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Mom's Brother-In-Law Mickey in the last few days has got worse from what the doctors are telling his sister sence mom can not be with him because she is looking out for me. Basically the bottom line is his body is shutting down and he is dieing and there is not a thing they can do to save him. All they can do is treat the symptoms as they happen. The toctor told us it was shutting down about 3 months ago but he seemed to be getting better at the time. Thing is it is not going that way this time. Mom has fibro so it is all she can do to get up most days and take care of me let alone take care of anyone else. The doctor is saying he needs 24 hour round the clock care that mom can not do by herself here at home. We do not qualifie to get that many hours a day from now on. It is killing her to have to put him in a place where we are not at to look after him but it seems the only thing she can do. He told his sister today he saw his brother Bill standing at the foot of his bed as his sister was talking to mom. he got mad when she was asked if she could see Bill and she said no. It freaked her out. I told her if it comferted him just leave it be. For me I have to believe that is Bill looking out for him for mom. Bill was mom's husband. I also have to believe that that was his way of saying there is more to this life even after we are gone. For some odd reason I had just before that asked the Lord to give me a sign about if we were doing the right thing for Mickey. In my heart I am at peace with his maybe going to die soon but it does not make it any easyer to know how to help mom with this. Please kep my mom Linda in your prayers as she is going through this as well as Mickey they seem to need prayer more so than me right now. I come to you all because I can depend on you all to care. Thanks for your prayers in advance. Angela Michelle Adams. |