Reading, writing, editing, reviewing, teasing, tempting, teaching, laughing, living! |
I realize plugs are practically invisible when I post them (still haven't found regular readers for ANY of my stuff here after...what is it now...over four years? >_< ), but I thought I'd give it a shot... I just posted a new novella (meaning, yes, that it's not some short little tiny thing). Those who actually read my stuff know that when I get into writing...I really get into it is:
It started out as a smutty story, but then turned into a story with a bit of smut. So...if you like plot and dialogue and characters and stuff...with some sex too...there you go. I don't really expect any comments or ratings. But I do ask that if you rate, PLEASE send some sort of comment (even if you rate well)...and if you don't want to comment, then please, please do not rate. I won't mind; I'm used to getting hits with no rates. I do get frustrated by rates with no comments, though. :/ I really love comments that show that the reader actually read the story; most comments nowadays are along the lines of "I loved it!" (loved what?) or "Great story!" (what part?). o_o It's currently in the "More Than You Can Chew" folder along with another novella, about twice as long, which could use comments as well. In the near future I plan to delete this folder and merge its contents with those of the Rated X folder and the Black Binder...and everything will be proofread and updated...and Earth will spin off its axis...and Jupiter will align with Mars... Okay, I'm done now. Bye. ["Manitou Island" ] ["Return To Manitou Island" ] ["Escape From Manitou Island" ] ["Skew 2005-2007" ] ["The Ameni Chronicles" --X-Rated] Why are there trees I never walk under but large and melodious thoughts descend upon me? -- Walt Whitman |