Upgrade Aide Contest
![Upgrade Aides Sig [#1397125]
Sig for the Upgrade Aides](https://shop.Writing.Com/main/trans.gif)
Welcome to the second-annual Upgrade Aide Contest where the Grand Prize is a 3-Month Upgraded Membership!
Some Basic Information:
Anyone can enter - that means any case color, any type of membership, etc.
However, this contest is geared toward those members who might need a little help earning their upgrades.
I need at least twelve people to sign up before the contest will begin!
Sign-ups will close at 6:00 P.M. Wednesday, June 17, 2009.
Tentatively, the contest will begin on Thursday, June 18, 2009 and will end on Tuesday, June 30, 2009.
So How Does This Work?:
Every day, starting June 18st, there will be a "theme" that can be a writing prompt or some other activity. For example, the "theme" for one day could be to post a public review for another contestant, write an acrostic poem, or send a kind e-mail to a WDC friend. Please realize that this is not a writing contest. You will be required to review others or participate in other activities around WDC.
In total, there will be twelve rounds with twelve different themes.
To be part of this contest, you do NOT have to enter every single day. Judging will be on a day-to-day basis. Everyone who at least attempts an entry will be given an automatic three points. Therefore, if you want to win, it is to your advantage to enter every day.
The judges will then choose the best entry(s) of the day and award another two points to those daily winners. It is possible to earn a total of five points every day.
The person with the most points at the end of the contest will be declared the winner.
In the event of a tie, there will be an additional round to determine the winner.
Now here's the stuff you all want to know... 
2 GRAND PRIZE WINNERS will receive a 3 Month Upgraded Membership!
2nd Place: 50,000 GPs
3rd Place: 25,000 GPs
Honorable Mentions: Choice of 10,000 GPs or MERIT BADGE
Note: Honorable Mentions will be awarded only if there is enough participation.
Some Other Notes:
All writing entries can be posted either directly into the forum or via bitem or item linking. As a general rule of thumb, you will be posting something in this forum every day. Please read daily instructions carefully, as rules will fluctuate.
I really want this to be a fun experience for everyone. Please keep this forum clean and respect the 13+ rating. Any bashing or other unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated.
This is a huge contest! Please be patient with me, and if you see any problems feel free to email me your concerns. I'm still learning and seeing what is best.
I NEED HELP! If you would like to help out with judging (either for the entire contest or as a guest judge for one day) please either post in the forum or email me.
I NEED DONATIONS! As you can see, this is a costly contest. All donations 25,000+ GPs will be rewarded with a Merit Badge. Please send donations to Group # 1416269.
So...Want to Join?
Place a post in the forum and I will add you to the list!
You will also be added to the group - just for book keeping purposes. Don't be alarmed.
Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to working with you!
fx777222999 1 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 - ; 6 - ; 7 - ; 8 - ; 9 - ; 10 - ; 11 - ; 12 - TOTAL: 33
Indelible Ink 1 - ; 2 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 - ; 6 - ; 7 - ; 8 - ; 9 - ; 10 - ; 11 - ; 12 - TOTAL: 38
reallyrachel 1 - ; 2 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 - ; 6 - ; 7 - ; 9 - ; 10 - ; 11 - ; 12 - TOTAL: 41
Sara - will be back soon 1 - ; 2 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 - ; 9 - ; 10 - ; 11 - ; 12 - TOTAL: 33
sunshine014 1 - ; 2 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 - ; 6 - ; 7 - ; 8 - ; 9 - ; 10 - ; 11 - ; 12 - TOTAL: 38
Lorien 1 - ; 2 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 - ; 6 - ; 7 - ; 8 - ; 9 - ; 10 - ; 11 - ; 12 - TOTAL: 44
Clarified Chaos 1 - ; 2 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 - ; 6 - ; 7 - ; 9 - ; 11 - ; 12 - TOTAL: 36
writersblock541 - ; 2 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 - ; 6 - ; 7 - ; 8 - ; 11 - TOTAL: 31
Today's THEME:
Post a review of this contest. Tell me what worked and what didn't; which rounds you liked and which rounds you didn't; all this information will be used to make the contest bigger and better the next time around. Because of the possibility of judging bias, everyone who completes a 250 character review for me will receive points. 
Either post your review in the forum, review via reviewing form at the bottom, or email me - whichever makes you feel more comfortable.
All entries are due by tonight, at 11:59 P.M.