!MY MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION! AUCTION STARTS: 8th December 2007, Midnight WDC time AUCTION ENDS: 24th December 2007, Midnight WDC time NOW ACCEPTING DONATIONS FOR DECEMBER! ANY GPS DONATIONS OF 30K OR MORE WILL RECEIVE AN MB! THANKS! THIS IS A 50/50 AUCTION TO BENEFIT ME AND RAOK! PLEASE BID, EVERYONE! ^O^ ! GENEROUS GPS DONATIONS ! Eagle~The Cowboy's Wife - 45,000 GPs ABOUT MY DETAILED REVIEWS I'll be donating some reviews in this auction. Perhaps I'm not the top 10 most credited or active reviewers, but I'll review your items thoroughly! My reviews are usually: Around 1.000-3.000 characters long. (depends on the item reviewed). Consist of all kinds of writing aspects for both stories (technical errors, characters, plot, scene, logic, layout, writing style, overall) and poetries (technical errors, rhyme, rhythm, layout/readability, writing style, overall). Are honest but non-attacking. Are colourful? n_n; ABOUT PERSONALIZED SIGS The images for auction donations are taken from The Internet with the author's name included and are usually free images so that I won't infringe any copyrights. I'll definitely make sure that the qualities are good. BIDDING RULES Put the number of your desired items and bidding amount as your post title. You can bid as many times as you like to any items, but you must bid 100 GPs higher than the last bidder. You may not retract your bid once you've placed it. I've been thinking about this. I realize that I haven't been able to fulfill a lot of reviewing and/or poem/story making that people purchased in the past, so I decided to have the 'pay-later' system where winning bidders pay the GPs after they've received their prizes. I think this should prevent my past mistakes. :P Okay... Everything's settled? Then on to the auctioned items! n_~* 1# A donation from Eagle~The Cowboy's Wife 5 indepth short story reviews. A 25K awardicon to the story the donator likes best. 2 merit badges that the winner can keep or gift to someone else. Starts at 25,000 GPs. HIGH BID: 25,000 GPs. HIGH BIDDER: MaryLou PAID BEFOREHAND, NOT DONE 2# A donation from Eagle~The Cowboy's Wife A 5,000 GPs Gift Card from "Kiya's Custom Orders Shoppe" . 3 siggys from "Invalid Item" . A 5,000 GPs Gift Card to be used at any of the following: ~ "Invalid Item" ~ "Invalid Item" ~ "Invalid Item" ~ "Invalid Item" Starts at 5,000 GPs. HIGH BID: 5,000 GPs. HIGH BIDDER: ♥~HermyKitteh~♥ 3# A donation from Brit-Girl 5 poetry reviews. A fitting awardicon/MB (donator's choice). Starts at 7,500 GPs. HIGH BID: 8,000 GPs. HIGH BIDDER: aeroshika 4# A donation from Brit-Girl 3 short story reviews. A fitting awardicon/MB (bidder's choice). Starts at 7,500 GPs. HIGH BID: 7,500 GPs. HIGH BIDDER: Rob G. ~Led by the Master~ PAID BEFOREHAND, NOT DONE 5# A donation from Brit-Girl 10 poetry reviews. A fitting awardicon/MB (donator's choice). Starts at 10,000 GPs. HIGH BID: 10,000 GPs. HIGH BIDDER: MaryLou PAID BEFOREHAND, NOT DONE 6# A donation from kiyasama 1 Merit Badge. 1 personalized sig from donor's sig shop. Starts at 5,000 GPs. HIGH BID: 19,000 GPs. HIGH BIDDER: Adore lol♥ PAID, DONE 7# A donation from simply_complex 1 (10,000 GPs worth) Season Ticket for you, and... 1 (10,000 GPs worth) Season Ticket for your friend! Starts at 7,500 GPs. HIGH BID: 16,000 GPs. HIGH BIDDER: SueBear PAID, DONE 8# A donation from ejun 5 reviews. 1 custom-made image. Starts at 2,500 GPs. HIGH BID: 3,000 GPs. HIGH BIDDER: ♥~HermyKitteh~♥ 9# A donation from Cat-Claws is 23 WDC Years Old! 1 short story review. 1 poetry review. 1 non-static item review. Starts at 1,000 GPs. HIGH BID: 4,000 GPs. HIGH BIDDER: Kate - Writing & Reading PAID BEFOREHAND, NOT DONE 10# A donation from Cat-Claws is 23 WDC Years Old! 1 custom-image for the winner and... 1 custom-image for a friend! Starts at 1,000 GPs. HIGH BID: 3,000 GPs. HIGH BIDDER: ShiShad PAID BEFOREHAND, NOT DONE 11# A donation from Cat-Claws is 23 WDC Years Old! "Little House of Snow" [Image from:] ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Starts at 1,000 GPs. HIGH BID: 5,000 GPs. HIGH BIDDER: ransomme PAID, DONE 12# A donation from Cat-Claws is 23 WDC Years Old! "Christmas Welcome (1996)" [Image from:] ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Starts at 1,000 GPs. HIGH BID: 5,000 GPs. HIGH BIDDER: larryp PAID, DONE 13# A donation from Cat-Claws is 23 WDC Years Old! "Holiday Gathering (1998)" [Image from:] ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Starts at 1,000 GPs. HIGH BID: --NONE-- HIGH BIDDER: 14# A donation from Cat-Claws is 23 WDC Years Old! "The Light of Liberty (2000)" [Image from:] ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Starts at 1,000 GPs. HIGH BID: --NONE-- HIGH BIDDER: 15# A donation from Cat-Claws is 23 WDC Years Old! "Christmas Twilight" [Image from:] ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Starts at 1,000 GPs. HIGH BID: 1,000 GPs. HIGH BIDDER: Paige Turner PAID, DONE #^0^# THANKS FOR YOUR KIND SUPPORT! #^0^# |
#1353921 #1353314 |