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I would like to suggest that all e-mails with an empty subject and empty sender be automatically placed in the Trash bin. Writing.com is generally okay in deleting Spam, but I've noticed that lately, these blank e-mails are making their way ever more frequently into my inbox. (And no, I do not have my Writing.com e-mail address publicly listed anywhere that I am aware of.) IMO no LEGITIMATE e-mail would ever have a blank subject or sender, so it seems like it would be a good measure to automatically delete them. I'd also like to mention again the idea of not including Spam e-mails in the "New mail" listings when logging on to the site. Or at least of giving users a way to turn off notification of mails that have been marked as Spam, at their own risk, and having only legitimate mail (non-Spam) show up as "New mail." The "(Fill in number of) e-mails have been deleted as Spam" notice can still appear in the inbox once the user goes into it. ["Manitou Island" ] ["Return To Manitou Island" ] ["Skew 2003-2005" ] ["The Ameni Chronicles" --X-Rated] Why are there trees I never walk under but large and melodious thoughts descend upon me? -- Walt Whitman |