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What will the image be for? (I.e. For your port, to a story, or for a gift) ~my port What size would you like it? ~Whatever the average size is, I'm not picky as long as it's not taking up the entire page What is the idea you have for the image? (If there is anything in particular you want in it.) ~I want to have a running horse (or horses) preferably silhouetted against an evening sky or misty ground (sappy i know right?). I'd like to have "Shunka Wahkan" in one of the bottom corners and "The horse is God's gift to mankind. ~Arabian Proverb" or "Horses lend us the wings we lack. ~Author Unknown" (your choice, whatever fits best) in the opposite top corner. I like black flowy script, but whatever works best for you. and anything else you want it to focus on (i.e. color design) ~I'd like earth tones (i.e. brown, khaki, tan, forest green, etc.) or shades of blue if you can. I was thinking something like this (not this actual pic though - I don't like how it turned out) but a little more dramatic (maybe a little more scenery and not so much of a close up of the horse). http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=36006749... But, I give you full artistic license with this. If you find a pic of a horse that is not silhouetted that looks good, cool. If you find a purple background instead of a blue one, awesome (as long as there's no pink....uh! I hate pink. Thanks a lot and if you have any questions, just let me know! keefertwo |