Need reviews for your books?
If so, this is the place for you! Whether you'd like your book reviewed on Amazon, Goodreads or here on WDC, we're here to help.
It's simple. If you are a published author, add this place to your favorites so you don't miss any updates.
Post a link to your book. You'll get more reviews if your book is free, you're running a temporary free promotion, or your book is less than $4.99, but you're free to post regardless of price. This activity works best for ebooks, but if you have a reasonably priced paperback, I suppose you can post it.
I will add the posted books to the forum body so it's obvious which books need reviews. I will post a maximum of ten books here and I'll leave them here for 2 weeks.
At the end of 2 weeks, I will post the next ten books that need reviews.
If you need a little help or guidance publishing on Amazon, check this out:
IMPORTANT!! ▼ If you are not currently being featured and you have a free promotion planned, but won't be able to get your book featured before the promotion runs out, post it and let me know it's time-sensitive, and I'll still get your book featured.
 If you have a book that's currently being promoted, please, please, please be generous and review another book being featured. That is the "exchange" part of this. If you don't feel you can review someone else's book, then it's best to not post your own book.
 Make your reviews as positive as you can. I know that there are awkward moments where you download someone's book and then realize that it's not a very well written piece...but be respectful, and give the most stars that you feel are appropriate.
 If, at the end of 2 weeks, there aren't 10 more books posted for promotion, I will leave books up as long as those authors are continuing to review. Authors can also post multiple books.
 If your two weeks run out and you did not receive any reviews, please let me know and I'll feature you again. If your book is too expensive or isn't an ebook, these could be reasons why. I will consider having separate sections for free, paid, and print books if need be.
Those are all the rules for now, but more will be added if necessary. Let's get this thing started. If you have a published book, new or old and it needs reviews, post them here!!
TO POST BOOKS ▼ When posting, put a link to your amazon book, like this {Amazon:book ASIN number here} tell us which reviews your book needs, Amazon, Goodreads, WDC product review or all of the above.
 Tell us if the book is on any kind of reduced price promotion, permanently free, or regular price. If it's a promotion, please mention the dates the promotion is running for.
TO POST REVIEWS ▼ After you complete a review, post a link to it. If you do all three reviews for one book (Amazon, Goodreads, and WDC) post links to all three in the same post. I will try to keep track of reviews.
 I will try to award merit badges when I can to reviewers.
 Keep in mind, that if a book is listed as needing all 3 reviews, you don't have to do all 3. If you don't use Goodreads, you don't need to make an account just for the review. It's perfectly okay to only do 1...or all. Whatever you can do. (But, if you are an author and you don't have a Goodreads account, I highly recommend it!)
Featured Books
 #1 by IceSkatingSugarCube 
ASIN: B0818QBKX2 |
Product Type: Kindle Store
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
Reviews needed: Amazon, Goodreads, and WDC product review. Book is currently $2.99 but is free on Kindle Unlimited.
 #3 by IceSkatingSugarCube 
Product Type: Kindle Store
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
$2.99. Reviews needed: Amazon, Goodreads, WDC product review.
 #3 by Samberine Everose 
Product Type: Kindle Store
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
 #4 by Samberine Everose 
ASIN: B08591RNNM |
Product Type: Kindle Store
Amazon's Price: $ 0.99
 #5 by Samberine Everose 
Product Type: Kindle Store
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
Reviews Given
IceSkatingSugarCube  reviewed The Real Happiness in Life by Samberine Everose 
IceSkatingSugarCube  reviewed "Soaking Healing Poems" by Samberine Everose  on Amazon.
 stevengepp Reviewed "The Eyes of Death" here:
And on Goodreads
 J.L. O'Dell  Reviewed The Challenge: Seven Days to a Fit Life
on Amazon and WDC product review.
 IceSkatingSugarCube  reviewed "An Army Between Us" on Smashwords
 stevengepp reviewed "The Teacher's Piano" here:
and on Goodreads.
 IceSkatingSugarCube  reviewed Sins of the Fathers on Amazon
 IceSkatingSugarCube  reviewed Mutants on Amazon
 J.L. O'Dell  review "The Eyes of Death" on Amazon.