  two groups. Each group must choose its own leader, name itself as imaginatively as possible, and also complete the allotted task before the six days of the contest are up and submit it in this forum as per further instructions.

The Group task will have a separate prize, which will be given out to all the members of the winning group!

3. To register, please post directly in the forum  below with the subject "Contestant" and also give a public review of this item. From this round onwards, fresh contestants who have not participated in any of the earlier rounds will be preferred over those who are previous participants.  The first twelve to register will be counted as contestants. There is no registration charge.

4. You need to create a Book item to post all your entries. Be sure to post your Book Item link for this contest to be a bona fide spot-lighter. If the member is not upgraded and cannot create a book, he/she may post his/her items directly in this forum with the title:"MY TASK - DxTy", where x and y are the day and the task number (see below).

5. All daily tasks will be posted right here and also sent to all the participants by Group Mail. For this purpose, a Group of participants will be created.

6. Contestants will be given 24 hours to complete each day's given tasks. Late posting will only be permitted ONCE during the six days, and no more. If you delay posting more than once, you get eliminated from winning. However, this will not apply to the group task.

7. Judges would be judging each day's entries at the end of each day, and although you may edit your entries later on, they may not be seen again by the judges. If you want us to re-check your entry, we will allow you to do this ONCE on any of the first five days' individual submissions.

Note the changes in the rules.


*Gift5* PRIZES - to be updated *Gift1*

First Place: Writing Merit Badge and a 25k Ribbon to the book.

Second and Third places: "Writing" Merit Badge

Winning Group for "Group Task": Each member will get 5000 G.P.s.



 Authors' Spotlight Hall of Fame  (E)
Here is a list of all the previous winners of AS (Seasons 1 to 4)
#1571922 by 30DBC Creator/Founder



A sponsor is an individual or a WDC group that donates a large sum of G.P.s towards running the contest. If any individual or group gives more than 100K gift points, they will be called "PATRONS"!

WDC Frontliners Discussion Forum  [E]
A group that aims to motivate and encourage fellow authors to write on. Come join us!
by It's too hot already!

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor


*Gift5* DONORS *Gift1*

We welcome donations! *Note2* Anyone donating 25000 GPs and up will receive a Finance Merit Badge. If someone wants to donate the badges to go to the winners, please send the G.P.s with the necessary instructions, so that the badges will be given out with due acknowledgement to that donor.

ShellySunshine   Finance Merit Badge Awarded. *Check2*
JACE Finance Merit Badge Awarded. *Check2*
Sairyn Raine Finance Merit Badge Awarded. *Check2*
Carol, Bride of Writingstein Finance Merit Badge Awarded. *Check2*
francie Finance Merit Badge Awarded. *Check2*

Please send G. P. donations to -
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1561077 by Not Available.


*Idea* Don't forget to share your ideas, feelings, and conversations here *Down*
Last Post: 06-20-11 @ 9:56pm
by Dr Taher writes again!



Dr Taher writes again! - Host Season 3 winner.
Carol, Bride of Writingstein - Season 3 runner-up
ShellySunshine - Season 3 placed.
emerin-liseli - Season 1 winner.



 AS- Season 5 Judges and Contestants  (E)
If you are here, then you are either a judge or a contestant for AS.
#1562670 by Dr Taher writes again!

01. faded "Invalid Item

02. Meeple "Invalid Item *Check2* (One day late)

03. Sara - will be back soon "Invalid Item *Check2* (One day late)

04. Annette traveling "Hodgepodge *Check3* (On time)

05. Spooky staiNed "Invalid Item Welcome back! (Did not complete)

06. Sairyn Raine "Invalid Item (Did not complete)

07. darkskye "Invalid Item *Check3* (On time)

08. JoDe "Invalid Item *Check3* (On time)

09. Jewel Busy Busy Busy! "Invalid Item (Did not complete)

10. Outasync "Invalid Item (Did not complete)

11. Indelible Ink "An Imperfect Spotlight *Check3* (On time)

12. Cinn "Sunshine & Hissing Bleed Valves *Check3* (On time)


(for the Group Item)


"Anniversary Reviews Team

Annette traveling
Jewel Busy Busy Busy!
Indelible Ink


"Invalid Item

Sara - will be back soon
Sairyn Raine
Spooky staiNed



FIRST PLACE: darkskye "Invalid Item

SECOND PLACE: Indelible Ink "An Imperfect Spotlight

THIRD PLACE: Meeple "Invalid Item




In the matter given below, D stands for Day and T for Task. There will be two tasks every day. D2T1 will stand for Day 2, 1st Task, and so on.

Group Task: The group is to come up with a song. The title of the song is "My Crazy AS Group". Write a song using all the names of the people in your group. You can use the handle name or the real person's name, but not both. Each member will write a few lines and it is up to the Group Leader to put them together and present the song. You can create a private forum to create the item. Post the song in its entirety in the main AS forum on the final day with the post title being "Group __ Song".

D1T1: Write an essay on what life for you would have been like had there been no Writing.com in less than 500 words. Put a word count at the bottom. This is essential.

D1T2: Write a poem not exceeding 20 lines (minimum 14 lines) which is inspired by the nursery rhyme "Baa Baa Black Sheep". Either the theme, or the format, or both, should be related to the original rhyme.

D2T1: Write a mystery story about you getting lost on Mars while on a reconnaissance mission. Keep the story over 300 words and under 1000 words. Accuracy of space-related terms and topography of Mars will fetch more points. The rest can be imagination!

D2T2: Interview any two senior moderators (violet cases) with just five questions. The mail you send to them must be appended to the task so that we can see your communication skills (just copy the mail body and attach the name of the moderator to whom the mail is sent. We will allow you one extra day to submit this task as the senior moderators could be busy and take some time responding. The questions can be anything in nature, but not boring ones like "how is the weather where you live" or "what is your age/sex/location" stuff. The more creative the question, the more the senior moderators will enjoy answering them. However, no abuse or insult will be tolerated. Please be courteous and patient.

D3T1: Write a story containing the six words listed below, and end this story with the phrase: "And that's where I stand in history." The words: concord, apple, squirrel, vermouth, tupperware, vase. The story should be a minimum of 500 words. Try and think out of the box while thinking up the uses of these words. Use the "underline" WritingML tool to highlight the six words. As all the six words are nouns, you would be hardpressed to conjugate the words in some other way, though I can think of "squirelled" and "concorded".

D3T2: Write a funny article/monologue on the following topic: "You know you are addicted to Writing.com when ..." Use the title to create as many funny things you can think of that you have either done yourself or seen others do. For example, your spouse calls you to bed and you say "No darling, I've got a headache" as you are still enjoying WDC, your other "life-partner". *Laugh* Minimum 350 words.

D4T1: Write a newspaper report about a political or environmental issue that occurs in a small town where you work for a sensational yellow-journalism type of paper. Your job is to exagerrate the event/s so that the paper will sell the next day! Try to make the readers of this task laugh, and if the judges do so, then you have hit the mark! We need a headline, a sub-headline, a fictitious journalist name, a newspaper name, a town name, a report and "editor's take" on the report. Minimum 300 words. Try to be as humorous as possible, but the writing style should be journalistic jargon.

D4T2: Interview any three of your own group members. No questions related to personal or Writing.com issues. Anything else goes. You can even send questions and answers to each other. Only three questions per interviewee. The same questions cannot be asked to all the three friends. So, we need to see nine questions in all, with nine best possible answers. No humour here, please. We want this to be as sanguine and serious as possible. This is important.

D5T1: Write a story for children aged 6-10. The setting should be on a beach or at an amusement park. It should feature children, fun, a little scary, and at least one adult and one animal, not an insect or an arachnid, but a mammal. No fantasy, no magic, and no adult themes. Rating under 13+. Minimum word count 500. Maximum 1000.

D5T2: Review five of the following seven items and paste the reviews with the WritingML into your task with the bitem link of the item reviewed at the top of each pasted review. Keep reviews nice and helpful. Be creative, not kitschy. Suggest a few editing errors (if any). Don't let the review turn into an editing correction. Create a rating using the *Star* WritingML below each pasted review so that we know what rating you gave them. Make each review public and add the following line at the bottom of each review using your own WritingML creativity: "Review done as a task for {litem:1349008}."

Items are:

 The Nearness of You  (E)
It is about the love I have for someone very very dear to my heart..
#1573752 by jblackgloves number 35.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1581785 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1414695 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1499363 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1572410 by Not Available.

My Love  (E)
Tracing the path from illusion to reality…
#1193643 by Christina~Thanks StoryMaster

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1190576 by Not Available.

D6T1: Write an essay, not exceeding 750 words, on your writing journey through life. Tell us when you began to write, what you wrote, who were the teachers or mentors or relatives who guided you, who discouraged you, which authors' work stimulated you, inspired you to write, how you went about improving your work, and so on.

D6T2: Write an impassioned account of the experience you got in this contest (Authors' Spotlight). Tell us what you gained, what you lost, in short, everything you can remember. Try and make the item light-hearted, honest, and heart-felt. Minimum word count ... oh, it does not matter. It can be a poem, a dialogue, a monologue, a story, an article, a news-item, or any darn thing you want. Just enjoy writing about it! Thanks.


© Dr. Taher Kagalwala, 2009

520 Posts · *Magnify*
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by Outasync  •  09-30-11 @ 7:10 pm
by Evelyn - Writing on Fire  •  09-24-11 @ 12:56 pm
by Ganesh Prasad~Back Home  •  08-30-11 @ 9:55 pm
by Morgan Lynn  •  08-27-11 @ 1:22 am
by 30DBC Creator/Founder  •  08-26-11 @ 8:53 pm
by Dr Taher writes again!  •  07-28-09 @ 7:24 am
by Dr Taher writes again!  •  07-26-09 @ 9:19 am
by Dr Taher writes again!  •  07-23-09 @ 9:43 am
by Carol, Bride of Writingstein  •  07-23-09 @ 6:16 am
by Dr Taher writes again!  •  07-23-09 @ 5:16 am
by Cinn  •  07-22-09 @ 7:23 pm
by ShellySunshine  •  07-22-09 @ 5:08 pm
by Dr Taher writes again!  •  07-21-09 @ 4:18 am
by Sara - will be back soon  •  07-21-09 @ 12:00 am
by Meeple  •  07-20-09 @ 5:42 pm
by Meeple  •  07-20-09 @ 4:07 pm
by Meeple  •  07-20-09 @ 10:27 am

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/forums/item_id/1349008-AUTHORS-SPOTLIGHT---Season-6