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The science fiction rollplay for members of Flight of Fancy. |
Chrysth walked silently along the marble halls, his face, impassive as usual, with the occasional flit of irritation at the few Summoners allowed in this part of the palace. His golden eyes flicked back and forth, the only outward sign of his impatience with Zalla, waiting for her was chore in and of it's own. He took a breath, his lean arms folding across his chest and he leaned against a pilliar, his white appearance allowing him to blend with the marble of the palace as his eyes slipped shut and his hand fell to his katana. No one understood why he carried the long-dead weapons or why he bothered to learn to use them against lasers and bullets, but they had never seen him in a serious battle, where these weapons did far more damage than silly guns and rediculous laser weapons. He flicked the weapon free from its sheath as a Summoner passed by him, bringing it out fully and the Summoner glanced at him in a panic and fled, most people afraid of his icy demeanour. His lip quirked, he had to get some pleasure in life, if it was sadistic, then so be it, but he liked his sadistic pleasures, and that was all that mattered to him. He slid away his weapon and narrowed his eyes, standing up straight, Zalla was going to regret this, she was late for another meeting... his face slid from impassive to what looked like irritated to a normal person, but for him his anger was too close to the surface. |