Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/forums/item_id/530887-CWC-Auction-Planning-and-FAQs
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Rated: E · Message Forum · Writing.Com · #530887
Help by donating to C.W.C. or get questions answered.
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Here is a little description of "Celebrities of Writing.Com AuctionOpen in new Window. [E]...

The auction runs approximately monthly. Individuals on the site donate items to be auctioned off, such as their services of reviewing or making a signature, or a real-life item such as... well, anything under the sun. The auction runs for about a week. (the start and end times are always posted.)
Bidders go the "Celebrities of Writing.Com AuctionOpen in new Window. [E] and place bids on what items they want (up to 2 high bids can be held by any person at a time). At the end of the auction, the highest bidder sends the gift points to C.W.C. Auction Author Icon and will receive the prize they bid on from the person who donated it. All gift points are then sent to the RAOK Upgrade Brigrade, which upgrades members. Every once in a while, other writing.com charities are the beneficiaries (opposed to Upgrade Brigrade)

Currently Need:

People to spread the word about the auction!

Donations for ANY round are accepted at any time! In your post, be sure to include a description of what you will be donating (including any limitations that might exist: shipping area, etc) and what month your donation is for!

~Future Plans~
*NOTE: these may change*

June 9-14 2006:
*Bullet*Theme: Travel, Part 2
*Bullet*Benefits: "RAOK Upgrade Brigade GroupOpen in new Window.
*Bullet*Graphics Artist: undocked22
Potential Donations:
*Gift1*1 Quad Spot at Convention 2006 ~ The StoryMaster Author IconMail Icon and The StoryMistress Author IconMail Icon
*Gift2*1 Travel Mug and Tote Bag from the Writing.Com store and 10 reviews with an awardicon ~ kelly1202
*Gift3*Aboard: A Travel Organizer and Journal from Amazon.Com with worldwide shipping ~ Tigger thinks of Prancer Author IconMail Icon
*Gift4*10 Reviews ~ jbjackson
*Gift5*With the high price of fuel, a donation of 250,000 GP’s should help to gas up the computer for hours of fun cruising through Writing.Com! Travel package also includes a Writing.Com Mouse Pad so your best friend, the mouse, can sail through Writing.Com in style. Plus, a $50 (U.S.) gift card to Wal-Mart, K-Mart, or Walgreens (your choice) for those little incidentals to pack for journeys away from your home away from home, i.e., Writing.Com. Gift card requires a mailing address. ~ Kathleen Author IconMail Icon
*Gift1*three disposable cameras for all those Kodak moments and I'll also include
three novels from my personal stock, a box of salt water taffy, and a tin of
trail mix ~ MaryLou Author IconMail Icon
*Gift2*x3 sigs (see post) ~ Legerdemain Author IconMail Icon
*Gift3*Want to know if you can travel well with your partner? I'll do a relationship horoscope - based on two people's date, time and place of birth. This will be e-mailed to the winning bidder. ~ Unicorn Author IconMail Icon
*Gift4*Texas Hold 'Em Travel Kit: (details in post) ~ Lexi Author IconMail Icon
*Gift5*Arien's travel kit (detials in post) ~ Arien is basic Author IconMail Icon
*Gift1*travel/vacation picture package ~ hollydlaughter

August 2006:
*Bullet*Theme: Birthday
*Bullet*Benefits: "RAOK Upgrade Brigade GroupOpen in new Window.
*Bullet*Graphics Artist: (none yet)
Potential Donations:
(none yet)

late-October 2006:
*Bullet*Theme: Halloween/Scary
*Bullet*Benefits: "RAOK Upgrade Brigade GroupOpen in new Window.
*Bullet*Graphics Artist: (none yet)
Potential Donations:
(none yet)

Here are a few common questions --

Are you looking for real tangible objects or online items?
C.W.C. Auction Author Icon is looking for mostly anything... real-life objects, virtual items (images), or online services. Most auctions have a theme. So, donations need to fit the said theme. Here are a few general guidelines for C.W.C. donations:
*Bullet*All review/awardicon donations will be lumped together and auctioned off as a package.
*Bullet*Sig donations will usually not be accepted.
*Bullet*If "virtual items" are donated, their use in a specific round of the auction is dependant on whether a C.W.C. Auction Author Icon Graphics Artist is available for that round.
*Bullet*In each round, an individual will usually only have one donation auctioned off. If someone wishes to donate more than one item, the items can be packaged together. An exception to this would be if the individual is also donating a review/awardicon for the package.

Is the auction held during the convention?
This auction is not the same as the auction held during the convention. "Celebrities of Writing.Com AuctionOpen in new Window. [E] takes place approximately monthly and runs for about a week. Gift points raised from most auctions go to "RAOK Upgrade Brigade GroupOpen in new Window. [E], though there are some Special Auctions where gift points go to other groups on Writing.Com.
The Creative Auction auction at the convention is once a year (at the convention), in person, and uses real money as the currency for the auction. All proceeds from the Creative Auction, go to the "Scholarship Fund: Convention 2006Open in new Window. [13+].

What is a virtual item/costume?
The easiest way to explain what a virtual item/costume is would be just to show you. Here is an item that has been won in a past auction:

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

For this, all the donor had to donate was a description of the item. The C.W.C. Auction Author Icon Graphics Artist did the rest.

How do you pick the Celebrities/donors? Can I donate?
The auctioned items are picked from the ones donated here. Anyone can donate, but if there are more donated items than we can use, we will have to pick and choose.

What is the starting bid when the auction is going on?
There is no starting bid. Just remember to keep checking back to make sure you haven't been outbid.

How do you choose which groups will receive the gift points from each auction?
For most auctions, ninety percent of the gift points raised go to "RAOK Upgrade Brigade GroupOpen in new Window. [E], a group that upgrades members year-round. There are occasional Special Auctions, though, where gift points will go to other groups on Writing.Com. Special Auctions will not take place more than once every other month. For a group to be considered for a Special Auction, "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. must be filled out. C.W.C. Auction Author Icon will respond, letting the group know if/when a Special Auction will be available for that group.

Is there a way I can help even if I don't have enough gift points to place a bid?
Yes! There are many ways to help out C.W.C. Auction Author Icon and the causes it supports.
You can donate items to be auctioned off. Just post what you wish to donate in this forum and it will be considered. Some auctions have themes to them though, so not every donation is appropriate for every auction.
*Bullet*You can donate gift points to "RAOK Upgrade Brigade GroupOpen in new Window. [E], the main cause supported by the auction.
*Bullet*You can donate gift points to C.W.C. Auction Author Icon. These gift points will mostly be used to keep the account upgraded to allow the auction to run. They may also be used to sponsor an item to bring in more gift points.
*Bullet*Also, before each auction you can guess how many gift points you think the auction will raise. The entry fee for this is 100 gift points and the winner will raise 1/2 of the total amount of gift points raised by this! This item is at "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. .

STILL HAVE A QUESTION? -- post it here or email it to C.W.C. Auction Author IconMail Icon
27 Posts · *Magnify*
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by Of Fire Born mourns Mama Author IconMail Icon  •  06-12-06 @ 4:43 pm
by Of Fire Born mourns Mama Author IconMail Icon  •  06-12-06 @ 8:01 pm
by C.W.C. Auction Author IconMail Icon  •  06-08-06 @ 8:24 am
by Feywriter Author IconMail Icon  •  06-06-06 @ 9:53 am
by Of Fire Born mourns Mama Author IconMail Icon  •  06-04-06 @ 5:08 pm
by Of Fire Born mourns Mama Author IconMail Icon  •  06-01-06 @ 3:34 pm
by C.W.C. Auction Author IconMail Icon  •  05-31-06 @ 12:00 pm
by Legerdemain Author IconMail Icon  •  05-30-06 @ 1:54 pm
by Legerdemain Author IconMail Icon  •  05-30-06 @ 1:26 pm
by MaryLou Author IconMail Icon  •  05-27-06 @ 3:11 pm
by C.W.C. Auction Author IconMail Icon  •  05-26-06 @ 6:12 pm
by Arien is basic Author IconMail Icon  •  05-26-06 @ 6:08 pm
by Lexi Author IconMail Icon  •  05-26-06 @ 5:02 pm
by Shanachie Author IconMail Icon  •  05-26-06 @ 12:55 pm
by Joy Author IconMail Icon  •  05-26-06 @ 12:24 pm
by C.W.C. Auction Author IconMail Icon  •  05-26-06 @ 12:28 pm
by C.W.C. Auction Author IconMail Icon  •  05-26-06 @ 12:20 pm
by C.W.C. Auction Author IconMail Icon  •  05-26-06 @ 12:17 pm
by Lady Stars Author IconMail Icon  •  05-26-06 @ 7:45 am
by Kathleen Author IconMail Icon  •  05-25-06 @ 9:54 pm
by Unicorn Author IconMail Icon  •  05-25-06 @ 9:13 pm
by Of Fire Born mourns Mama Author IconMail Icon  •  05-25-06 @ 9:17 pm
by Cookie ~ contemplatingareturn Author IconMail Icon  •  05-26-06 @ 12:31 pm
by Nikola~Loves Her Gracie Girl! Author IconMail Icon  •  05-25-06 @ 5:08 pm
by C.W.C. Auction Author IconMail Icon  •  05-25-06 @ 5:05 pm

27 Posts · *Magnify*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/forums/item_id/530887-CWC-Auction-Planning-and-FAQs