I had a dream very recently...I'm pretty sure I know what it means on an emotional level, but, here goes...
In the dream, I somehow, for some reason, go to school with M'lady (name withheld for privacy)...in one class, we are doing some function where we have to have partners. Obviously, I want M'lady for my partner, but she instead pairs up with a friend of mine who (in the dream) has a crush on her. I say nothing and calmly (on the outside) look for someone else to be my partner. My second choice for partner also chooses somebody else and I end up paired with somebody I don't like. Later, M'lady is visited by a friend of hers who is very affectionate (the two of them kiss each other a lot). My friend (the one with a crush on her) and I are jealous and tell her friend that where we are, drunk driving is not only legal, but encouraged. Then I woke up.
So, like I said, I'm pretty sure I know what it means on an emotional level, since a motif in the dream is my being rejected, so it probably has something to do with my feelings and fears of rejection, but...you're the pro, so do your magic.
Oh yeah, and I have a lot of dreams where all my teeth fall out. This isn't one of them, but I have them a lot.
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