All reviews
must be at least 500 characters and include notes for improvement of the item, per participant suggestions.
1 ticket = 1-2 helpful suggestions or corrections
2 tickets = 3 or more helpful suggestions or corrections
Note: Most items are not perfect and probably don't warrant 5 stars, however, most folks on WdC tend to rate items generously. If you do give less than 5 stars, it is encouraged that you specify why. It can be frustrating to receive a 4-star review that does nothing but sings the praises of your work. However, star ratings are not counted in this raffle. Whatever rating you leave, only the helpfulness of your suggestions and corrections counts towards tickets...assuming you also meet the 500 character minimum review, of course, and offer at least 1 suggestion for improvement.
Examples of 1 ticket reviews:
Review of "The Forever Gift"
Examples of 2 ticket reviews:
Review of "I Still Miss Someone"
Review of "Birthday Note 🎈 "
Some of you may already know these tricks, but for those who don't, rather than just searching friend's ports or doing a WdC Search, earn more GPs with these tricks...
Click Read & Review--You get a lot more GPs, depending on the size of the item. You do have a time limit, so check the top when you begin, but it's fairly generous if you aren't interrupted for a long period of time. But here, depending on your membership level, you can sometimes earn a few thousand GPs instead of just a few hundred.
This is located on the left side.
Auto-Reward Items--Listed under the Community tab, you'll find a link to Auto-Reward Items. (Read & Review is also listed here as well.) These are items that, if you do the appropriately long review, you'll get automatically rewarded a certain number of GPs. In some cases, people have been known to also send even more GPs to impressive, actually helpful reviews as well...but I make no promise for that.
Anyway, there are a number of items on auto-reward that can earn you several thousand GPs for good, helpful reviews.
Do note that if a person has a white colored case, that means they have passed away. Their items may not auto-reward if there is nothing left in their account, but you will still get the regular rewards. To get a white case when you have passed away (and be added to the WdC memorial pages, "Writing.Com's White Cases" and "White Case Memorial" ), please have a family member send a copy of your death certificate to WdC (with a note in English that that is what it is, including your name and username on here if you death certificate will not be in English).
Post Reviews in "World Weavers' Network" --Reviews posted in "
World Weavers' Network"
can earn 0.5 - 1 GP per word in the review. A basic 500 character review required for this raffle will earn you additional GPs if posted in the "
World Weavers' Network"
forum. Reviews can be affiliated with any review group to qualify for more rewards. See "
World Weavers' Network"
for details to ensure your review will qualify for their rewards.
Choose Specific Members to Review--Review members whose anniversary is this month and post the review in "
Anniversary Reviews"
for additional rewards. Do 12 anniversary reviews for the month and also earn a MB. Indepth reviews earn more GPs. Find a list of anniversaries on "
Anniversary Reviews"
--Click the link ending in "...action/birthdays" (for "account birthdays"). Reviews can be affiliated with any review group to qualify for more rewards. See "
Anniversary Reviews"
for details to ensure your review will qualify for their rewards.
Post Reviews in "Review, Review, Review..." --Earn 100, 1000, or 2000 GPs, depending on the quality of your review, by posting 1 review per day in "
Review, Review, Review..."
. The rules are simple and the reviews don't have to be long, but quality counts for earning more GPs.
Affiliate with a Reviewing Group--All of the above options allow you to earn extra GPs while also affiliating with a reviewing group. If you don't already have a reviewing group you affiliate with, go to Community >> Review Forums to find a group you would like to join. See the specific review forums for details to ensure your review will qualify for their rewards.
Also Post Reviews in "Spread the Love Raffle" :--Turns out "
WdC 2023 Birthday Review Raffle - CLOSED"
wasn't as creative an idea as I thought. lol Though, in my defense, I don't think "
Spread the Love Raffle"
was active when I started mine. Anyway, here's a great raffle where, again, you don't earn GPs, but you can earn MBs or an awardicon. Read the instructions, but the rules are pretty simple about how long the review needs to be, etc. Again, no one wants fluffy reviews. Then choose the MB or awardicon you want to win and post your review to purchase your ticket and note the appropriate MB or awardicon with your purchase.
Check the "Good Deeds Get Cash" box--Located on the left bottom of the review box, you will see "Good Deeds Get Cash." From time to time, SM and/or SMs (or others?) will select some great reviews to receive a cash reward of $50 USD. It doesn't do any harm to check the box and you might just win something!
This is a list of folks who have posted reviews and the number of reviews they have posted. (Note, not the number of
tickets, but the number of
Whoever has posted the most reviews by 11:59 pm October 3 WdC time automatically wins 100,000.
Do not hold your reviews! Please post them more or less as you do them (each day, several times a day, every few days, whatever seems most appropriate for the amount of reviewing you do). You don't need to post each review separately, but if you have only been posting 2-3 reviews each time and then post 20 on the last day, they had all better have been done that day.
It's not sportsmanlike to hide your ranking from competitors. This should be a fun competition. We don't want anyone to feel like they were cheated.
Post as you go!
♥HOOves♥ 2
Kotaro 2
Beholden *103
Bikerider 10
ദƖυҽყҽʐ 🤍 6
citruspocket 1
Nobody’s Home 13
💙 Carly-wrimo 2024 7
Joseph 1
Cyndee Paulson-Heer 21
~HarvestSilverMoon~ 4
the last cicada 11
Dave's trying to catch up 2
QPdoll is Grateful 2