Daily exercise, and boots (or boosts) for the muse. |
Experiencing the Senses Make a fruit salad. Find a quiet spot, away from work, kids, tv etc. Sit comfortably with the bowl on your knees, close your eyes, and breath deeply for a few minutes, taking in the scent from the bowl and dismissing any aural distractions that are unimportant. Without opening your eyes, take a piece of fruit between your fingers. Do NOT eat it. Feel it. What is its texture like? What things does it remind you of? Is it squidgy, mushy, hard, etc.,? Really let your fingers explore it. Smell it. What does it smell like? What do your fingers smell like? Do you associate any memories with it, or any images? Taste it. Lick it or suck it. Are the flavours piquant? What parts of your tongue respond to it? Do you associate any memories or images with it. Hear it. Bizarre as this sounds, you hear your food being eaten every day, and once you tune your inner ear into listening to it, you'll be surprised how loud it is! Listen to the sounds of your mouth making water, the trickle of juices down your throat, the crunch if you have a fruit with small seeds (kiwi, strawberry, etc.,). How would you describe them to someone else? See it Impossible to do with the eaten fruit, but hopefully your fruit salad will have more of the same! Take time to look at the fruit--not just the outside, but the inside corrugation that your teeth leave behind when you bite into it. Write Today, or tomorrow, try to capture those expressions that your senses spoke to you of. Write them down in what ever form you like: a poem, a list, a small descriptive piece of prose, etc. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** |