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Right now we need prayer in my family. Some in the group know that my mom has fibro and takes care of myself and her Brother-in law who has many problems a lot of it I can not go in to at present because this has to be a fast post. My mom has to takes care of him because not even a year ago her husband died. Well as it turns out Tuesday I had to go to Atlanta to see a doctor for one of my numeriouse check ups to keep my kidnies going. A few months ago we were going to have to go back to just find out I needed a transplant but we found out that as of right now everything with me is just fine thank the good Lord above. The bad part was that yesterday the aide walks in to my moms brother-in-laws room to find blood all over the bed and in the floor and in his mouth. He has bad teeth so we thought one of his teeth was bleeding so the aide cleaned him up where he had for a lack of a better way to put it had a accident all over hisself and went and put him in the shower. Well as she got him in the shower she noticed his arm was limber more than usual and he was like a dish rag and went again in the shower well shje looks at him and notices he looks funny in his eyes so she talked to him to keep him focused on the shower mean while she notices that he starts jurking having a bad seizer on her she screamed for mom to help her so she would not hurt him to get him through that and when mom went in to the bathroom the aide said mom just lost it commpleatly. Mean while I am in the bed not knowing anything is wrong till i hear a door slam and a ambulance blasting a sirene like when Bill my moms husband died. The first thing I thought was that mom had calapsed on the aide and I just lost it. By the time the aide got to me I was a nurviouse wreck. After they got him in the abulance mom waited on my aunt to get to me so the aide to go with mom to see what was wrong with Mickey her brother-in-law they told me it did bnot sound good about his comming out of this that the paramedic told her the blood pressure numbers were to close together and they thought he had a bleed in the brain. When mom got to the hospital they tell her all his mumbers are bad and they need to run test to see whats going on and they would keep him over night. This morning they are saying all his levels are still low and hes suverly dehidrated and malnurished. He has Diabetis for christ sake what else do they think will go on whewn a person empties out their bodys fluids with a seizer. I need some answers and prayers here. Mom does the best she can to do for him. He eats enough for 3 people and drinks fluids all the time. Heck his sister is more out to harm him than mom is. What should I do? Besides pray that is. I am doing that already. By the way If you will Please Incurable Romantic could you write me and give me a way I can best show the aide how to take care of a seizer when he has his next one for her so she will not feel so helpless. When she got to me she was shaking like a leaf cause that was the first one she ever saw and was not sure how best to help him and felt so helpless. I felt so bad for her cause I could not find the right chapter in the book of the bio to help her on this. Thanks for lettingf me rant and get this out of my system and sorry so long a post. But at least she did not run like other aides have in the past. Angela Michelle Adams |